Biting The Bullet

Jaz Parks Book 3:

Biting the Bullet

Jennifer Rardin

“Watch out! Watch out!” I yelled. “The dead are rising!”

All around us the reavers we’d defeated the first time around had rediscovered vertical. Multiple thoughts streaked through my mind simultaneously. Not all of them made sense, but a skilled translator might put them in the following light:

Oh Jesus! Oh crap! Zombies! The Wizard’s a necromancer. He could be around here somewhere, pulling their strings. So should I just run off into the night like some rabid raccoon and hope I luck into him? How stupid is that? Plus, it’s not him. It’s probably an apprentice. You know that. It may even be the mole. Is anybody murmuring a spell? How the hell can I tell? We are so outnumbered! Did Ashley just go down? My God, I think the semi is farther away than ever. Is that possible? Oh Jesus, was that Terrence’s leg? Don’t turn your head. I said don’t — never mind. Holy shit, that’s the barrel of a Colt .45 aimed right at your face.

The reaver, a live one, grinned wide enough to show the gap between his front teeth as his finger squeezed the trigger.

“Vayl,” I whispered, my eyes somehow tracking straight to his in my final moment.


Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Another One Bites the Dust

Biting the Bullet

Bitten to Death

One More Bite

For Ben . . . one of the world’s greatest wonders. I love you.

Chapter One

Gunfire boomed in my ears, the sergeant crouched next to me yelling with triumph as his target fell.

“You were right, ma’am,” he told me. “They drop like stones if you hit ’em in the forehead.”

I nodded, appreciating the fact that he’d listened. Not all of them had.

My boss, Vayl, and I had just finished unloading our supplies with the help of our three-person crew. As we’d watched our Chinook fade into the night sky the monsters had attacked.

The situation looked dire. We stood a hundred yards from the tiny white farmhouse at which we’d arranged to meet the elite troops who would help us complete our next mission. Most of our gear was still packed, including the new high-tech weapons Bergman had brought for the Special Ops guys — which would’ve come in pretty damn handy.

My gun, Grief, the Walther PPK Bergman had modified for me so it could take down humans or vamps, rode in my shoulder holster. I also carried my usual array of backup weaponry. A syringe of holy water nested in the spring-loaded sheath I kept strapped around my right wrist. I’d tucked three throwing knives up my left sleeve just in case, and a bola inherited from my great-great-granddad rode in a leather pocket that ran down my right thigh. Everything else sat in the worn black case I wore on my back. In other words — inaccessible.

Vayl held the cane he always carried, an artisan’s dream that hid a sword as lethal as its owner. Though he looked a lot more vulnerable than I did at first glance, his opponents were never deceived for long. The tall, broad- shouldered vampire who’d been my boss for eight months and my sverhamin for two carried within him an arsenal so formidable it had allowed him to survive nearly three hundred years, eighty of which he’d spent with the CIA. That made my four-year pin look kinda pathetic. But if you consider what I’ve done in that time, I’d argue that you should count them in dog years.

As consultants, Bergman and Cassandra weren’t armed, so we’d stuck them in the center of our small circle, which we’d completed with our newest recruit. Cole Bemont had joined our ranks when his private investigations business burned as a direct result of his involvement with one of our missions. Vayl and I provided plenty of muscle for this one, and Bergman supplied all the brains we needed, but Cole displayed a gift for languages none of us could match. It had come to him, along with his Sensitivity, after he’d drowned in the icy waters of his family pond as a young boy and been revived long minutes later by rescue personnel. His Gift had made him indispensable on our last job, when neither of us spoke Chinese, and this one, when nobody knew Farsi. It also helped that he could shoot with the accuracy and icy calm of a sniper. His weapon of choice was a 9 mm Beretta Storm, which he’d pulled and held steady in his left hand. His Parker-Hale M85 still rested in its carrying case across his back.  “Night vision!” I’d yelled to him as the creatures came roaring at us from the blackness of the desert, their noise and the suddenness of their attack making them seem like an army. As Cole obeyed, I squeezed my own eyes tight for the couple of seconds it took to activate the special lenses Bergman had engineered for us. They corrected any problems we had seeing far away, up close, or in the dark. The extra visual acuity I’d already gained from donating blood to my boss on a couple of occasions paired with Bergman’s green-laced eyeball enhancers to show me a chilling sight.

At least twenty men swarmed us from all sides, their tattered robes and sand-caked hair flying back in the breeze caused by their movements. The sharp black outline surrounding their forms clued me in to their identities as did the third eye blinking wildly in the middle of their foreheads. Part of me stomped, swore, and snapped, “Are you kidding me? Already?”

“Reavers!” I yelled, glad my curls were caught inside the black scarf I wore, unable to impair my vision. “Aim for their foreheads!”

Most of the members of the Special Ops unit had been standing outside the farmhouse waiting for us when we touched down. They’d begun moving toward us as we unloaded, and two of the guys were within ten yards when the attack came. They reacted with admirable speed, riddling the nearest enemy with M4 fire. They seemed to heed my command, but I realized quickly they weren’t aiming high enough. Their shots were landing pretty much between the ears. Made sense on anything but reavers, which only backed up at the onslaught, didn’t even go down.  “They’re shielded!” I screamed. “Their only weak point is that third eye!” Then I was too busy to worry about the men. The reavers were everywhere. I suddenly knew what it was like to be a tremendously popular rock star. We were about to be stampeded. Smothered. Except this mob wasn’t after autographs — they wanted blood.

I took a deep breath. No room for fear here, where every shot had to count. I pumped bullet after bullet into the monsters attacking us as Cole’s gun echoed mine and Vayl slashed and parried so quickly his hands were a blur.

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