Alvarez took the documents.
“Thank you for banking with us.”
Corbin returned to the office to find Theresa sitting in his chair. He carried two coffee cups, one for himself and one for Beckett’s desk. “Theresa, what a pleasant surprise.” He set one cup down on Beckett’s desk and took the other to his own desk. As he approached, Theresa moved from his chair to her usual spot on the edge of his desk. She wore a new perfume. This one smelled sweeter than the one she normally wore, which always reminded Corbin of a flower shop.
Theresa’s eyes went to the coffee cup on Beckett’s desk. “Where’s Evan?”
“We were talking to Stuart when the front office grabbed him. Did you know Stuart’s TiVo is watching porn during the day and he’s getting stuck paying for it?”
“I don’t want to know.”
“Neither did we.” The conversation actually took place between Corbin and Stuart alone, but Corbin knew no one would verify any story involving Stuart and pornography, so he felt safe adding Beckett to the list of participants. “By the way, have you met the new guy yet? Molly met him earlier today.”
“Oh please, what a loser!” Theresa spat out.
Corbin furrowed his brow. “You know, it’s asinine that Kak introduces him to everyone except me. After all, I’m going to be the guy’s roommate.”
“That’s Kak for you. Speaking of losers, have you heard the latest about our little office whore?”
Corbin rolled his eyes.
“You didn’t get my e-mail?” she asked.
“I got it, but I’m not opening an e-mail titled ‘Our Office Whore.’ I’d rather that one not end up in the government archives.”
Without hesitation, Theresa launched into her tirade, mockingly imitating Molly’s voice. “I’m sorry, but I can’t believe her. ‘Oh, you like my shoes? How disgusting. Oh, you’re gross. What a weirdo. Want to go back to my place?’”
Corbin’s eyebrows shot upwards. “‘Back to my place’? I thought the date ended in disappointment?”
“I’m sure it did, but the goodbyes didn’t happen until after the evening’s less-clothed festivities concluded. At least, that’s what the grapevine says. I take it she left that part out of the version she told you?”
Just then, Molly appeared at the door. It was obvious she’d heard the entire conversation. Corbin’s face flushed with embarrassment.
“I thought I heard your roomie?” she said.
“Uh, no. He’s at the front office,” Corbin replied uncertainly.
“You know, I haven’t seen him all day?” Theresa interjected.
“He’s been busy. He should be along any second.”
“Uh huh,” Molly said, though her tone left no doubt she didn’t believe this. “Corbin, I’d like to see you for a moment, if you can break yourself away. It won’t take more than a few seconds. T, you can talk amongst yourselves while he’s gone.” Molly stepped back into the hallway.
Theresa snarled her lips. “How did your date end, Molly?!” she called out.
“It ended well. How did yours end?” Molly countered, as she walked off.
“What date?” Theresa said to herself. She hadn’t had a date in some time. Suddenly, the puzzled expression on her face twist into rage. Her forehead creased and deep wrinkles appeared under her eyes. Her teeth visibly clenched and her nose flared. She now got Molly’s point.
“You started it,” Corbin said without sympathy.
Theresa squinted at Corbin. “Can I tell you something?”
Corbin looked at Theresa suspiciously. “Ok.”
“You can’t ever tell her or you and I are finished, got it?”
Corbin agreed.
“I was a lot like her when I was younger. No guy was ever good enough, and I made it very difficult for. .,” she paused. “Well, that’s all I’ll say.” But she continued: “Let me tell you! There are a lot of women out there who would be grateful to get as many dates as she gets. She makes the rest of us look bad,” she grumbled before slipping off the end of the desk and heading for the hallway. “You know where to find me.”
Alvarez walked to the coffee shop where Beckett had set up shop. Alvarez looked harried, but Beckett looked quite comfortable sitting in a recliner near a small table. The duffel bag lay at his feet.
“You were supposed to wait for me outside the bank. I don’t like having to find you.”
“I told you I’d wait for you here. Besides, standing outside the bank looks suspicious. Did you get it done?”
“Of course I got it done.” Alvarez pulled the bank documents from his pocket and handed them to Beckett. “Have you figured out if any of the other documents are screwed up?”
“They’re fine. It’s just the one sticker.”
“You better be right.”
Beckett pulled another wallet and cell phone from the duffel bag. “The next bank is inside this building, out that door and down the hall.”
Alvarez pulled off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “These things are killing my eyes. I don’t know how people go through life wearing them.”
“They make you look like Mr. Magoo.”
“I’m not wearing them for fashion.”
“That’s a relief. Whose are they?” All morning, Beckett kept asking questions like this, little questions which would give him more insight into Alvarez’s life than Alvarez wanted to share. Alvarez immediately became cross.
“Does it matter?! They’re not mine!”
“Calm down.”
“Fuck you.” He replaced the glasses. “After this, I’m taking a break for lunch.”
“Fine. I’ll meet you at McDonalds. It’s up the street, on the corner. You can’t miss it.”
A few minutes after Theresa left Corbin’s office, Molly reappeared at Corbin’s door. “She’s not very good at this, is she?” Molly asked with a laugh.
“I’m not taking sides. I do wish you two could get along though.”
“No chance of that. Here’s your mail by the way, that’s why I wanted to see you. Stuart gave it to me by mistake.” Molly handed Corbin several envelopes of varying shapes and sizes. She looked toward Beckett’s desk. “So where is your playmate really?”
“Am I my playmate’s keeper? What do you care anyway?”
“I don’t. Do I
“Then why did you ask?”
“Because I’m a nice person, and I’m trying to make you feel better about yourself by feigning interest in your life.” Her good mood had returned. “I’m that ray of sunshine that makes your life worth living.”
Corbin smiled despite himself. “But you’re not feigning interest in
“Beggars can’t be choosers. Take what you can get, partner.”
Corbin laughed. Usually, he and Molly followed the unwritten rule that neither would laugh at the other’s verbal jabs, but this one struck Corbin as particularly funny. “All right, you win. Forget I mentioned it.”
“No need to forget, I wasn’t listening anyway.”
Alvarez pushed open the door to the McDonalds and headed straight for Beckett. Over his shoulder, he saw the police officer enter the McDonalds, the same officer who followed him from the bank. Alvarez even changed his pace twice, hoping to elude him. Yet, here he was. Upon reaching Beckett’s table, Alvarez all but tossed the wallet and paperwork at him.
“Is he coming this way?!”
Beckett looked around Alvarez. “Who?”
“The cop.”
Beckett looked again. “No. He just sat down two tables behind you.”