“No,” he says firmly and stands up. “You said there were no conditions.”

An expression comes over her face that he has never seen before. It isn’t anger or sorrow. It has ambition in it: her jaw is set. She rises to her feet and walks toward the door.

“I don’t really believe you can solve this, Sherlock. As you once said – you are just a boy. You are very much … a boy. I just need as many irons in the fire as possible. I need you fully baited. There was a time when I cared about being your friend, but that’s gone now. You have seen to that.”

Sherlock is taken aback.

“No, there aren’t any conditions, Master Holmes. I just thought I’d ask one last time. Here is the situation as it stands at this moment. I have you hooked. You will do anything you can to solve this crime now…. Next I will visit Malefactor and tell him every last thing I have just told you.”

“What? You wouldn’t.”

“I would and I shall. We have a little competition afoot now and if you two lads are worth your salt, my father and I shall benefit from it. I am guessing that Malefactor will best you. He knows the sort he seeks. Imagine if it is he who defeats you, Sherlock, on the very case you must win, the one that holds the key to your future. He, of course, can’t take the credit … that will go to Inspector Lestrade. Good luck. May the best boy win.”

And with that she pivots, pulls open the door and slams it behind her.

Sherlock is so stunned that he stands stock still for a moment. Then he opens the door and calls after her.

“Irene! You don’t need to be involved in these things. You are a lady, not a man, some desperate boy. I keep you away for your own good – your safety.”

She is still within earshot.

“It is about more than that, Sherlock Holmes,” she says without turning around. Then she pulls a thick stick out of her dress, which had obviously been concealed in her lining, looks around like an expert in the art of avoiding a trailer, picks up her pace, and disappears into the darkness.

What was really so awful about having her work with him? Perhaps he has been making a mistake.


But she is gone.

He can’t go to sleep after that and tosses about on his bed, trying to get Irene out of his mind. Every now and then he thinks he hears Bell upstairs, as if the old man were listening to his nocturnal tribulations. But when the boy lies still, all is silent throughout the shop.

He knows he must master his feelings, so by an effort of will, he stops thinking about Irene and concentrates on what he needs to do: immediately follow through on the daring plan he began to consider after he investigated the crime scene. Sherlock thought it a good (though certainly reckless) idea when he conceived it, but now, given the information Irene has provided, it has become unquestionably the best way to proceed.

His plan is informed by two singular points.

The first is the most important. It is the key fact of the crime, much more telling than his discovery that the robbery was committed by two thieves with two fast carriages who knew the house inside and out. It is this, Lady Rathbone’s room was left untouched. It doesn’t make sense, and when something doesn’t make sense about a crime, strict attention must be paid to it. Any thief would have certain obvious targets in a great house: the safe, the silverware, the art, and … the jewelry in the lady’s bedroom. The thieves had attended to all but the latter, and it, when robbing a home with such a pampered mistress, should perhaps have been their primary concern. Why did they avoid it? What about Lady Rathbone or her bedroom kept them from fleecing her?

The second point is really a couple of things that go together: according to the two constables conversing outside the mansion, the Rathbones have a fancy-dress ball planned for some time this evening, and according to Irene, the family employs an extra footman on busy occasions, one who is young, dark-haired, tall, and thin.

Sherlock also considers this: Malefactor is about to pursue the case. He will do everything he can to solve it and do it immediately. He may even already know who the villains are. There is no time to waste. That snake has the means to destroy his future. Sherlock must get into Lady Rathbone’s bedroom and do it today.

But he needs a particular weapon at his disposal. It has already occurred to him where he can find it. A certain fact has informed him…. Sigerson Bell can knock human beings unconscious in several different ways.

Just a fortnight past, the old man had held forth on the subject. He and his apprentice were in the tight confines of the laboratory (trying not to smash too many vials and bottles), stripped to the waist, perspiring, and wearing mufflers on their hands – those over-sized, stuffed leather gloves worn by pugilists when training in clubs and gymnasia. Real, skin-and-bone fists are used in actual matches, and Bell had seen many of those, had been asked to be present numerous times: to help revive an array of famed members of the fighting fancy who had been pummeled nearly to death. He had once stood within a few yards of the legendary little gamecock Tom Sayers during his thirty-seven round battle for the bare-knuckle heavyweight championship of the world upon Farnborough Field, when the scrappy Brit was matched against the big American, John C. Heenan. In the twenty-ninth round, the Yankee’s blood had even splashed across the apothecary’s shirt, giving the appearance that he had been sliced with a rapier.

Sherlock wore his dark trousers that day in the lab, Bell a pair of pugilist’s tights with Sayers’ colors wrapped around his waist. The old man’s leggings, unfortunately, displayed every nuance, even the hairs, of his scrawny legs. But despite being hunched over in his question-mark shape and the flesh on his chest hanging from him like the udders of a cow, he was lightning-quick and supremely skilled, showing great power and never once letting up on Sherlock. “It is all technique!” he bellowed. Fisticuffs was a truly manly art and he intended to teach the boy to do it right, so he would fear no foe.

Bell puffed as he instructed, punctuating his thoughts with strikes.

“One must turn one’s hips when mixing, my boy. This will allow you to deliver your blow with tremendous force. The destination of the strike is equally important. There are certain points upon the jaw, the chin really, where, if a cross, left hook, or jab is landed, the brain shall be immediately concussed. Let me show you.”

Sherlock instantly put up his dukes in a defensive posture and stopped him. The apothecary had knocked him unconscious once before. Poor old Bell had labored for an hour bringing the boy around, and then spent the following week apologizing to him … every time he rose in the morning, when he came in at night, and several times during meals. So, Sherlock peeked between his guard and directed Bell to a skeleton.

“Quite right, my son,” said the old man with a grin, “I shan’t strike you in that manner again.” Then he shattered the skull in a hundred pieces. Sherlock made a mental note to visit Bell’s favorite grave-robber and request another specimen.

“I recall Sayers vanquishing The Tipton Slasher, as brutal a member of the fancy as England has ever seen and almost as large as Heenan. It is not the hound in the fight that matters, but the fight in the hound! Technique, my boy! Thin and young as you are, I can make you the most feared man in the Empire!”

But it wasn’t such advice, nor even the actual fistic encounter that was in the boy’s mind as he lay there making plans in bed – it was something the apothecary said, rather casually, right afterward.

“Of course, there are more ways to skin a rat than one can imagine. One may concuss one’s opponent with a technically sound blow, take him down with a walking stick in an alley, or send him to fairyland with a little Bellitsu if attacked from behind. But those are the physical arts of rendering an opponent unconscious. There are also more subtle, scientific ones.”

Sigerson Trismegistus Bell is a good man, there is no doubt about that, but from time to time a slightly nefarious look comes across his face and when it does, it is often accompanied by a twinkle in the eye.

“A little powdered opium, spread upon a strong meal that won’t betray its flavor … would knock a villain out as surely as Sayers floored the Slasher,” he smiled.

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