He looked up. 'Rita! Karen's itching like crazy. Did you take her off Novabliss?'
'I cut the dose as per your suggestion.'
'Right, and it's great to hear her making plans again, but now she's itching-'
'I'll go see her. Come along.'
Rita's tendency was to outrun him, and what the hell, he knew the way. But she glanced back and then waited. 'How's the leg?'
'I did eight blocks last night.'
'I guess we can take the cast off after we see Karen.'
'I've been reading about hydraulic empires.'
Silence: she was fishing through her head. 'Sol system? That old tenthyear lecture? It's a reason why we can't go back, but that's just mind games, Jeremy. Anyone can think of reasons why we shouldn't do what we can't do anyway.'
'Suppose a government didn't control water. Just speckles.'
A disgusted look; then Rita Nogales walked away from him. She held the lift. They descended in silence. She walked away from him again, outside, in, another lift, and he reached Karen's room a good ten minutes behind her.
It was too active. Something was wrong. Four doctors crowded the room, and one left at a half-run. Jeremy backed against the corridor wall and, resting on his crutches, waited.
Rita Nogales noticed him and came out. 'Jeremy, did Karen have trouble controlling her weight?'
'After all, we live at Wave Rider. She just eats a lot of Destiny sea life if she needs to lose a few kilos. So do I.'
'Was she doing that a week ago?'
'I don't know.''
'All right. Right now Karen's getting all the attention she can stand, right? The whole damn hospital's worrying about her. They don't need a twitchy husband on crutches getting in their way,' she said, and walked away fast. Over her shoulder she added, 'Go eat. Go home. Go read, but don't block any doctors.'
Now there were two doctors in there with Karen. One saw Jeremy still there, and came out. His label said Malcolm Evans. He was having trouble keeping his smile on.
'Don't let all this... activity worry you,' he said. 'Karen is rejecting superskin, that's all, but it's not supposed to happen. Maybe this batch threw off a sport. Clinics keep batches of superskin all over Destiny Town and on up the Road. Nogales is off to get a different batch for, uh, Karen, and Waither is phoning patients who got superskin from Batch One, so you can s-' Evans caught a gesture from the other doctor and turned away without finishing the sentence.
Jeremy couldn't concentrate. He had to read it twice, though the idea wasn't complicated.
A population to be experimented upon would be split. The control experiment was the group to which nobody did anything. These were the rats that didn't ingest carcinogens, didn't have to run mazes with traps in them, weren't bothered by flashing lights or loud noises. The patients who got placebos instead of medicine. You watched for differences between the control group and the experimental group.
The lives we're trying to carve from this wilderness would be a risk even if Argos had not deserted us!
Base One is thriving, they tell us. They're living according to the guidelines laid down for Argos Project in Sol system. Isolated on a peninsula with the Neck blocked, they're safe from whatever Destiny life might throw at them, with one horrifying exception.
Fatum mortem parnelli is our prison. We must live within range 0f the planet's only known potassium source, inside a maze 0f twisty little Destiny ecologies, all different. Granted that nothing has come after us yet: the lesson 0f Avalon seems clear enough. Trust nothing in an unfamiliar environment.
I propose to designate Base One as a control experiment, where the primary experiment is Terminus. Establish an Overview Bureau. Give it authority over the Crab: Base One and Haunted Bay and whatever communities arise elsewhere. Whatever risks we take here, the larger population will survive provided that we can secure the Crab's speckles supply. .
-Will Coffey, Hydroponics
Idiot. How could he conceivably expect to do that? The caravan system-Coffey's proposal-was only as good as the Windfarm and Terminus. If either failed- Terminus hadn't failed; it had fissioned. Destiny Town was thriving. But what of Spiral Town?
A couple of generations of a control experiment might have made sense. Two and a half centuries later, why on Earth would they still need a control experiment?
He'd come to the library looking for distraction and found this!
-was two doors up from Medical. They still had charge of the Crab, Spiral Town, the Road towns, Haunted Bay and Otterfolk and all. He could walk there, but why bother?
A government bureau was not likely to give up its authority over anything. From Destiny Town's viewpoint, bringing Spiral Town into civilization would only risk the flow of Begley cloth, clocks, and handicrafts down the Road.
Destiny Town hadn't failed. The Windfarm would!
Twenty-seven years ago Andrew Dowd would have killed all the prisoners and left nobody to harvest the speckles. Dolores Nogales had wanted to shoot up the toolshed. There would be other revolts, other escapes
When the speckles flow stopped, it wouldn't be Destiny Town that went speckles-shy.
Jeremy made his way to Karen's room.
Only Rita Nogales was on duty. Karen was asleep. Her burns were covered with new patches of superskin.
Jeremy took the bus back to Harlow's.
Whatever risks we take, the larger population will survive, provided that we can secure Base One's speckles supply. .
-Will Coffey, Hydroponics
It was an invitation to disaster, cooking a dinner in someone else's kitchen. It worked partly because he had Harlow to tell him where the tools were kept.
There was that one moment of disorientation when Harlow began taking vegetables, bacon, and a calf's liver out of half-invisible envelopes all the same size. He lurched over to study the things.
'These come out of a machine that used to be mounted in Cavorite,' Harlow said, laughing at his astonishment. 'Thousands a day. We feed it sand. We feed the bags back in too. Don't you have...' She trailed off.