Tolstoy, Leo: choice of subject by; evaluating work of; as Naturalist writer
Value-judgments, metaphysical: as foundation of moral values; of artist, and selective re-creation of reality ; as base of ethics ; derived from an explicit metaphysics
Values: conflicts of; art as concretization of; primacy of, brought to art by Romanticists; common-sense values distinguished from conventional; moral, child’s learning concept of
Vermeer, Jan: choice of subject by; style of
Verne, Jules, as writer of science fiction
“Violence Can be Fun,” article in
Volition: man’s possession of, as premise of Romanticism ; man as not possessed of, as premise of Naturalism ; and importance of establishing as function of man’s rational faculty; confusion on, between esthetic Romanticists and “Romantic” philosophers; full commitment to premise of, by Romantic writers; commitment to premise of, by writers in regard to existence but not to consciousness ; commitment to premise of, by writers in regard to consciousness but not to existence
Wells, H. G., as writer of science fiction
Wolfe, Thomas: style of; in
Zen Buddhists, sense of life achieved by
Zola, Emile: choice of subject by; as Naturalist writer
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Copyright © The Objectivist, Inc., 1966, 1968, 1969 Copyright © The Objectivist Newsletter, Inc., 1962, 1963, 1965 Copyright © Bantam Books, Inc., 1962 Copyright © The Objectivist, Inc., 1971
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