sandy-haired man who seemed to be doing his best to impress her.
Ethan scowled. With his blond hair glimmering in the sun, he reminded Rachel of a morose young god. It served him right, she thought, for being so shallow.
As she and Gabe moved closer, she felt the stares of the people around her. Only the Florida retirees seemed oblivious to the fact that the notorious Widow Snopes had joined their ranks.
Edward turned toward her, just as if she were wearing a maternal homing device. 'Mommy!'
He ran forward, sneakers flying, cotton candy dangling from one hand, Horse from the other. His sticky mouth turned up in a wide smile. He looked so happy, so healthy. Her eyes stung.
The prayer had been automatic, but she pushed it away as Edward charged into her legs. There was no God.
'Pastor Ethan buyed me cotton candy!' Edward exclaimed, his attention focused so completely on her that he hadn't spotted Gabe, who was standing a few feet behind. 'And Kristy got me a hot dog 'cause I almost cried when I saw the pig.' His face fell. 'I couldn't help it, Mommy. It's dead, and it had eyeball holes, and… They killed it and cooked it over the fire.'
Another small loss of innocence on the path to adulthood. She wiped a ketchup smear from his cheek with her thumb. 'That's why they call it a pig roast, partner.'
He shook his head. 'I won't ever eat a pig again.'
She decided not to mention the probable contents of his hot dog.
'Kristy bought me a balloon, and it was red, but it broke, and-' Edward caught sight of Gabe and fell silent. She watched him draw Horse against his chest with the rabbit's hindquarters tucked under his chin. His withdrawal was almost palpable, and she remembered the ugly scene on the porch with the snake. Sometimes she thought she understood Gabe, but his callous behavior this morning had proven how little she knew him.
Ethan came up next to them, gave her a curt nod, then chatted with his brother, pointedly ignoring her. Apparently she wasn't the only one who felt ignored. She detected a small movement at her side and glanced down just in time to see Edward drop his cotton candy on Gabe's shoe.
Gabe jerked his foot back, but it was too late. He made an exclamation of disgust as a sticky pink mess covered the brown leather.
'It was an accident,' she said quickly.
'I don't think so.' He stared down at Edward, who stared at him in return. Resentment darkened her son's brown eyes, along with just enough five-year-old's cunning to tell her it hadn't been an accident at all. He'd wanted Ethan to himself, and he blamed Gabe for taking his attention.
She reached into her old cloth purse for a tissue and found the toilet paper she was using instead to save money. She withdrew a neatly folded strip and handed it to him to clean his shoe.
Ethan touched her son's hair. 'You've got to be careful with that stuff, Edward.'
Edward looked from Gabe to Ethan. 'My name's Chip.'
Ethan smiled. 'Chip?'
Edward nodded at the dirt.
Rachel darted a furious glance at Gabe. She didn't know how, but somehow this was his fault. 'Don't be silly. Your name is Edward, and you should be proud of it. Remember what I told you about my grandfather? That was his name.'
'Edward's stupid. Nobody has that name.'
Ethan gave Edward's shoulder a comforting squeeze, then regarded his brother. 'The volleyball game'll be starting soon. Let's play.'
'You go on,' Gabe said. 'Rachel and I have someone we need to see.'
Ethan wasn't pleased. 'I really don't think that's a good idea.'
'Don't worry about it, all right?'
A muscle ticked in Ethan's jaw. She knew he wanted to lash out at her, but overt hostility wasn't in his nature. He rubbed his knuckles over the top of Edward's head. 'See you later, pal.'
Edward looked deeply unhappy as Ethan moved way. He had been separated from the man he idolized, and his day was spoiled.
She took his hand. 'I'm afraid your cotton candy's ruined. Do you want another one?'
Gabe jammed both hands into his pockets, and his scowl made it easy to read his mind. He thought she should be punishing Edward for deliberately dropping the cotton candy instead of rewarding him, but Gabe didn't understand everything her son had been through.
'No,' he whispered.
Just then Kristy came up next to them. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes shone with an air of excitement. 'You'll never believe this, but I have a date tonight. Mike Reedy asked me to go out to dinner with him. I've known him for years, but… I can't believe I said yes.' Kristy had barely gotten her news out before her brow began to furrow as uncertainty poked into her excitement. 'I probably shouldn't have. I'll be so nervous I won't be able to think of a thing to say.'
Before Rachel could try to reassure her, Gabe wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gave her quick hug.
'That's one of the best things about you, Kristy. Men like to talk, and you're a good listener.'
'Mike's a great guy. The two of you'll have a good time. Just don't let him get too fresh on the first date.'
Kristy stared up at him and then flushed. 'As if anybody'd get fresh with me.'
'Exactly the kind of attitude that can leave a woman barefoot and pregnant.'
Kristy laughed, and the three of them chatted for a few more minutes before she excused herself to check out the church's white-elephant booth. Rachel noticed she'd waited until Ethan left to go over there.
'I want to go home now.' Edward looked sulky and unhappy.
'Not quite yet, honey. There's someone I need to see first.' She put herself between Gabe and Edward and began walking toward the concessions.
They passed the large charcoal grills the Rotary had set up to roast corn on the cob, then went by the Art Guild's popcorn concession.
'Gabe!' A thin, bushy-haired man who was soliciting funds for the Humane Society moved out from behind his table.
'Hello, Carl.' Gabe walked toward him, but Rachel sensed he did it reluctantly. She and Edward followed.
Carl regarded her with curiosity but no particular hostility, so she knew he hadn't been associated with the Temple. The two men exchanged pleasantries, then Carl got to the point.
'We sure could use a vet at the shelter, Gabe. Last week we lost a two-year-old Doberman to bloat because Ted Hartley couldn't get over here in time from Brevard.'
'Sorry about that, Carl, but I'm not licensed in North Carolina.'
'I guess the Doberman wouldn't have cared too much about the paperwork.'
Gabe shrugged. 'I might not have been able to save him anyway.'
'I know, but you'd have tried. We need a local vet. I always thought it was a shame you didn't come back to Salvation to practice.'
Gabe deliberately changed the subject. 'My drive-in's opening on Friday night. We're having fireworks and free admission. I hope you'll show up with your family.'
'I'll be sure and do that.'
They moved on, passing a table selling T-shirts for muscular dystrophy. The crowd jostled her, and she lost Edward's hand.
Someone bumped against her back, and she lurched into Gabe. He caught her arm as she righted herself. She glanced around, but saw nothing suspicious.
Edward stayed nearby, but he didn't take her hand again. It was as if he wanted to put as much distance as he could between Gabe and himself. Ahead, she saw a table covered with platters of baked goods, and, behind it, Carol Dennis unpacking a plate of iced brownies.
'There she is.'
'I remember Carol when she was younger,' Gabe said. 'She was a sweet girl before she got so religious.'