He was polite to me, a little in awe perhaps of having the former governor come to see him, but he seemed to take no comfort from my empty phrases. Perhaps that would make it easier for both of us when the inevitable verdict came in.
“Why did he do it then?” I asked Captain Allison. I was paring the apple with my little silver knife, but I was no less attentive for that. If I cannot pace, then I think better when I focus on some small task at hand. I could tell by the expression on that careful lawyer face of his what reply was forthcoming, and I held up my hand to forestall it.
“Yes, Allison, I know. Dula is presumed innocent until those twelve scoundrels that comprise the jury say otherwise. We’ll take that as read. But we are not in court now, and there is no one in earshot of this porch to make mischief with our conversation, so just tell me why he is thought to have done it-if that phrasing suits you better.”
I do believe the captain blushed, either at my plain speaking or in contemplation of the answer he would be forced to give to my question. He hemmed and hawed for a bit, looked away, and finally mumbled, “It is woman trouble, Governor.”
I sighed. “We have a new governor in Raleigh now. It might be best to leave off calling me that before the Federals take a notion to haul me back to Capitol Prison for presumptuousness.” I wouldn’t put it past them. “Woman trouble, is it?”
He nodded unhappily. “The accused has a sordid reputation for being unchaste.”
I was glad that my mustache hid the smile I could not quite suppress. “Well, he was a soldier, Allison.”
“So were we all, Gov-er, Mr. Vance. I hope that military service did not cause us to lose the honorable principles we were taught in church and in childhood.”
“Perhaps our client did not acquire those same principles, and surely the women he associated with were not the gentle ladies we are accustomed to.”
Allison shuddered. “I should say they are not. Some of the details of this case… we shall have to clear the court of all female spectators-though why they would wish to attend in the first place, I cannot imagine.”
Well, I could. But I let that pass. “Now what exactly do you mean by woman troubles?”
Captain Allison leaned forward, hand cupped above his lips, and hissed at me, “He has the pox, sir!”
I have the honor to be married to a preacher’s daughter, who was raised in the genteel society of the Morganton planter class, so perhaps he thought I would be as easily shocked as my Harriette by such news, but I grew up in the rough-and-tumble world of the Carolina backcountry, and, after my father died, my family ran a way station for the cattle drovers who passed through Madison County. Between my association with these colorful specimens of humanity, my early career as a country lawyer, and my later years in Congress, I was quite inured to the specter of human iniquity in all its many forms.
I cannot say that I understood the impulse, though.
You might think otherwise, for, as I said, I grew up in the mountains that form Carolina’s border with Tennessee, and many of the frontier folk up there had little use for the social conventions, and I do confess that for a year or two I enjoyed the drinking and the dancing of rough-and-ready Asheville, and I’ll even admit to brawling a time or two, before I came down with the fever of ambition and went to bettering myself through education and mingling in polite society. In those days I lived up to the light I had, but it wouldn’t have been bright enough to read by.
Despite my youthful escapades, the one snare that I never got caught in was a dalliance with unsuitable women. I never let my youth and high spirits blind me to that extent to the road that lay ahead. I was intent on bettering myself, and the road to privilege is best traveled alone until you are almost there.
As pretty and winsome as a frontier girl might be at seventeen, she would have proven a millstone around my neck if I had tried to marry her and drag her, unlettered and unrefined, up to the seats of the mighty, where I was bound and determined to go. I knew better than to risk my future for the momentary pleasure of a youthful romance. I waited until I was accepted to read law with the Woodfin brothers, two prominent attorneys in Asheville, and then I began in earnest the hunt for a suitable bride.
Do not misunderstand me. I was no fortune hunter in search of an heiress, nor did I marry one. Birth and breeding were what mattered to me. My Harriette was the orphaned daughter of a Presbyterian preacher-but she was raised by a gilt-edged family of the plantation aristocracy in Morganton. It was not money that I was after. I needed a well-born young woman, cultured and socially acceptable to the frontier Brahmin. She would see my potential to make something of myself, and I would honor her for her gentility, and aspire to live up to her standards. She would be my guide and my mentor among those “quality folks,” whose ranks I had been determined to join since my days as a clerk at the resort hotel in Warm Springs.
