Research Press, 2000).
For an interesting book about ideas and ownership, see:
Ben Klemens,
Lojban information, including learning materials and grammars, can be found at
The Klingons, the Conlangers, and the Art of Language
The study of native Esperanto speakers referred to in the discussion of irregularity is:
Benjamin K. Bergen, “Nativization Processes in L1 Esperanto,”
The story of Sebeok’s analysis of the nuclear waste problem is in Eco’s book. Sebeok’s actual report, “Communication Measures to Bridge Ten Millennia” (1984), can be ordered from the National Technical Information Service ( ).
Information about Tolkien comes from:
Humphrey Carpenter,
Descriptions and histories of many conlangs can be found at
Appendix A: The List of Languages
This list of languages is mostly culled from:
Aleksandr Dulichenko,
This book is at the Library of Congress and a few university libraries.
Dulichenko, in turn, has culled from:
Louis Couturat and Leopold Leau,
At many university libraries.
Ernest Drezen,
Very hard to find.
Marcel Monnerot-Dumaine,
Held at many university libraries.
Petr Stojan,
Very hard to find.
Appendix B: Language Samples
The language samples were collected from original works, as well as from Dulichenko and from:
Mario Pei,
The languages captured my interest; the people behind the languages reeled me in. If someone could figure out how to carve this amazing mountain of raw material into a story, I thought, what a great story it would be. I was foolhardy enough to think I was up to the task.
I was certainly not up to it when I began, but I was fortunate enough to have people who knew what they were doing on my side: my uncle Danny, who gave me the straight truth about my feeble early attempts, and my agent, Chuck Verrill, who knew exactly how to turn an
I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to my editor, Tina Pohl-man, who is both a sharp-eyed professional
I received invaluable feedback and encouragement from Amanda Pollak, Michael Silverstein, and Nicole Juday. And the book would not have been possible without the many people who answered my questions and shared their stories with me: Shirley McNaughton, Ann Running, Paul Marshall, Douglas Everingham, Richard Ure, Ann Weilgart, Andrea Patten, John Clifford, Bob LeChevalier, Nora Tansky, Jennifer Brown, Joy Barnes, Evy Anderson, Hazel Morgan, Bob Mclvor, Joseph Vandiver, Charles Robbins, Mark Shoulson, Marc Okrand, Lawrence