Lincoln’s Inn Fields. He finds Malefactor nearby in a little lane, sitting on a rusted-out, overturned rain barrel against the back of a building, his Irregulars scattered along the wall. His moth-eaten top hat is perched at that jaunty angle on his sweaty hair, his tail-coat folded neatly beside him. In his hand is a notebook, one Sherlock has often seen him scribbling in. The outlaw enjoys inventing numerical problems to see if he can solve them. Sometime in his mysterious past, he had learned this: studied mathematics and been a whiz. “It keeps the mind sharp” he often says. “Prepares one’s brain for the challenges of life.” Though long aware that Sherlock is approaching, he simply glances up when the tall, thin boy nears and then looks down at his numbers again. It was made perfectly clear that he would provide the fugitive with no more help. All he expects tonight is information.
Sherlock may hang if he doesn’t find the East End fiend, so he summons his courage and asks his question – carefully.
“I … need to know if anyone heard anything on the night of the murder. Could the Irregulars make enquiries in the East End?”
The brilliant young criminal gets to his feet and crosses his arms.
“Where’s the girl?” He doesn’t sound pleased.
“She couldn’t be with us this evening.”
The crime boss doesn’t find that funny. He studies Sherlock’s face.
“You should not be drawing her into this sort of trouble. I wouldn’t.”
“She wants to be involved.”
“She believes in justice.”
Malefactor laughs. “I doubt she’s a fool.”
“She’s a caring human being.”
The boy in the tall hat appears ready to deliver a punch. He stops himself by an obvious effort of will. He demands his report. Sherlock tells him what he’s learned, picking and choosing details to reveal, hoping it is enough to please. When he is done, Malefactor regards him like a king deciding if his life should be spared, if any of this information is worthwhile putting into the Irregulars’ vast mental log of underworld activities. Inquiries in the East End? It is
“I’ll do this one thing … for the girl.”
Sherlock stays out all night. He keeps pondering the murder victim. He has to know who she is and he has to know now. He needs to read his kind of papers.
He’s been thinking about how many days have passed and by his calculations this is a Sunday morning. That gives him an idea. Before the sun rises he carefully makes his way toward the vendors he knows near Trafalgar Square.
Most of the newsboys, whether young or ancient, consider him a nuisance. In the past, he’s attempted to steal papers when he couldn’t find what he wanted in a bin. They’d spot him trying and pretend to call the police. One, who owned a bull terrier with a dark circle around its eye, once set that vicious brute upon him.
But there is one seller who is different, a poor legless chap with a misshapen face named Dupin, who sits on a low stool behind a rough, homemade wooden kiosk to hawk his papers, pitifully trying to look as respectable as he can. His deeply-lined face has been twisted from birth, his mouth constantly shows its yellow teeth – it is often hard to tell if he is happy or sad. Sherlock has seen him many times going home after work, transporting himself on a dirty little wooden platform with small iron wheels, his torso and the tools of his trade strapped to the surface. Dupin propels himself with hands protected by filthy, fingerless gloves, appearing like half a man – a ragged suit, a tie, a face, and a crushed bowler hat. He and the boy have spoken many times.
“Master Sherlock ’olmes?” he says in surprise in his raspy way, somehow knowing to keep his voice down as he notices the boy coming out of the shadows and drawing near. The cripple focuses to make sure he isn’t being deceived. He is struggling to erect his big, torn umbrella over his crude little table and can’t quite make it bloom. “You looks like a ’ellhound is after you, you do.”
“That’s about right,” says Sherlock.
The tall, thin boy grips the umbrella by the stem and shoves it open.
“’eard you was in jail.”
“You heard correctly.” Sherlock is glancing around, keeping his head down.
The cripple looks up at the gangly lad. As usual, there is sympathy in his eyes. Sherlock marvels at this man: how he can care about others despite his lot in life.
“I’m wagerin’ this ain’t no social visit.”
“I need a favor.”
“For a million crowns, you’ve got it, guvna.”
Dupin has a peculiar hobby. Most newsboys can’t wait to dump their extra papers the minute their day is over, but he keeps a copy of every issue he’s ever sold of both the glorious
A month’s collection of papers is always near his side at his barrow and when he isn’t shouting “
Sherlock speaks quickly.
“I need what you have about the Whitechapel murder.”
“Need it?” The cripple’s expression narrows. “You mixed up in that someways?”
The boy shakes his head. “No. Others have mixed me into it.”
“That will be a million crowns,” says the little man quietly and moves to a stack of papers behind his cart:
“Thank –”
“Be off with you, Master ’olmes.”
Sherlock walks quickly back to Montague Street, thinking about time and how little he has left. In less than two weeks Mohammad will be condemned. This paper
John Stuart Mill’s bulging carcass is stretched across the back of the dog kennel when the boy sneaks into it again. The snores are almost deafening.
“Rumors circulated, during days immediately following the crime, that she was an actress …”
There is only one answer. This wasn’t a rising star, no Ellen Terry or Nelly Farren. She had to be a bit player,