Goodwin gives me a look that suggests that maybe if I'd stayed on the line for five more minutes I would have known the results yesterday, but it's more a look of amusement than anger. It's not right. I'd rather he simply not like me than find me funny.

''Well, as I indicated yesterday, there's a match.''

''Between what?''

''Krystal's hairbrush sample, the backseat hair, and the blood.''

''Only Krystal?''

''That's right. As far as the blood goes. But there's also a match between the dark hair found in the backseat and the sample taken from Ashley's brush. Now, if you require an adjournment in order to review these conclusions, I'd be prepared to consent--''

''There will be no need for an adjournment. And what conclusions could possibly follow from any of this? Or I should say, what conclusions do you think might follow?''

''Well, I think the blood and the hair that matches it both come from Krystal McConnell. That's clear. And I think this fact further indicates that she was in Tripp's car --likely on several occasions--and that on at least one of those occasions she was bleeding.''

''Bleeding when?''

''The test doesn't determine that.''

''Exactly. So she could have left those drops there anytime. And we're talking about drops, nothing more.''

''I don't see--''

''I don't see what you think you have here, Pete. Hair and a few red stains.''

''Well, on a balance of probabilities, I think we can show--''

''Fuck 'on a balance of probabilities'! Unless there's been some radical new development in the search for McConnell and Flynn's bodies, they're still missing, right? And that's all you know for sure. You know the two girls left their hair in their teacher's car, but nobody's denying he drove them home after class sometimes, so there's nothing interesting about that. And the blood? Not the volume you'd expect from mortal wounds, is it? And from only one of them. Seems you've got more explaining to do with this evidence than me. Or am I missing something?''

''There are witnesses that will testify to seeing Tripp and the girls together in the car at various times. Maybe you're forgetting that.''

''No, I'm not. I'm not forgetting that. I'm merely disregarding it because it's irrelevant.''

''I don't think it's irrelevant. I think this is evidence that connects the girls and their blood to Tripp and his car. It's a connection I believe the jury will make as well.''

''Juries will make connections between anything if you ask them nicely. But they can just as easily be told to pay no attention to any of it. And don't forget I get to go last.''

He sighs sharply, the sound of airbrakes released by an idling tractor trailer. Something about it makes me want to pull a clump of his curling nose hairs out with my bare fingers.

''Mr. Goodwin,'' I say instead. ''I'll share with you what my mentor, Graham Lyle, often told me whenever I'd try to see more in the facts than was actually there. He'd tell me, 'Bartholomew, it's a fatal mistake for counsel to allow wishful thinking to stand in the way of logic.' ''

The folds of Goodwin's shirt dive beneath the desk and his head 3-D's forward, the redness in the cheeks now raised to the level of his hairline.

''Don't patronize me, Mr. Crane. All right? That's all I ask. You can play the cocky bastard as much as you like. I don't care. But don't tell me how to do my job.''

I'll say this: These words are delivered convincingly.

''Fair enough.'' I flutter my eyes closed. ''I agree to refrain from any further impositions of professional advice. You have my word.''

''Thank you. Now perhaps we could return to any outstanding matters regarding the supplementary disclosure. Do you have any questions I can help you with?''

The flash of anger is already gone, the color fading from hanging jowls. No question about it: this guy has some impressive skills in the emotional self-control department. Not surprising, really, considering the man's endured a lifetime of being too quickly dismissed. Maybe he's trained himself to use this to his own advantage--wait for his opponents to stop taking him seriously, and then roll over them. More likely he's just developed a couple of tricks in order to preserve his dignity. And who could blame him for that?

''I'd like to know about your witness list, as a matter of fact,'' I say through a surprisingly urgent throat clearing. ''Who's going when?''

''Well, I expect to begin with Bill Butcher, the OPP's chief investigating officer on the case. He'll do a review of the essential Crown evidence.''

''Right. Who's next?''

''My psychological expert, who'll provide background on the current leading theories on the motivations behind child abduction, that kind of thing.''

''But nobody's even done a psych evaluation on Tripp yet.''

''That's true. We're interested only in mapping out certain general background factors--''

''But he can't say anything directly about him, right?''

''No. Not directly, no.''

''Sure, sure. And then?''

''The teachers. They'll talk about Tripp's apparent breakdown following losing custody of his daughter, giving the girls rides, his relationship with them in the Literary Club.''


''Okay. Next it's Mr. McConnell--''

''McConnell? Why? What could he possibly say?''

''Nothing as to the facts, I admit. But I think he deserves an opportunity to address the court. He wants that opportunity.''

''I'm sure he does. But I might as well tell you now that I will object like hell to his being permitted that opportunity.''

''Fine. Whatever the outcome of that, I've next planned for some of Butcher's assisting officers, then our DNA expert to interpret the results, and that's about it. I'll of course give you notice of any further additions.''

Goodwin's secretary steps in behind me with a bound copy of the DNA report held out before her.

''Thanks, Corinne. That one's for Mr. Crane.''

She extends the document out in front of her the full length of her arm as though it's a vicious animal that's been temporarily tranquilized, drops it into my lap, and clicks out of the room.

''Murders make her nervous,'' Goodwin explains.

I stick the report into my case and rise to leave, my damp suit clinging to ribs and thighs in gravity-defying wrinkles.

''Barth, can I tell you something? And I don't mean anything by it beyond professional courtesy.''


''You don't look so good.''

''No? Well, I'll make a point of being more attractive for our next meeting.''

''I didn't mean--''

''Truth is, I haven't been sleeping all that much lately. Burning the midnight oil.''

''Of course. It's a pretty stressful time, I know.''

''Maybe for you, pal. You should be stressed. But believe me, I'm fine.''

I turn then, my clothing making an audible squishing sound with every step. Try to keep my back straight as I go but I can't really feel it anymore, and it would make no difference now anyway. It's too late. And the worst of it is that of all the fellow sufferers in this world, it was the fat man who'd felt sympathy for me.

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