as the Skinners keeping watch on the second building within the closest fenced-in lot. According to the latest word he’d gotten from the local news sites, the Denver PD was being kept occupied by a string of fires set in random spots around the city well away from Fiftieth Avenue.

Rolling down the window, Rico said, “Love that mountain air.”

“Yeah. Joining the Skinners has really given me a chance to travel and see the sights. Too bad I get to see every damn city in the middle of the night.”

“And you wonder why Paige didn’t have any trouble jamming a blade through your chest? The more you gripe, the more I get behind that idea myself.”

The car that rolled up to them was easy enough to miss. It was just battered enough to blend in with the others on the road, slow enough to flow with the rest of the sparse traffic, and turned sharply enough to get close before Rico could do much about it. The big man did already have his Sig Sauer resting on his lap and ready to fire up through his window. Fortunately for the passenger of the other car, the Skinners weren’t so easily spooked.

“Stanley’s not gonna believe you guys are really here,” Prophet said as he leaned his elbow out the other car’s window. “He actually giggled when I told him we were closing in on these guys tonight. The man’s got scars from a war and two different street fights, but he giggled.”

“What’s he think?” Rico asked indignantly. “That we weren’t gonna hold up our end of the bargain? Your boss bailed me and Cole here out of that cell in St. Louis and we said we’d do this. What made him think it would go any other way?”

“Well, there was that voice mail you left where you told him he could stick his favor up his ass.”

“That don’t count,” Rico replied without missing a beat.

“Who’s with you?”

“It’s just me and Cole.”

“Where’s Paige?” Prophet asked.

“Warning the cops that they’re being set up by these informants they think they got.”

Prophet’s comfort level dropped quicker than a phone call in the middle of a cement tunnel. “She’s warning them? What happens if the Nymar get wind of that?”

Leaning over to make his presence known, Cole said, “Then things might get a little crazy. Oh, wait. That already happened. Are we doing this tonight or what?”

“Yeah, we are. Best pick up the pace too.”

“My thoughts exactly. Who’s driving that car?”

“Gunari. We got the whole Czech crew in here. We’ve gotten pretty tight over the last day or so.”

“Hey, Drina. Haven’t seen you since Philly,” Rico said. “Keepin’ busy?”

The rear passenger window came down and the green-eyed blond woman acknowledged him with a curt upward nod.

Showing her an ugly smile, Rico asked, “Walter getting on your nerves yet?”

“It’s been a long trip,” she said before leaning back and rolling her window up.

“Check your e-mail, Cole,” Prophet said. “Stan should have sent you the rest of our files on these guys we’re after.”

“There’s more than what he already sent?”

“Sure. That shit’s confidential. We’re not just gonna spread it all over the place until we need to. You know how it goes.”

After refreshing his e-mail in-box on his phone’s Web browser, Cole found the newest arrival from S.Velasco@ “Is there anything more than where to find them?”

“There’s a whole history in there. Prior arrests. Suspected involvements in—”

“Anything that can help us tonight?” Cole cut in.

Wincing, Prophet said, “There’s the location. Only thing is, that information’s a little old. Last time one of our bondsmen checked, that address had gone through two other owners.”

If not for the hit he’d taken to his credit card and the two year service plan he’d already signed, Cole would have thrown his phone out the window.

“There’s something else we need to talk about.”

Rico’s eyes narrowed as he asked, “What might that be?”

“It’s about why we’re here in your country,” Tobar said from Cole’s side of the car.

Not only hadn’t Cole heard the other man approach, but he hadn’t seen a single shadow to announce the Amriany’s presence. Rico snapped his arm up to point the Sig Sauer across Cole’s face toward the window, proving he’d been just as surprised.

“I wouldn’t advise you sneakin’ up on me like that again, Gypsy boy,” Rico said.

Tobar’s stocky build filled a good portion of Cole’s window. He grinned to display his missing section of teeth as he replied, “It speaks a lot that it was so easy to sneak up on you. And if you speak the word Gypsy as if it was a curse again, I will shoot you both through this door.”

Cole leaned over just enough to see the .357 in Tobar’s hand. “He’s got us there,” he said while settling back into his seat.

Despite the gun in Rico’s hand, Tobar kept talking as if he was ordering lunch from a familiar menu. “Your country has been exporting Kintalaphi and we have traced them here.”

“At first we thought they had come from your prala Lancroft,” Gunari said from the driver’s seat. “But there are too many of them and they are too old for this to be the case.”

“I thought you only came here to steal from Lancroft,” Rico said. “What’s with all the jet setting?”

The rear window of the other car came down again so Drina could say, “Our stolen belongings have been scattered to every corner of this country. And you call us thieves?”

“No. I called you Gypsies.”

Tobar’s expression remained unchanged as the menacing tap of a gun barrel against the outside of the car filled Cole’s ears.

Compared to Tobar’s movements a few seconds ago, Nadya practically announced her exit from the car with a marching band. She slammed her door, stomped around the rear of the vehicle and marched straight over to the Amriany that wielded the .357. “You know better than this,” she said to Tobar. “The Americans always goad us. It’s what they do.”

Rico shrugged in a comically apologetic fashion.

“And you,” Nadya continued while bending down to glare through Cole’s window, “should have better things to do than pick a fight. We came here because you asked us, remember? We had plenty to do in Texas when your friend here convinced us to come to the mountains instead. Tell us why we should help you or we’ll drive away and continue doing our own work.”

“First of all,” Cole said, “if you guys are gonna shoot each other, could you at least wait for me to switch seats?” When Rico laid the Sig Sauer back on his lap, Cole could only assume the nod from Tobar meant the .357 had also found its home. “And second, what’s a kin-talapia?”

“Kintalaphi” Tobar said in an accent that had been lifted from every Frankenstein movie to come out of Universal Studios’ golden age. “It’s—”

“It’s their word for a multiseeded Nymar,” Rico cut in. “You know, like Tara and Hope?” Running his fingers in straight lines along both sides of his face, he looked out to the Amriany on Cole’s side of the car and asked, “Ain’t that right?”

Tobar nodded. “We have many reasons to come to your country. Many possessions to reclaim. Until now we were willing to let you squabble over our trinkets while the Nymar picked you apart. Now that the Kintalaphi are spreading, we must come to make sure it goes no further.”

“Ain’t that nice, Cole?” Rico asked. “They’re here to lend us a hand.”

“It is not our concern if all Skinners will probably be killed in the war to come. We are only here to make sure the blood does not spill too far beyond your own shores.”

Sitting up straight, Cole asked, “What war?”

“The one that has already started,” Nadya replied. “The weapons have been collected for generations by killers like Jonah Lancroft, put to use by demons like the Kintalaphi. To make matters worse we—like your common people and your police—are being manipulated by the Nymar. This must end.”

Tobar nodded solemnly. “Before long we may become as blind and ignorant as you.”

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