‘Only in a biblical context,’ she said, sitting up thoughtfully. ‘In the Book of Genesis, God made a pact - a covenant - with Abraham. In return for acknowledging God - Yahweh, or Jehovah, depending how you translate the original Hebrew Tetragrammaton - as the one true and supreme deity, Abraham’s descendants would be granted everlasting ownership and rule of the land on which they lived.’

‘This Abraham’s not the one who sang about the Smurfs, I take it.’

‘Hardly. Didn’t you ever go to Sunday school when you were a kid?’

‘My nan tried to make me a few times. I’d just hang about until she’d gone, then bugger off to play with my mates.’

‘Y’know, that explains a lot . . . Anyway, Abraham’s a key figure in all three major religions that came out of the Holy Land: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In fact, they’re collectively called the Abrahamic religions, after him.’

‘That’s what I like about you,’ said Chase. ‘It’s always an education.’

‘I do my best. Even if it’s an uphill struggle.’


Nina grinned, then continued. ‘The three Abrahamic religions actually share a lot of common elements. The Jewish Torah is essentially the same as the first five books of the Old Testament, and the Koran regards the Torah and the Bible as holy books. As far as Genesis goes, the Koran has quite a lot of differences in the specifics, but the fundamental story’s the same - Adam and Eve, the expulsion from paradise, the Great Flood, Abraham . . . they’re all there, just interpreted differently by the three religions.’

‘Yeah, and hasn’t that caused trouble over the years.’

‘My fiance, master of understatement. But as for what the Abrahamic covenant’s got to do with an artefact we found on the other side of the world, I’ve got absolutely no idea.’ She glanced at the memory card, which sat in the Castro cigar-box holder, half hidden by coins. ‘The language on the tablet wasn’t related to any used by the three religions, even the most ancient forms of Hebrew. And besides, the depth we found it at shows that it predates any of them by a long way. So why the Covenant of Genesis?’

‘Maybe they were big fans of Phil Collins,’ Chase suggested.

Nina managed a small laugh, then shook her head in puzzlement. ‘I don’t get it. What did the tablet say that was so dangerous to them that they’d try to kill us over it?’

‘You said it was some sort of chart,’ Chase reminded her. ‘Maybe we can figure out where it goes.’

‘But I don’t know how they measured distances. The numbers could be feet, miles, stadia, moon units . . . anything!’

‘Won’t know unless we try, will we?’ He stood, took Nina’s hand and led her to the small room she used as a study, picking up the memory card along the way.

Once Nina’s iMac was booted up, she copied the photos to it. ‘Maybe we should put that in a safety deposit box or something,’ she said of the card, not entirely joking.

‘Why’d you tell Rothschild that it got blanked?’

‘Because I don’t trust her. And not just because I don’t like her, either. She’s a friend of Ribbsley’s, and she did everything she could to play down the idea that he told someone I had the text. I wouldn’t put it past her to let him know that I still do. Oh, oh, and get this,’ she added excitedly, ‘I tried calling Ribbsley myself. And guess what? He’s suddenly become “unavailable”. Not even his college knows when he’s coming back. Kind of a coincidence, huh?’

‘He’s probably scared you might go to Cambridge and deck him.’

‘I was tempted, believe me. Okay, let’s see . . .’ She opened the close-up of the tablet, pointing out the different elements she had noticed. ‘These are the Atlantean numbers, with the compass bearings in front of them, and then I think these sections of text describe each successive destination. Only problem is, I’ve got no clue how to translate them.’

Chase examined the image. ‘Have you got that sea level program on here?’

‘GLUG? Yeah.’

‘Bring it up, put in the sea level from a hundred and thirty-five thousand years back. If it’s directions, it’ll help if we’re looking at the right map.’

Nina gave him an admiring glance. ‘Smart man.’

‘I’ll remember you said that, next time you tell me off for watching action movies.’

She ran the program and entered the figures, the sea level round Indonesia dropping by a hundred feet and causing islands to rise and swell, then placed a marker at the co-ordinates where the tablet was discovered. ‘All right,’ she said, flicking back to the digital photo, ‘if we assume for now that the dig site is the start point, then the first direction is between south and southwest.’ A look at the other bearings on the tablet narrowed things down. ‘These dots, they appear in groups of a maximum of eight, just like the Atlantean system. So if there are eight sub-bearings in each compass octant, that makes eight sets of eight, plus the eight cardinal bearings . . .’

‘Seventy-two,’ said Chase. ‘Just in case you needed any help.’

‘I think I can manage. So their navigational system worked to an accuracy of seventy-two “degrees” to a circle, meaning each dot equals five degrees. In which case,’ she said, going back to the map, ‘the first number takes you on a bearing of two hundred and ten degrees, which takes you . . .’

‘Here.’ Chase indicated a point. ‘That’s the first place where you’d reach land.’ He took a large atlas from a shelf and found the pages covering Indonesia. ‘Nearest town today would be this place, Merak.’ It was west of Jakarta, a headland marking the boundary between the Java Sea and the Sunda Strait, which separated the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Java. He compared the paper map to the one on the computer. ‘The strait was a lot narrower back then.’

‘A hell of a lot,’ Nina agreed. ‘There’s only really one place where you’d be able to sail through, this channel here.’ She compared the two maps. ‘And it’s right on a bearing of two hundred and ten degrees from where we found the tablet!’

‘That’s a good start. So where next?’

Nina worked out the next bearing. ‘This direction, to the triangle-thing.’

‘What triangle-thing?’ Chase asked.

Nina moved the mouse cursor to it. ‘This triangle-thing. With the flower or the tree or whatever on top of it.’

‘You mean the volcano?’

She looked at him, surprised. ‘What?’

‘Well, it’s obviously a volcano, isn’t it? It’s a drawing of a mountain with smoke coming out - what else could it be?’

Nina slapped herself on the forehead. ‘I am such an idiot! How did I not see it?’ She zoomed in on the image. ‘I was so fixated on the idea of its being a symbolic character that I didn’t even think it might just be a simple pictogram.’ Another comparison of the two maps. ‘So, a volcano, which volcano . . .’

‘The really famous one?’ Chase suggested with a smile. ‘Krakatoa.’ He pointed it out in the atlas. What remained of the obliterated volcanic island lay at the centre of the southern half of the Sunda Strait.

‘That works for me.’ Nina quickly found another book and leafed through it to show Chase a nineteenth- century woodcut illustration: an almost cartoon-perfect volcanic cone, smoke rising in a plume from the summit. ‘The largest volcano on Krakatoa used to be huge. It’d make an unmissable landmark if you were travelling by sea.’

‘Well, if it really is using Krakatoa as a landmark,’ said Chase, ‘then you can work out all the distances, can’t you? If it says Krakatoa’s three hundred zogs or whatever from where we started, it should be a piece of piss to convert that into miles. Seeing as you’ve already got the directions, you’ll be able to work out exactly where it takes you.’

‘Again, smart man. I knew there was a reason why I wanted to marry you.’

‘I thought it was the screaming orgasms?’

‘Very funny. But let’s figure this out . . .’

Several minutes of work with pen, paper and protractor yielded a result, the course laid out by the ancient tablet travelling through the Sunda Strait and round the headland at the westernmost tip of Java, before crossing the expanse of the eastern Indian Ocean to . . .

‘Australia,’ Nina said, tapping the country’s North West Cape just above the Tropic of Capricorn. ‘That’s

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