as anyone can tell.'

Her brow furrowed. 'But I love thee now!'

'And I love thee. But when thy husband lives, my place will be elsewhere. I thought him dead, else I would not have married thee. He gave up his body that Phaze might be saved, and now he must have it back. This is what is right.'

'Aye, it is right,' she agreed. 'It is clear where my duty lies.'

She was taking it well - and that, too, was painful. He knew she loved him but would be loyal to her first husband, as Stile would be loyal to Sheen. This was the way it had to be. Yet somehow he had hoped that the Lady Blue would not take it quite this well. Was it so easy to give him up on such short notice?

Suddenly she flung her arms about him. 'Thee, thee, thee!' she cried, and her hot tears made her cheek slippery as she kissed him.

That was more like it! She was meltingly warm and sweet and wholly desirable. 'Thee, thee, thee,' he echoed, in the Phaze signal of abandonment to love, and held her crushingly close.

Then, by mutual resignation, they drew apart. She brought a cloth to his face and cleaned him up, and he realized that half the tears were his own. Through the blur he saw the shimmer of the landscape about them, the reaction of the environment to an expression of deep truth. The unicorns perceived it too, and were turning to look at the couple.

But now they both had control again. They uttered no further words, letting their statement of love be the last.

Stile turned to Neysa to bid her farewell: But she stood facing away from him, standing with her tail toward him - the classic expression of disapproval. The woman might forgive him his departure; the unicorn did not.

He could not blame her. His body, so recently so warm, now felt chilled, as if his heart had been frozen. Had he expected Neysa, his closest friend in Phaze, to welcome his announcement with forward-perking ears? There was no good way to conclude this painful scene. Stile walked silently away.

Clip stood near, watching his sister Neysa. His mane was half flared in anger, and his breath had the tinge of fire, but he was silent. Stile knew Clip was furious with Neysa, but had no authority to interfere. There was justice in it; Neysa expressed the attitude the Lady Blue did not, in her fashion freeing the Lady to be forgiving. The complete emotion could not be expressed by one person, so had been portioned between two.

The Brown Adept was waiting for him at the edge of the unicorn circle. 'I told the Stallion,' she said. 'He'll help.' She looked toward Neysa and the Lady Blue. 'I guess it didn't work out so well, huh?'

'I fear I'm not much for diplomacy,' Stile said. don't want to go, they don't want me to go - there's no positive side.'

'Why dost thou not just stay here when the frames part?' she asked naively.

'I am a usurper here in Phaze. This good life is not mine to keep - not at the expense of mine other self. I was brought here to do a job, and when the job is done I must leave. So it has been prophesied.'

'I guess when I'm grown up, maybe I'll understand that kind of nonsense.'

'Maybe,' Stile agreed wryly.

Stile mounted Clip and they returned the way they had come, setting small markers to show the prospective route for the ball. There was no interference from the other Adepts; they were of course biding their time, since they were unable to strike at him magically at the moment.

They would have their minions here in force to stop the ball, though! The unicorns would have an ugly task, protecting this decoy route. The irony was that this was an excellent path; if there were no opposition, the ball could travel rapidly here.

When they recrossed into the zone of juxtaposition, his other self rejoined him. The personality of Blue assimilated the new experience and shrank away.

'Thou dost look peaked,' the Brown Adept said. 'Is aught wrong?'

'It is mine other self,' Stile said. 'I fear he likes not what I have done.'

'The true Blue? Speak to me, other Adept.'

'Aye, Brown,' the other self said. 'But surely thou dost not wish to be burdened with the problems of adults.'

'Oh, sure,' she said eagerly. ' 'Specially if it's about a woman. Some day I'll grow up and break hearts too.'

'That thou surely wilt,' Blue agreed. 'My concern is this: for many years did I love the Lady Blue, though she loved me not. When finally I did win her heart as well as her hand, I learned that she was destined to love another after me, more than me. This was one reason I yielded up my life. Now I know it is mine other self she loves. Am I to return to that situation, at his expense?'

'Oh, that is a bad one!' Brown agreed. 'But maybe she will learn to love thee again. Thou dost have charm, thou knowest; the Lady Machine's nerve circuits do run hot and cold when thou dost address her.'

'The Lady Machine is programmed to love mine image,' Blue said. 'I admit she is a fascinating creature, like none I have encountered before. But the Lady Blue is not that type. She will act in all ways proper, as she did before, and be the finest wife any man could have, but her deepest heart will never revert. Her love never backtracks.'

'Then what good is it, coming back to life?' Brown asked, with the innocent directness of her age.

'There are other things in life besides love,' Blue said. 'The Lady will need protection, and creatures will need attention. There will be much work for me to do - just as there will be for mine other self in the fabulous science frame. He will be no happier than I.'

Stile had no argument with that. His other self was the same person as himself, in a superficially different but fundamentally similar situation, facing life with a woman who was not precisely right. The days of great adventure and expectation were almost past. To lose the present engagement would be to die, knowing the frames would in time perish also as the unrelieved stress developed to the breaking point. To win would be to return to a somewhat commonplace existence - for both his selves. The choice was between disaster and mediocrity.

'I'm not sure I want to grow up, if that's what it's like,' Brown said.

They reached the ball of Phazite. Sheen had returned to it also. 'Is the other route ready?' Stile asked.

'Not quite. We must delay another hour. But it will be worth the wait.'

'Then I have time to make a golem body for Blue,' Brown exclaimed. Evidently she had resigned herself quickly to the situation and was determined to do her part even if Stile and Blue were not destined for happiness. 'I hope I can do it right. I haven't had much practice with lifelike figures, especially male ones. My golems are mostly neuter.'

Stile could appreciate the problem. 'Maybe Trool can help. He's quite a sculptor.'

Trool appeared. 'I model in stone, not wood.'

'We'll convert stone to flesh,' Sheen said. 'All we need is the form.'

So while the golems rolled the great ball along its soon-to-be-diverted course, Trool the troll sculpted in stone. He excavated a rock from the ground in short order, his huge gaunt hands scraping the earth and sand away with a velocity no normal person could approach, and freed a stone of suitable size by scraping out the rock beneath it with his stiffened fingers. Apparently the stone became soft under his touch, like warming butter. Stile picked up a half-melted chip and found it to be cold, hard stone. No wonder trolls could tunnel so readily, the hardest rock was very much like putty in their hands. No wonder, also, they were so much feared by ordinary folk. Who could stand against hands that could gouge solid stone? Trool had stood with the Lady Blue against the ogres, Stile remembered, and the ogres had been cautious, not exchanging blows with him. They had been able to overpower him, of course, by using their own mode of combat.

When Trool had his man-sized fragment, he glanced at Stile and began to mold the image. Rapidly, magically, the form took shape - head, arms, legs. The troll was indeed a talented sculptor; the statue was perfect. Soon it was standing braced against a tree - a naked man, complete in every part, just like Stile.

Sheen and Brown were watching, amazed. 'Gee, you sure are better at carving than I am,' Brown said. 'My prede-pred-the former Brown Adept could make figures just like people, but I can't, yet.'

'I can't make them live,' Trool said shortly.

Then Sheen made magic from the book, and the statue turned to flesh. But it remained cold, inanimate. The Brown Adept laid her hands on it, and it animated - a golem made of flesh. The new body was ready.

'Say - it worked!' Brown exclaimed, pleased.

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