She tipped her head to one side. “He seems like a strong man. I’m sure he’ll pull through this. It will just take some time.”
“I wonder what he’ll do once this blows over.”
“Whatever it is, I’m sure you’ll be there to help him decide. That’s what family is for.” Amber nodded in certainty. “Speaking of family, I really need to call the nursing home and check on my father.”
At the mention of
Amber stood beside him, waiting, her eyes wide and hopeful. “Maybe you’ll have something on King Bobby and we can settle this misunderstanding once and for all.”
Mike frowned at her. “You stole from him. I wouldn’t call it a misunderstanding,” he said, his voice suddenly harsh, thanks to the reminder of who she was and what she’d done.
For a while, he’d allowed himself to forget. He had to admit she handled his nutty father and the family chaos like a trooper. He could probably attribute it to the people skills she’d acquired in her former job, but he sensed there was more to it than that.
When Mike was in high school, he’d never brought girlfriends-or friends, for that matter-to his father’s home, for obvious reasons. And as an adult, it hadn’t been an issue. He’d never been serious enough about any female to subject them or himself to
As he stood in the hallway and looked at the woman he’d married, a stranger at first, one he was coming to know better, he realized that she was the one woman he
Pushing aside the unsettling thought, he dialed 1 and his voice mail began to play the lone message. “Hey, there, pardner, it’s your P.I. pal in Texas. Got that info on King Bobby, but I seem to keep missin’ you. I’ll give you a hint in one word.
Mike glanced at Amber, his mind still on his earlier thoughts. Yeah, she was the one woman he could trust…if only she were different.
Reality was a bitch, Mike thought.
“What did he say?” Amber asked eagerly, unaware of his inner turmoil.
Mike shook his head. No good would come of re-hashing her past here and now. Or ever, since nothing could change it.
“The P.I.’s got something I can use to convince King Bobby to leave you alone.”
Her beautiful blue eyes lit up with excitement. “What is it?”
“He said something about the man having a mistress, but I don’t know anything definite right now. I’ll let you know once I do.”
She nodded her understanding. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you doing this. For Marshall to go so far underground that I can’t get any information from the people we both know, he has to be running scared. And that makes me scared.” Her voice cracked and she rubbed her hands up and down over her forearms.
Her vulnerability got to him and he reached out, pulling her close. “It’ll be okay,” he said gruffly. “I’m not going to let him hurt you.”
Protective instincts, as well as baser ones, kicked in as he held her against him. Her soft hair, warm body and fragrant scent tempted and aroused him. Unable to help himself, he bent to kiss her forehead, but she tilted her head and his lips caught hers.
She tasted warm and sweet, but her kiss was anything but innocent, and filled with much more than gratitude. He needed this, needed her, and soon her back was pressed against the wall, his hands braced on her shoulders. All the while, his mouth devoured hers and she returned the kiss with equal fervor.
Until Edward’s shouting penetrated the fog of desire between them. As Mike’s mind cleared, he heard his father’s words more clearly. “I recognize my brother’s car. That woman-stealing rat bastard better not be inside my house!”
Mike stepped back, Amber pulled in a deep breath and the bedroom door opened, as Jason and Uncle Thomas came to see what the commotion was all about. Although it was pretty obvious.
“Why don’t you let me deal with my father,” Mike said to his uncle. Mike could take him into the kitchen to calm him while his uncles slipped out the front door.
“I think it’s time your father and I talked.” Thomas barreled straight past Jason, Mike and Amber, heading directly for the family room. “Edward? Are you looking for me?”
Mike groaned.
“Let’s go make sure they don’t kill each other,” Jason said needlessly, since they were already following Thomas.
“How could any of you let him into my house?” Edward yelled, the skunk in his hand. “Doesn’t anybody have respect for my authority round here?”
Mike’s stomach churned, not wanting his father to go completely off the deep end. A psychiatrist was no longer optional, it was mandatory, he thought.
Uncle Thomas met his brother in the center of the room. “It’s time we end this ridiculous feud, once and for all.”
“You stole my woman,” Edward yelled, his face beet red.
“And he knows why your life sucked eggs. It’s the damn curse at work,” Edward yelled.
Jason nodded, humoring him. The cousins all knew the Corwin-curse saga. They could repeat it in their sleep. Whether they believed it or not was another matter entirely.
Amber suddenly, quietly stepped up beside Edward. “If you think the curse caused it all, then why are you blaming your brother?”
“He could have controlled himself!” Edward still yelled loudly.
“It was over thirty years ago,” Thomas countered. “
“Over my dead body,” Edward said. “Or better yet, over yours.”
“Edward Corwin, there is no need for invoking evil, and against your own family, no less.” Clara Deveaux burst in from the kitchen.
Gabrielle rushed out after her along with Derek and Mike’s uncle Hank.
Clara strode through to the center of the room, her brightly colored, flowing dress almost a bigger distraction than the woman herself.
“God, this is really going to set my father off,” Mike muttered, intending to pull Edward away from the confrontations.
Amber’s hand on his arm stopped him. “Wait. Let her try to get through to him first.”
“Why not just end this now?” Mike asked, speaking so only she could hear.
“Because I trust her.” Amber met his gaze, her eyes pleading. “And because I think they have something special.”
Mike wasn’t so sure, but he couldn’t say no.
“Who is this woman?” Uncle Thomas asked.
Nobody answered. Everyone was too busy watching Clara as she walked up to Edward, whisper something in his ear, take his hand and lead him out of the room, away from the chaos.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Mike muttered, staring at Amber in disbelief. He couldn’t help but be startled by Clara’s hypnotic effect on his father.
“What the hell was that all about?” Jason asked.
“Simple. He trusts her.” Amber smiled, obviously pleased with herself and the outcome.
Uncle Thomas cleared his throat. “Would one of you please tell me who that glorious woman was?” The older man stared after Clara, obviously entranced.
“Just an old friend of Edward’s,” Amber said in a clipped tone. One Mike had never heard from her before.
“I’ve never seen anyone like her,” Thomas said in an odd tone.