He stretched out beside her, pulled her close. “Pretty desperate, huh?”

“I loved it.” She had to laugh. “I can’t believe it. The most wonderful man in the world tells me he loves me, and I sleep through it.” She pulled back. “There’s a reason I was so sleepy, Sean.”

“You’ve been sick.”

“No. Well, yes, but it’s not what you think.”

He sobered quickly, and if she thought his eyes brilliant before, it was nothing to what happened now. “What’s wrong?”

“Sean, I want to live with you.”

“Yes. God, yes.”

Her breath caught at the vehemence in his voice. “Here, in Santa Barbara.”

“I want to marry you, Carly. I don’t care where. I just want to be with you. Now tell me what’s wrong.”

“I miss Melissa,” she blurted. “She should be here.”

“We’ll call her. And someday we’ll have our own family. Now tell me what’s the matter.”

She covered her mouth as a laugh escaped, then swiped at her sudden tears.

“Carly, you’re terrifying me.” With a gentleness that only caused more tears, he slid his thumb over her cheek, catching a tear-drop. “Please, tell me.”

“Well…about that someday child thing.” She meant to laugh but cried instead. “It’s not so far down the road.”

His hand went still on her face. “You mean…”

“Yes.” Taking his other hand, she placed it on her belly. “We can have it all right now,” she whispered, her voice cracking at the look of utter love and heat and fascination in his gaze. “Heart and soul.”

“Heart and soul,” he repeated, kissing her hard. “Heart and soul.”

Jill Shalvis

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