“Not quite all!”
“But in a sense …”
“Yes, in a sense … child.”
Sherlock is hearing everything he needs to hear. Or is he? When he considers it, he realizes that they haven’t actually said anything incriminating. Perhaps they are simply making light of what is on everyone’s lips at the moment – the famous kidnapping. It is the biggest news in the land, on the front page of every paper. It is true that he also has the evidence provided by the watermarked paper, but that is not nearly enough.
He keeps glancing down the corridor that leads away from the hall toward the staircase. Should he try to get closer to these three people or …
That staircase would take him one floor nearer to where the soft light is glowing from the upper-storey window. He is here ahead of Lestrade and Irene and Malefactor. He must be bold.
Sherlock slips from the hall and into the corridor. It grows dimmer as he nears the end and enters a big room where the staircase sits. It is magnificent: made of wood, its banisters elaborately carved, and wide like a platform at the bottom. He recognizes the images in its surface: they are all of Narcissus, a character from Greek mythology. Each one depicts an identical scene: a face staring at its own reflection in a pool. Sherlock looks up the staircase. It ascends into total darkness.
The trio of voices is still echoing in the house, but has become indistinct.
Up he goes, treading carefully on the creaking steps. When he reaches the next floor he can’t see more than a few inches in front of his face. There is silence – the downstairs voices have entirely faded. He inches around on a landing until his foot bangs up against another step: the next staircase, leading up.
Sherlock ascends again and comes to a hallway. It seems to him that he is on the correct floor now and that the glow he’d seen outdoors came from a room off to his right. He turns that way, though there isn’t any illumination down the passage. Feeling his way along, his heart begins to pound. This is a massive building. He could get lost in here. It may soon be difficult to find his way back; perhaps he should turn around.
He must walk blindly on until he finds that room.
But something else disturbs him. His mind has been so riveted on the presence of the three people downstairs and the upstairs light, that he has pushed the manor’s eerie history to the back of his mind.
“It is haunted if ever a house was.” That’s what Penny said. Despite her class, she is a well-spoken woman and doesn’t seem like the sort who is given to wild superstitions. Sherlock feels his stomach burning.
He feels a sudden breeze blow across his face and through his clothes. The hallway is in the center of the house … without a single window.
Sherlock freezes. He is ashamed of himself, but he freezes. Then he thinks he might faint. He sticks out his arms to feel for the walls, to at least hold on to something. An object comes into in his hands. It is cold and round and severed from its base.
Sherlock does everything he can to keep his scream inside his throat and releases the skull. It shatters on the floor.
A bust – likely made of porcelain. It must have been sitting on a pedestal.
There is silence again. The boy pushes the shards off to the side so they settle against the wall. He doubts the crash could have been heard two floors below in this huge house, but if anyone comes up here with a lantern, he wants the pieces well out of the way.
On he goes, feeling embarrassed, adamant about removing all those ridiculous haunted house ideas from his mind.
He proceeds in total darkness, edging along corridors, finding nothing. Finally, when he steps into another wall and realizes that he has come to the next
He can see the passageway to his right. It is dim, but he can make out the walls, the outlines of dusty paintings, and a little hall table. There’s light in this direction!
Sherlock moves quickly down that corridor. He can see the next
He treads silently up to it and puts his ear against its surface.
Then … the faint sound of someone sobbing … a girl.
He tries the latch, but it’s locked. The girl gasps.
There aren’t any knobs with keyholes to look through on these old doors, but as Sherlock had crept closer, he’d noticed two very slight vertical lines of light rising from the brighter one on the floor – the entrance isn’t perfectly sealed. He presses his forehead against a crack and tries to peer into the room. At first he can’t discern anything, so narrow is the sliver of light. But then he sees her. She is sitting at a table straight ahead, near a dark window, looking toward the door with what appears to be fear in her eyes. Behind her, through the window, little bits of light from the distant bonfires flicker like tiny sparks and then go out. Her strawberry blonde hair is done up, a necklace glows around her delicate neck – she looks weary and disheveled but highborn: the skin across her high cheekbones is as white as precious china. Sherlock remembers what the newspapers said Victoria Rathbone was wearing on the day of her abduction … the girl in the room is clothed in a fine scarlet dress.
He has solved it! He has solved this impenetrable mystery in a mere two days. The crime that all of Scotland Yard, all of England, is talking about, has been unlocked by his brilliant deductions. And
Sherlock sits still for a moment, smiling. Andrew Doyle will give him whatever he wants, he can put his bullet into Lestrade, and he’s saved two lives as well. Irene will think him a genius and have no need of Malefactor.
Then he hears a sound in the distance, yet within the building. It is growing louder with every second.
Sherlock springs to his feet. He has everything he needs. Now he must get out.
But the approaching person is already on his floor, moving rapidly, and will arrive in no time at all. Sherlock has lost his bearings. It is impossible to know which way to go to get back: he will be lost if he blindly stumbles away.
An idea comes to him.
The boy is shaking as he starts to move.
“I am doing the right thing. I am doing the right thing,” he whispers. “Hide when the fiend nears.”
The footsteps approach. The boy can see the corridor up ahead getting lighter. Whoever is out there has to have a lantern. Sherlock must calculate this perfectly: he must get as close as he can without giving himself away, then duck out of sight and let the villain pass.
He walks down the hallway and turns at the
He drops onto his stomach and rolls against a wall in the wide hallway.
The footsteps fall heavily on the old wooden floor. The boy hears a bass voice. It is a man, talking to himself. Sherlock peeks up. What he sees nearly makes him black out.
But when the man takes a few more steps and lowers the lantern a little so it isn’t blocking Sherlock’s view toward his upper torso, the boy realizes that a cranium is indeed appropriately fastened to his shoulders.