Wilkins sighed. 'Guess this explains why I couldn't feel my legs, huh?'

Julia's eyes stung. Of all the people to do this to, why Wilkins? She thought about what a dedicated family man he was, about how much he lived for and loved his wife and children. He didn't deserve this.

Mick looked up at Julia. 'We got Kendall to thank for this as well?'


Mick nodded. Julia watched his eyes take on that faraway stare again and she knew Kendall was as good as dead the moment Mick caught sight of him. She couldn't blame Mick at all.

'So, what are we going to do about this, boss?'

Julia shook her head. 'I wish I had something good to tell you, Wilkins. Fact is, I don't have the slightest clue.'

Wilkins looked at Mick. 'At least she doesn't try to bullshit about stuff she doesn't know about.'

'She's always impressed me as being very self-aware,' said Mick. 'But unfortunately, she's right. We can't transport you like this. Even if we had necessary machines to keep you going, there's no way we could guarantee your safety.'

Wilkins frowned. 'These things are probably keeping me alive, huh?'

'Looks that way.'

'But why? Why would they do this and then leave me here?'

Julia turned. Had she heard something?

Mick shook his head. 'I don't know.'

Julia looked at him. She felt pretty sure that they were going to do something similar to Wilkins as they'd done to Nung. Some type of horrible transplant that would no doubt strip Wilkins of the very last vestiges of his humanity.

He'd become a monster.

'Well, obviously, they aren't finished with me.' Wilkins tried to grin. 'Guess that means I'm at least sticking around for the near future.'

Julia tried to smile but it didn't take. 'Yeah.'

Wilkins smiled now. 'Hey boss, sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Don't sweat it. Besides, there are some pluses to me being like this.'

Julia looked up. 'There are?'

'Sure. Imagine the great grades my kids will get when they wheel me in as their science experiment. Easy A's.'

Julia's eyes stung even more. 'Dammit, we've got to do something about this.' She looked at Mick. 'Any ideas?'

'Not a one.'

She turned again. Another sound.

This one closer.

Mick caught her gaze. 'What's up?'

'I think we're going to have company.'

She raised the laser rifle.

Wilkins cleared his throat. 'You guys think you could maybe watch where you shoot that thing? I don't need any stray laser blasts fucking my machinery up. I've only had it a short time but I'm kinda fond of it right now.'

There it was again. Definitely outside the door.

They knew where they were.

And when she heard the voice, she cringed and shrank back lifting the gun into her shoulder.

'Julia? Mick? It's Kendall.'

'Fuck,' said Mick. He looked at Julia. 'Shoot that prick the second you see him come through that door.'

'I wouldn't do that if I was you.'

'That's only because you'd have something worse planned,' said Julia. 'Why shouldn't I kill you?'

'I'm going to open the door now. But don't kill me. At least not until you've had a chance to hear me out.'

'What could you possibly say to make us not want to see you begging for mercy while we pummel your brains out?' asked Mick.

'Let me come in and I'll tell you.'

Mick looked at Julia and shrugged.

Julia sighed.

It was up to her.

She looked at Wilkins again and made sure the image of what Kendall had wrought was firmly entrenched in her mind. She thought about his wife and kids again and how they might never see their dad again because of the twisted machinations of a truly deranged psychotic like Kendall.

And when she had that anger locked in place — her heart cold to any please Kendall might make, she turned back to the door to the chamber and took a deep breath.

'All right Kendall. Come on in.'

'You sure?'


There was a pause. She could feel Kendall considering the decision. Had he been so sure about Julia that he was willing to risk his life on it?

The door slid open.

Kendall stood there with his arms out to the sides showing he was unarmed.

Mick pointed at him. 'Turn around nice and slow.'

Kendall did as he was told. Mick peered closer but couldn't see anything so he nodded at Julia. 'He looks clean.'

'He'll never be that,' said Julia.

'Are we done?' asked Kendall. He glanced over his shoulder at them.

'Come in,' said Julia.

Kendall put his arms down and walked into the chamber. He looked at Julia and Mick first and then his attention was drawn to Wilkins, laying on the gurney giving him the middle finger.

'That's not necessary.'

'Fuck you,' said Wilkins. 'You're lucky they took my legs or I would kick your ass from here to next Tuesday.'

'Always such a need to resort immediately to violence,' said Kendall. 'That's the whole problem with the human race.'

Julia aimed the rifle at him. 'Keep spouting bullshit and I will fry what's left of that twisted heart of yours.'

Kendall regarded her. 'How are you feeling Julia?'


That seemed to amuse him. 'Really. I guess they've gotten better at those operations in recent years. My, you should have seen some of them before. Those poor women would walk out of here — for lack of a better term, that is — and never be able to have children again. Those were the lucky ones. Others developed cervical and ovarian cancer. They never knew why. In fact, I'd be willing to bet a fair amount of money on the fact that most of the cancer cases doctors see today aren't the result of poor diet or lack of exercise at all.' His eyes gleamed. 'But rather they're due to the influence of the visitors.'

'Great,' said Mick. 'So, when we nuke the living shit out of this place, we'll be helping mankind battle cancer, too. Sounds like a win-win situation.'

Kendall frowned. 'Your little boy army antics are so juvenile. You haven't grasped anything, have you? You don't have the vaguest notion about how grand this plan is and what it encompasses.'

'Gee,' said Mick, 'I guess I was more interested in trying to save the lives of people I consider my friends. Unlike you, I don't sacrifice everything near and dear to me for some twisted plan.'

'They were never near and dear to me. None of you were. What you were was expendable. Naturally, I didn't anticipate having this much trouble getting you all here, but then again, I wasn't counting on our newest bestest pal

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