‘‘That’s what I’m saying,’’ said Rodriguez. ‘‘An escape I can handle, you know that. But this?’’
‘‘You counted wrong.’’
‘‘I done this count six times. We’re long.’’ Rodriguez’s voice was rough and scratchy. He kept sniffing back snot into his throat in a vulgar disgusting sound.
‘‘Well it’s off.’’
‘‘It’s not off,’’ Rodriguez objected.
‘‘You know what you’re saying? Are they all Chinese?’’
‘‘Did you strip them?’’
‘‘Of course.’’
‘‘And they’re shaved.’’
‘‘Every last snatch.’’
‘‘So the count is off. It’s the only explanation.’’
‘‘It wasn’t off last week. I done the count six times.’’
‘‘So you said.’’
‘‘Just so you know.’’
‘‘Now I know.’’ The idea disturbed him, but he didn’t let Rodriguez know this. It was his job to worry—most of the time Rodriguez simply did as he was told. Inventory was off; it was as simple as that. ‘‘Maybe one of the ones in quarantine . . . maybe that threw the numbers off,’’ he suggested.
‘‘I got them into the count. I’m telling you—last week we done the count and the numbers was right.’’
‘‘Use your squirrels, your snitches. See what you can find out.’’
‘‘Got it.’’
‘‘Tell your boys to keep their eyes open.’’
‘‘Done already.’’
‘‘Well, do it again,’’ he snapped, regretting the tone. It wouldn’t help matters to piss off Rodriguez.
The big man sneezed again. This time he forgot the napkin entirely.
oldt gripped the white rubber lip of the Boston Whaler, a flat-bottomed fiberglass skiff used as a Port Authority launch, as it tossed in the substantial wake of an arriving passenger ferry. LaMoia didn’t react to the movement whatsoever, having grown up on the waters of Narragansett Bay.
Seagulls followed high above the ferry’s foaming stern, diving into the prop wash after the pretzels and popcorn tossed there by unthinking tourists who were doing the shorebirds more harm than good. The captain of the
Boldt correctly guessed that a shipping captain’s greatest enemy was not the Coast Guard or the Port Authority, or a homicide cop, but time. He would not want to be delayed again from weighing anchor, and he would not want to leave any crew behind. By combining Rutledge’s data with the Port Authority docking schedule and interviews with the Port Authority’s radar station personnel, the
Boldt and LaMoia climbed up a noisy steel ladder suspended from heavy chains, a crew member behind them, presumably, as a backstop should they slip. The pungent odors of a ship ripe with a three-week ocean crossing struck them—seaweed, diesel fuel and a tangy metallic rust that formed in the back of Boldt’s mouth like the scent of blood at a crime scene. He gripped the chain, steadied himself and looked back toward shore and the noble city skyline that gave the Emerald City its jewels.
Nostalgia tightened his chest—he had devoted his life to service of this city, and was now considering plans to abandon it. At forty-four, with over twenty years on the force, the possibility of a job in the private sector insinuated itself. The unspoken evil of Liz’s cancer treatment was the lingering debt, caused not by medical bills—all paid for by the bank’s health care—but by loss of their double income for over a year. The bank had paid her full salary for three weeks of ‘‘vacation’’ and had then reduced her to one-quarter pay for her ‘‘leave of absence.’’ But their lifestyle, which included day care and a house-cleaner, had left more going out than was coming in. Even Boldt’s advancement to lieutenant had not made up the gap. He was seriously considering a private security position that paid nearly double his city salary. He had an interview scheduled, though he had not told Liz.
With the captain of the
Thirty minutes of frustration left Boldt’s patience brittle and his nerves raw. The first two crewmen had not spoken a word of English, replying to Boldt in some Balkan-sounding tongue. The third crewman listed as a deckhand, a young man with a stubble head and dark eyes that contained a tinge of fear, marched in wearily and, like his fellow seamen, spoke this same foreign language.
‘‘English,’’ Boldt instructed, knowing that at least someone on this ship spoke the language—the international language of the sea and a Coast Guard requirement. The young deckhand shook his head and prattled on in his native tongue again.
It was then that Boldt’s eye landed on the wall of videos, and the titles there—all in English—included Super Bowls and NBA title games. He said to the deckhand, ‘‘Michael Jordan! Now there was a player!’’ He paused. ‘‘Even so, Sean Kemp is a better shooter.’’
‘‘No way!’’ the young man protested.
Boldt did not so much as flinch. He said, ‘‘Kemp’s jump shot?’’
‘‘Jordan was the best play—’’ the boy caught himself as Boldt’s grin surfaced.
Boldt said, ‘‘Do you know that refusal to cooperate with police is a crime here? I could have you locked up.’’
The boy’s eyes went wide and he shook his head as if not understanding.
‘‘You think I’ll tell the others? Is that it? Do you think I would say anything? How does it benefit me to expose a possible witness?’’
‘‘I witness nothing,’’ the man returned.
‘‘You are a deckhand. It says so right here. You spent the last three weeks up on deck. Hong Kong. Hawaii. Three weeks with that container. You know the one I’m talking about.’’
The boy’s upper lip shone as he said, ‘‘The trip it takes longer to expected. The storming.’’