He quoted a price well within the credits Zurzal had transferred to Jofre's new account and for the first time Jofre made use of that ever-present aid to off-world living.
Their selections were bundled into a sack in a hurry as if the salesman did not want it seen that such dingy wares were going out of his shop, and they returned to the open street.
They were passing by one open-fronted shop where there was a sprouting of tables edging out into the thoroughfare and for each some stools. The aroma of food was strong enough to combat and defeat the scents wafting from a place of perfumes across the way.
Jofre nodded towards one of the tables. 'It smells good,' he said simply. For it did, better somehow than the exotic dishes which were constantly offered them at the inn. Taynad gave a heavy sniff and then showed him again that very fleeting smile.
'So it does, and no Shadow food either. Yes, let us try it to see if it tastes as good as it smells.'
They seated themselves at one of the tables, Jofre allowing the package of weapons to lie on the floor between his feet, and consulted the menu printed in trade and displayed as part of the tabletop between them.
Not too far away a woman in a spacer's uniform chose a table and settled into a seat there. The occupant who was already there greeted her with a nod. He was humanoid to about the fifth degree, but his heavily furred body, erect pointed ears, and wide well-toothed mouth, showed he did not share his companion's Terran breed.
'Those then.' He did not look at Jofre and Taynad, and his voice was very soft, nearly a growl.
'Those. I pass them on to you, Lenoil. She wants them well watched. And do not take them lightly, they are. of a trained-for-fighting breed—the most feared on their home world.'
'One world among many,' her companion replied. 'We all have our champions. Sometimes such do not survive—'
'No! No interference with them, only watching,' the woman said swiftly. 'Watch and report—you are staying at the Auroa as are they; therefore, you have better chance to keep an eye on them. Be sure that eye is ever there.'
THE ZACATHAN WALKED IN UPON A SCENE OF concentrated industry. His three companions were seated on the floor and each was busy. The Jat was drawing back and forth through a length of oil-stained cloth a supple chain. Beside him Taynad honed the narrow blade of a very small knife and opposite them both Jofre was fitting another chain, thicker, well able to support such a burden, with a series of wicked-looking hooks, pausing now and then to test his work with a swing or two of the metal line.
'Luck, Learned One?' They had all three looked up at his coming but it was Jofre who asked that.
'As yet none. Almost one could believe that there was some pattern we are not able to understand—' He paused as if not knowing just how to put his thoughts into words.
'A warn off by the Patrol!' Jofre suggested.
'I hardly think so. We seek Free Traders, and they do not take kindly to official warning unless those are delivered with force. Two such ships have planeted within the last ten days. One is already chartered by a party of engineer-techs to transport them and their equipment to Helga. The other carries no passengers and is mainly an asteroid mining ferry.'
'It may be a long wait, Learned One.' Taynad had not halted work on her knife while she listened. 'It seems you deal with the whims of fortune now and that is always sheer chance.'
'Yet there is no better place to await any transportation than here,' Zurzal returned. 'I have spread the word as to what I wish. And this is on route to Lochan—which is why I chose it as a base in the beginning. Have you consulted those?' He indicated the three tapes lying on the tabletop beside the reader.
'It seems a place about which very little is known,' Taynad commented, 'if that is all which we have to consult, Learned One.'
'A barren land,' Jofre struck in, not that that was any deterrent as far as he was concerned. The northern stretches of Asborgan were certainly sere and stripped enough. 'It seems to be mainly desert—'
'As far as we know. Yes, that is all the information on file,' Zurzal assented. 'It does not have too promising a reputation—there is no great trade to be found there— small stuff—some .strange furs, odd minerals—'
Taynad fitted the newly sharpened knife into a small sheath of her own devising, one actually woven from strands of her hair. 'Then why should anyone go there—or is it that this Lochan might have other uses for outworlders— a hidden base, perhaps?'
'Guild dealings?' Zurzai shook his head. 'It was well combed for any off-world activity after the failure of Desmond's expedition. There is no defense against Patrol sensors, unless the establishment would be a major one and Lochan certainly could not support such.'
'Treasure?' Taynad submitted another surmise.
'Not the kind which would draw the average trader. Though it was the matter of some artifacts turning up in the cargo of such a one which first directed us to Lochan. What we seek there is another kind of treasure than would draw Guild interest—knowledge. There is good reason to think there may be one of the Forerunner respositories there.'
'The Guild seeks knowledge, too—' Taynad commented. 'Is it not rumored that they discover what they can which may be put to their own uses?'
'The scanner!' Jofre had fastened his last hook and was coiling the chain to accommodate those additions.
'Which will not serve them,' Zurzal answered. 'We learned long ago to protect our tools from wrongful use. Were any other to attempt to use the scanner, it would destruct. That is built into every tool of the sort which we lift from our own world.'
'How long a wait then, Learned One, until such a ship as you wish sets down here?'