faded, but something worse took its place.

I’ve been thinking about your house, and I just may have come up with a solution to our living- space problems.

And what’s that?

I don’t want to go into it until I check some things out.

What things?

Well, I’ll need to look it over carefully, but-

My God, what had I gotten myself into?

I shook my head to clear it, tried a few deep-breathing exercises. They didn’t work. I was glad when it was time to go back to the hospital.

“Just leave me the hell alone,” the thin, poorly kempt woman said.

All I’d done was set down my tray-more coffee, another snack-across the table from her. I looked closely at her face, saw eyes with dilated pupils and facial muscles drawn taut with strain. A relative of a patient with a life- threatening condition? No, she wore scrubs and a nametag.

“Sorry.” I picked up the tray, turned.

She muttered something unintelligible.

A hand on my arm. I looked around at a kind-eyed, dark-haired woman in blue scrubs. “Come sit with me,” she said, and led me to a nearby table.

“What was that all about?” I asked.

She sighed, sat down, nodded at the place opposite her. “What d’you think?”

“I don’t know. I only came today from the registry.”

“Well, she’s up to her old tricks, and pretty soon she’ll be outta here for good.”


The woman hesitated, then her eyes flashed with anger. “Yeah. She’s been through the rehab program once, and one chance is all you get.”

“Too bad.” I glanced over at the thin woman. She was crumbling the bread from a sandwich into tiny pieces and casting narrow-eyed glances at us.

“Yeah, it’s too bad. She used to be a good nurse, till she started forging prescriptions.” The dark-haired woman’s mouth closed firmly; she’d realized she’d said too much to an outsider.

I said, “My name’s Patsy Newhouse, by the way.”

“Barbara Fredrick.” She extended her hand. “How’s it going so far?”

“Okay. This is a nice place, people are friendly. My aunt always said so.”

“Your aunt worked here?”

“Yes, maybe you remember her-Josie Smith. In ER.”

“Josie?” The smile took on a frozen quality.

“She started here the year the hospital opened.”

“… Right. But she left a year later.”

“D’you know where she went after that?”

“She’s your aunt, and you don’t know where she is?”

“She broke off all contact with the family about that time.”

“Oh.” Barbara Fredrick looked down into her coffee cup. “That’s a shame. I liked Josie.”

“Were you a friend of hers?”

“Not really. She was kind of a private person.”

“Why’d she leave, d’you know?”

Fredrick shrugged. “I guess she just needed to move on.”

“Is there anybody else on staff who might’ve known her well?”

She thought, compressing her lips. “As I said, she was kind of a loner, didn’t socialize much, but she had one friend on the staff, Debra Jansen. I think she mentioned to me that Josie had moved after the-”

“After what?”

Fredrick ignored the question, finished her coffee.

I asked, “Does Debra Jansen still work here?”

“No. She retired and moved away about seven, eight years ago. I think she and her husband bought a place up in Grass Valley.”

Grass Valley-an old Gold Rush town in the Sierra foothills, now a popular destination for both retirees and people attempting to escape the crowded Sacramento and Bay areas. The last time I’d driven through the area, the proliferation of malls and subdivisions had attested to the concept that when you move you take your baggage with you.

I said, “Do you have a phone number for Debra Jansen, or an address?”

Fredrick was about to rise from the table, but she paused, looking into my eyes. “No, I don’t. But if you do locate her and talk about your aunt, you should remember this: people make mistakes. Josie’s was a bad one, but mistakes happen.”

“A bad mistake? Did somebody die?” I didn’t know why I asked that particular question, but I saw confirmation of its answer on Fredrick’s troubled face.

She looked at her watch, grasped her tray, and stood. “I’ve got to get back. Good luck.”

Remember this: people make mistakes.

Josie’s was a bad one.

“How’s your head?” I asked Patrick.

“Still hurts. I can’t believe I needed stitches.” He was stretched out on his back on the bed in his motel room, looking pale and squinting in the light from the TV.

“What in God’s name did you do to that woman?”

“My assailant? Damned if I know. One minute she was beating me at pool, next she was beating me with her cue.”

“You must’ve said or done something.”

He rolled his head against the pillow and winced. “Not that I remember.”

A rap at the door. I went to answer it, let Hy inside. He hugged me, turned to Patrick, and said, “Still feel like shit, huh?”


“Women, whiskey, and wildness’ll do that to you.”

“Woman, beer, and what I thought was a civilized pool game. You talk to the cops?”

“I did. Seems this sort of episode is business as usual with Crazy Mary.”


“The lady who bashed you. She was winning, you wanted to quit, she took offense.”

“Well, have they arrested her?”


Outraged, Patrick tried to struggle into a sitting position, but fell back against the pillows. “Why not?”

“Because she fled the scene, and they haven’t been able to locate her. Plus I told them you didn’t want to press charges.”


“You don’t. I guarantee it.”

“Why not?”

“Because Crazy Mary is not only a pool shark, but a habitual filer of nuisance suits. Gets into altercations, takes her victims and her sleazebag lawyer to court, and lies-convincingly. She’ll manage to turn this one around, say you sexually harassed her, and keep it tied up in the courts for years.”

I exclaimed, “I hate litigious people!”

Hy looked at me, lines around his eyes crinkling in sympathy with my anger. “Me too, McCone, but what’s to be done? Your health plan’ll cover the costs of this doofus’s injuries”-he motioned at Patrick-“and he’ll never mess with anybody like Crazy Mary again.”

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