Well if that didn’t wipe her smile right off. He thought Riley was staying with her, and he thought that because she’d told him so. By not correcting that assumption and telling him that Riley now would be back in the woods was as good as lying to him.
But she’d promised. She’d promised a teen who desperately needed to be able to trust. “Nothing to tell, really. I was feeding her.”
Matt studied her for a long moment, eyes sharp and assessing. She could feel the heat of his body, the easy strength of him, and felt the utterly inexplicable urge to reach for him. It confused her. She’d spent most of her teens and early twenties doing her best to ruin her own life. This had involved some pretty stupid and massively unsafe things, like hitchhiking across the country, accepting rides and places to stay with no concern for her own safety.
Not having family to call had only increased the sense of walking on a tightrope.
She’d gotten good at it.
She’d also gotten good at self-preservation. She’d managed to survive in spite of herself, and yet here she was at the ripe old age of twenty-eight, and all she wanted to do was turn and burrow her face in Matt’s chest and let him be the strong one.
He’d do it, too. If she made the first move, he’d absolutely wrap her in his arms and hold her close. He’d murmur something in that low, calming voice, something she might not even catch, but it wouldn’t matter. She’d know everything was going to be okay.
He’d given her that, a sense of security, and it terrified her.
Reaching for her hand, he turned her to face him. “Amy.”
With a sigh, she let him tug her in against him, and when he kissed her, his mouth was warm and knowing, tasting both familiar and right. It was like coming home. That was her only excuse for letting him deepen the kiss, for wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back until she had no air left. Finally she broke it off because this wasn’t like last time, when he’d been just getting off work and they could race to his house to get naked like two horny idiots. She had a long shift ahead of her. “I have to get back inside before Jan kills me,” she whispered against his mouth.
He let her unravel from him, but when she would have walked away, he tightened his grip on her hand. “Amy.”
His gaze held hers, and she did her best to keep her thoughts to herself.
“You’d tell me if there was trouble,” he said.
Some of her glow diminished. “What kind of trouble?” she asked cautiously.
Maybe she wasn’t quite as good at lying as she thought. “I can take care of myself. You know that, right?”
“That’s the thing, Amy. You don’t have to. You have connections here. Friends. People who care.
Hadn’t she just had this conversation in reverse with Riley? And now Matt was the one trying to be there, for Amy. Hell if that didn’t put a lump in her throat, which she ruthlessly swallowed. “There’s no trouble.”
He didn’t. Without another word, he nodded and let go of her hand, and without much of a choice, she went back inside the diner.

Two days later, Matt found Amy at the ranger station, studying the big board of trails. She was wearing her hip-hugging skinny jeans tucked into her kick-ass boots and a snug, thin tee with some Chinese symbols on it that he figured he didn’t want to know the meaning of. She was concentrating on the board, brow furrowed, lips moving as she read the names of the trails. Just the sight of her made him both smile and ache.
“Where to?” he asked.
She didn’t take her attention off the board. “I’m thinking of walking from the north rim to the south rim.”
“For… your heart?”
“For my
He nodded agreeably. “You’re going to want to take the eastern trail to the top,” he said, nursing the Dr. Pepper he’d picked up at the convenience store on his way in. “It’s the longest, but it’s the only easy-to-moderate way to the top. There’s a loop but don’t take it. Come back the same way.”
She turned her head and looked at him, and he felt the same punch to the gut that he always felt when they were this close. He wanted to think she felt it too but it was hard to tell. She was damn good at keeping her thoughts inside. “You planning on overnighting again?”
Her mouth curved slightly. “No. I don’t think overnighting in the wilds is for me.”
He begged to disagree. He could remember, vividly, how she’d looked in his sweatshirt, in his sleeping bag, in his tent.
She saluted him, the smart-ass, and made him smile. “We could meet up after,” he said.
Again, her brow furrowed. “For?”
“To go out.”
“Out,” she repeated, like the word didn’t compute.
“On a date,” he clarified.
“Yeah,” he said, laughing ruefully at himself. At her. “Unless you’re allergic to dates. Then we could call it something else.”
She opened her mouth, then hesitated.
He cocked his head. “You’re afraid to see what happens next.”
“There aren’t plans for what happens next, remember?
“Plans change.”
She stared at him as if he wasn’t speaking her language. “Why? Why would you want to go out with me? I’m grumpy, and irritable, and frankly, not all that nice a person.”
“I’ll give you the grumpy,” he said. “But you’re off on the nice thing. You’re a better person than you give yourself credit for, Amy.”
She was staring at him suspiciously, like maybe he had an ulterior motive for buttering her up. “Not reason enough to want to go out,” she said. “Why, Matt?”
The easy answer was because he wanted her again. That was also the hard answer. “Because I feel good when I’m with you,” he said simply.
She let out a breath. “Matt, I-”
“No. Don’t say you can’t, because I know you’re not working tonight. And don’t say you don’t want to, because there were two of us in my bed the other night. I know what you felt, Amy. I saw it.”
She just kept looking at him like he’d lost his mind. And hell, maybe he had.
“You’re a hard guy to say no to,” she finally said.
“So don’t say it. Say yes.”
She shook her head, clearly thinking this was a bad idea, but then gave him the word he’d wanted. “Yes.”
For Amy, the Rim Trail was much more “moderate” than “easy.” But at least it was clearly marked and easy to follow, even if it was a straight-up climb of 2,500 vertical feet.
She’d gotten lucky finding the first two legs of her grandma’s journey. She was worried about this last leg.
Amy sighed. She could only hope that when it came to the end, she’d figure it out.
Halfway, she took a break at a natural plateau, behind a sheer rock face that was staggering. In front of her