idea of staying here had begun to grow on him.

“Don’t be silly.” Amy waved away her objection. “What good would an empty unit do? Of course you’ll stay here.”

“Why isn’t this place rented?” Riley asked.

“A married couple lived here until last month. They decided to move north to Jupiter where things are less crowded than in Fort Lauderdale.”

“Why haven’t you rerented it?” Riley asked. The home had been kept up, the furnishings clean and modern. He was sure it would garner a profit.

“We will. But for now, it’s yours. So enjoy.”

“As long as you’re sure.”

Amy nodded. “I am.”

“Then we’re happy to take you up on your offer,” Sophie said.

As she turned to Riley, her eyes darkened with the smoldering heat he’d seen in the airplane earlier.

“I’m certain we’ll enjoy it.” Sophie’s words were for Amy, but Riley understood the underlying meaning was meant for him alone and the temperature in the small house suddenly soared, sweat rising beneath his shirt.

Amy smiled in approval, then let herself out, leaving them alone. Before either of them could address anything personal, Riley wanted the necessities out of the way.

“Guess we need to go shopping for luau attire?” Riley asked.

“It’s not like I brought a bathing suit. Did you?”

He shook his head, then thought of Sophie in a string bikini. She’d be one hot item and when the night was over, there’d be no keeping his hands off her. From the dreamy look in her eyes, she was thinking the exact same thing.

SOPHIE HAD HIT the mall like a professional shopper. First she’d dispatched Riley to the men’s department in Bloomingdale’s so she didn’t have the pressure of his intense stare following her everywhere she went. She’d been too much aware of him already. Then she’d chosen swimwear based on the styles and brands she knew would fit. Unfortunately, that had left her with one-piece suits, which worked fine in New York but around Riley seemed bland. At the last second, she’d pulled a daring, skimpy bikini off the rack before paying for her purchases.

Now, she laid her choices on the bed, her heart pounding hard inside her chest. Which one to wear? she wondered, wishing she had her sisters around to call for advice.

“You’re on your own, Sophie girl,” she muttered aloud. How ironic that she could deal with organizing an event for hundreds more easily than she could handle this.

Drawing a deep breath, she glanced at the array of bathing suits laid out before her. “Eenie meeney miney mo,” she said, and reached for the one her gut told her would appeal most to Riley.

RILEY SAT in the pink-and-white living room waiting for Sophie to finish getting ready. He’d given her the master bedroom so she could dress in private and he’d taken one of the other rooms, consoling himself with the idea that, come tonight, no way would he be going to one of those smaller rooms.

Unfortunately, he might be all swagger and no substance. Sophie hadn’t given him a glimmer of hope to count on, he realized, thinking back to earlier in the day. Riley normally hated shopping with women. He disliked waiting for them to sort through racks of clothing and then try on more things than anyone could possibly buy or wear in this lifetime. He loathed sitting on a couch outside a dressing room while the same woman paraded herself in front of him in an obvious attempt to entice him with her body and coax him out of his cash. Yet after Amy had left, he’d actually looked forward to taking Sophie to the mall.

When she’d insisted he go shopping for himself and meet up with her later, he’d been disappointed. And when he’d returned to find she’d already chosen a few items and paid for them without modeling them for him first, he’d felt absurdly cheated.

Of course, he preferred to stew about missing out on seeing Sophie in various bathing suits than to deal with the things Amy had said.

Spencer was proud of him? What gave the man the right to be proud of anything having to do with Riley Nash? He ground his teeth.

“I’m ready,” Sophie announced, her voice a welcome break from his thoughts.

He turned around and his breath caught in his chest. If pushed, he’d have guessed she would pick a one-piece bathing suit that left everything to his overactive imagination.

He’d have been dead wrong.

“You look amazing,” he said, once he’d caught his breath.

“Thank you.” She stepped forward on endlessly long legs no longer covered by classy-looking skirts or slacks.

He suddenly envisioned her locking those limbs around his back, pulling him deeper and deeper inside her. The skimpy bikini bottoms and small top were nothing more than a joke meant to test a man’s restraint.

And he was definitely being tested. He broke into a sweat and the fun come-on lines that normally spilled out so easily failed him now. He was afraid to dig too deeply into why she had such an intense effect on him, afraid he might find he was starting to care too much. He didn’t want to put himself in a position of being rejected.

He’d promised himself he’d never give another person that kind of power over him again-the kind his biological father had. Sophie tugged at his heart-strings-a definite reason to limit his dealings with her to a short-term affair, before their different personalities drove her away.

“Are you ready?” she asked, wrapping a skirt around her waist.

He gestured to his Polo swim trunks and T-shirt. “This is as good as it gets.”

Sophie looked him over and had to admit he looked darned good to her. “I think you can hold your own with the older set.” She hoped her jokes covered her nervousness and insecurity, because the suit and sarong covered very little.

He strode up beside her, his body heat overpowering, his scent arousing. “The question is, can I hold my own with you?” he asked, his breath warm and minty against her cheek.

Sophie drew on every last bit of courage she possessed. “I’d like to see you try.”

His eyes darkened as he took in the challenge she’d tossed his way. “Baby, I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

She swallowed hard, but looked up with steely resolve. “I do.” Because once Sophie made up her mind about something-or someone-she stuck with her decisions and she never looked back.

For years she’d been drawn to a man she thought was a flirt and a playboy, a jock and a rebel. In the past couple of hours, she’d learned that he’d been ignored by his biological father and survived the pain. That he had a daughter and a heart.

She’d already been so far gone by the time she’d walked off the plane, that at this point, she knew more than enough about him to allow herself to indulge in an affair. She knew more than enough to know she was in big, big trouble. But despite her normal caution, she was past caring.

She held on to that thought and to Riley’s big, warm hand as they walked toward the pool area. She was well aware of what would happen when they returned to the house later, but for now they shared more than just mutual desire.

They shared the need to find his father.

AS SOPHIE AND RILEY passed through the gate leading to the pool, torches lit their way and music floated through the balmy air. Limbo music. The sound brought Sophie back to her youth and the birthday parties Uncle Yank and Lola had thrown for her as a child.

“I’m not surprised Darla and company have planned some games,” Sophie said, laughing.

“You’re enjoying this.”

“You sound surprised.” She turned his way.

He cocked an eyebrow. “I shouldn’t be? I’d have bet you’d be-”

“Too uptight to let loose and have fun?” she asked, knowing exactly what he thought of her. She had to admit she hadn’t given him much reason to think otherwise.

“Your free spirit is something I definitely want to see firsthand.” He winked and kept walking.

A free spirit, she was not. She glanced down at her string bikini and acknowledged that tonight she was not the same woman from their flight down. She couldn’t afford to be if she wanted this time with Riley. But the fact that Riley made her want to shed some of her inhibitions was yet another reason to fear whatever was happening

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