eyes, his own softening to amber as he said, “You will let me do this thing for you?”

“I don’t even know what it is!”

“Are you sure you want to?”

I nodded. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, as if he thought my drab little bedroom might be bugged or something. I started to laugh. “Are you serious?”

“I rarely know how to be otherwise.”

“You know, that just might satisfy my undying need for revenge on Pete and his goddamn bosses for siccing Albert on us in the first place. Can I help?”

“It would be better if you did not.”

I thought about it. “Oh. Of course. Well, then, you have my blessing. And, you know what, this is it!”

“This is what?”

“That thing you said you’d try to find that would prove how much you love me. This is definitely the one.”

Вы читаете Jaz Parks 5 - One More Bite
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