I couldn’t speak. Miles had been around before Vayl.
Before Matt, even. I suddenly realized he’d been the first person after Dave and Evie to real y
He reached up and squeezed my hand. “I stil want you to be my partner. You and Vayl both. But how can that happen if he spends the rest of
Go get him back.
But my father had been a Marine. I knew what he’d say if I left a man behind. I knew what I’d think of myself. I sat on my heels, so torn by this decision I couldn’t bear to look at him. Then it hit me.
I glared into the gathering crowd and shouted, “Yousef! I know you’re out there, you mangy little perve! Yousef!
Where—that’s better!” I said as my stalker squeezed himself between a couple of Japanese tourists and knelt down beside me.
“You arrrre—”
“I know, I’m pretty. Is Kamal with you?”
He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. A beat later the boy worked his way into our circle, apologizing to the people he’d had to displace as he went. As soon as he saw Miles he did one of those girlie screams that made you wonder if his voice real y had changed, and his eyes began to rol up in their sockets. I slapped him hard on the thigh, which got a giggle from Yousef.
“Kamal! Don’t pass out, dammit, I need you to speak for me!”
He turned around, holding his hand behind his back as if I needed to be fended off. “Don’t make me look!”
“For chrissake, Kamal, just tel Yousef I need him to stay with my friend, here, until the woman who owns our riad shows. Her name’s Monique Landry. I’m betting she’l be here in less than three minutes, four if she decides to cal in a rescue helicopter.”
Kamal translated. Yousef shook his head.
Kamal said, “He wants to go with you. To fol ow. Always to fol ow.”
I grabbed Yousef by the col ar and twisted until his face began to turn red. “You tel this son of a bitch if he doesn’t watch over my friend I wil never, ever choke the shit out of him again. You got that?”
Kamal talked. Fast. Yousef’s vigorous nod was al I needed to see. I slapped him across the face. Twice. He kissed my hand. Can I pick ’em, or what?
Returning to Vayl’s battle felt like watching an uberlong chase scene.
As I caught Cole’s eyes and gave him a reassuring nod, I tried to swal ow that Vayl’s-enjoying-the-shit- kicking-way-too-much feeling and concentrate on what to do next.
But I couldn’t. It was the fact that even Marrakech has authorities, who I didn’t want to piss with if I didn’t have to.
And though our whole operation hadn’t taken more than a few minutes, they were certainly on their way by now. Plus, blood was every-damn-where. Vayl’s worst wound seemed to be on his calf. Hard to assess from where I stood, spinning his cane in my hand, debating my next move.
Except that I could tel he was favoring it, and every step he took left a bloody imprint on the street.
I went to stand by Sterling, who had Ahmed by the arm.
Kyphas held the other. She’d been studying the mage like a biologist dissects a frog. She noted my presence with a shrug of one shoulder and went back to her thoughts. I reminded myself not to leave her alone with the Wielder. My life could depend on it.
Sterling glanced away from the snarling Were with its blood-streaked fur and shrieking rider battling a scarily silent vampire to ask, “How’s the genius?”
“He’l be okay.” I didn’t think I could say more without bawling, so I stopped.
“You’re hurt,” he said, his eyes acknowledging the gashes on my arms.
I shrugged. “I’l heal. But we’ve gotta get Ahmed outta here before we get shredded by whatever remains of this pack. Any ideas?”
Cole drew his PSG1 out from under his coat. “Yup.” The people standing closest to him gasped and drew away as he took careful aim at the snarling fighters. He went so stil that for a few moments he seemed to have left his own body. No sparkle in his eyes. No breath.
Vayl slashed at the Luureken, causing it and its Were to rear back.
Cole squeezed the trigger.
Vayl’s opponent roared with pain as chunks of its chest blew away. The bul et traveled through its back and into the Luureken’s bel y, throwing it from its mount.
“That’l work,” I said.
Cole restashed his rifle and moved forward, grabbing Vayl by the elbow. “Helena’s in trouble,” he said. “The only way to save her is to get the mage out of here now.” He jerked his head backward at Ahmed, whose lips had begun to tremble. “Come on.”