Sharyn McCrumb

Highland Laddie Gone

The third book in the Elizabeth MacPherson series, 1986

To Gavin

Whose advice and inspiration I needed…

More than Wisdom or a Drink

Here’s tae us. Wha’s like us-damn few an’ they’re a’ deid.

– Traditional Scots toast


When I am not writing mysteries I am a regional scholar, and as such I am particularly concerned with cultural patterns, dialect, etc. Therefore, when I decided to have three Scots as main characters in this book, I consulted the real thing. Dr. Gavin Faulkner, who turned out to be Scotland’s answer to Henry Higgins, guided me through hours of research, provided invaluable material on dialects, and even went along to a few Highland games to test my cultural theories. I couldn’t have done it without him.

I am also grateful to Dr. Alan Haddow (Colonel Pickering to Gavin’s Higgins) for being more help to a writer than one could reasonably expect of an engineer, and to Marcia Romano and Stephen Goldie for their help with Glaswegian. The Scots-Americans at the various Highland festivals have without exception been friendly and helpful to me in researching my book-even the Campbells. Most of the aberrations depicted herein are purely imaginary, but the cultural observations are as accurate as I was able to make them.






Scottish Field Events

Highland Parade of Clans

Dancing & Piping Competitions

Clan Hospitality Tents

Ceilidh (Scottish Pub & Dancing)

Border Collie Herding Events

Scottish Items for Sale

Glencoe Festival Craft Fair

Camping Facilities and Some

Motel Accommodations

* * * * * * * * * * * * *


Dr. G. Andrew Carson

Glencoe Mountain Games Chairman

7091 Bonnie Bell Drive

Meadow Creek, Virginia

Or: Your Local Scottish Heritage Society



A Wee Word From Heather McSkye

Lots of exciting Do’s to share with you this month! Gregory Spence (the dashing dermatologist who looks divine in a kilt) is whisking off to the auld country for a well-earned vacation. We’ll miss you at the games, Greg!

Jeff and Bitsy Lockerby (of White Oak Farms) are the proud parents of a wee bairn, Bonnie Jean, born July 25th. Congratulations to Clan Douglas on a new addition!

A tip of the tarn to Taylor McKinnon for winning first prize in country dancing at North Carolina Highland Games. (Can you believe that Babs and Ed have a college-age daughter?)

Speaking of Highland games, SCOTS WHAT HAE… the time and energy should be getting ready for next month’s Virginia Gala. This will be my first festival as a member of Clan Mac-Donald and I’m as nervous as a corbie on a high road! My husband Batair (that’s Gaelic for Walter; and he’s Dr. Hutcheson to his patients) is an old hand at this festival business, since he is in his second term as clan chief. He has arranged for Clan MacDonald to have its own tent at the games.

BRING YOUR OWN GLENLIVET!-A special thanks to that dear Betty Carson (so organized!) for heading up the hospitality committee. I’E be on hand to help her out-any more volunteers out there?

Batair and I were among the guests at Doug and Paige Stewart’s anniversary party last week. After a lovely dinner of prime rib, set on a table fit for the Bonnie Prince, we all went in to Paige’s stunning Queen Anne living room and watched slides of their trip to Scotland. They didn’t get to my old home place, but I’ve made them promise to visit it on their next trip.-Thanks to all the Highlanders here for making a newcomer to the country-and a newlywed-feel so welcome!

Note: Those with questions about the border collie herding competition, please don’t ask me! I’m completely bewildered by all creatures great and small. The person you need to talk to is the first Mrs. Walter Hutcheson, who can be reached at… (over)


Dear Elizabeth,

How are you? It’s been ages! Due to a security leak in your organization (your mom), I have obtained your address and am writing to ask a favor. (In business school they teach us to come to the point in the first paragraph.) Did you know that I’m getting my MBA at Princeton! The folks are so thrilled about it-Daddy’s plastered

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