I came from a good family myself-it was only the poverty caused by father’s early death that put me at a disadvantage. But my mother meant for her seven children to succeed in life, and so when I was nearly twenty, she sold our drovers’ inn in Lapland, and moved us to a modest frame house in Asheville. The town of Asheville had been built upon land purchased from Mother’s family, the Bairds, and from my paternal grandfather David Vance, who had fought in the Revolution. In Asheville, if nowhere else on earth, I could count myself a prince.
I think John Woodfin took me on as a pupil to read law on account of that pedigree. I do not know what else he could have seen in a raw-boned youth from the hills. In addition to the Bairds and Grandfather Vance, the war hero, I was kin to the Erwins of Morganton through my mother’s mother Hannah Erwin. Woodfin set a store by that, because he and his brother Nicholas had married two McDowell sisters from Morganton, and kinship with the Erwins and the McDowells connected you to everybody who was anybody west of Raleigh. I knew that my association with the Woodfin family would give me an entree into that frontier aristocracy, and it was there that I proposed to seek a wife. Morganton is forty miles east of Asheville and outside the mountains. Like water, money and power seem to flow downhill, so the closer one gets to the flatlands, the more of it there is.
Presentable young men with prospects are at a premium in the Carolina backcountry, and so a few months after I began my association with the Woodfins, I was invited to a formal party at Quaker Meadows, the McDowells’ elegant home in Morganton. It was there that my fellow law student Augustus Merrimon introduced me to the McDowells’ ward, Miss Harriette Espy, orphaned in infancy, and raised by the McDowells, so that, while she was not an heiress, her social connections were like threads of spun gold. The tiny young lady standing by the punch bowl, silver ladle in hand, was auburn-haired with earnest gray eyes and a kind face.
“You are reading the law?” she said, after the introductions had been effected. “Oh, what a noble calling!”
“Well, that doesn’t relieve the tedium too awful much,” I said, trying to balance a plate in one hand and a cup of punch in the other. I felt like a mule in a choir loft.
She ignored the jest. “I do so admire a learned man, sir. My own dear, departed father studied at the Princeton Theological Seminary. I shall pray for your success, Mr. Vance.”
I had recently decided to leave the Woodfins’ tutelage and attend the University of North Carolina, and so I played on the heartstrings of this pious young lady, telling her that I should soon be far from home and friendless, and assuring her that entering into a correspondence with my unworthy self would be an act of Christian charity.
The courtship wasn’t all smooth sailing, for Miss Espy ran a tight ship when it came to piety, decorum, and, most especially, absolute fidelity. Why, before we had exchanged no more than a handshake and a sheaf of letters, I nearly lost her, when that infernal stick-insect Merrimon told her that I had been paying addresses to another young lady-an incident that occurred months before I even met Miss Espy, mind you, but she wrote me a letter that would have frozen a bonfire, telling me that our association was at an end, but that she would pray for me. Well, I deserved a law degree just for being able to talk my way out of that one, for it was the hardest case for the defense I ever had. (At least until the matter of Thomas Dula.) But in the end I carried the day with Miss Harriette, and on August 2, 1853, in the Presbyterian Church in Morganton, Miss Espy became Mrs. Zebulon Baird Vance, before God and a host of frontier gentry, whose approval at last I had won.
Forever after, folks said that Harriette was the apple of my eye, and so she was, for like that apple in the Garden of Eden that imparted wisdom to our first parents, so my Harriette bestowed the wisdom of civilization upon me-the gift of powerful friends and the wit to use our connections to advance my career. Indeed I treasured her-but to return to the metaphor of Eden, I am mindful that