Cheri nodded. “Good,” she said, lifting some files. “Here’s your work for the day. I have to run out for a few.”

Tessa had started in on her work before she saw Reilly. He stopped by her desk and just looked at her.

She set down her pencil. “Hey.”

“You okay?”

“You know, you’re the second person to ask me that today.”

His eyes never left hers. “Really? And what’s the answer?”

“Are you asking because we got a little wild last night?”


She carefully shut her files. “Do I look that fragile, Reilly? That a few orgasms should have me falling apart?”

He craned his neck to see if Cheri was anywhere close.

“She took a break. We’re alone.”

“Good.” He pulled Tessa out of her chair and down the hall to his office.

“Reilly, what-”

Through his office, stopping only to lock it, then past his desk to the attached bathroom. He locked that door, too. The small room was black and white and she could smell his soap from when he’d showered after his morning run. “You’re driving me crazy,” he muttered and pressed her against the counter.

She let out a little laugh. “I didn’t do anything,” she said.

“You said orgasms and it put a picture in my head of you panting my name as you came.”

Her legs wobbled. Her nipples hardened.

He noticed. He made a rough, satisfied sound and slid his arms around her, down the backs of her legs and up again, beneath her dress now.

She closed her eyes. “You could have stayed with me until morning. You could have-”

“Should have,” he agreed, whispering her name, then his mouth covered hers as a slow burn took root in her belly. Her body fit itself to his in a desperate attempt to capture some of what they’d experienced last night.

She wore a sleeveless dress with a sweater over it. He tugged off her sweater and unzipped her dress, letting it pool in a heap at her feet.

She opened his pants and slid her hands inside, helpless to keep them off him. Once she touched him she couldn’t think of anything else. He was hard, needing release and she was more than willing to give it.

Her bra and panties fell away and they were both lost then. He lifted her to the counter while she tore at his shirt and opened her mouth on his bare chest. He thrust into her and she arched back, taking more of him, taking all of him. He thrust again, and again, until, with a surprised cry, she came. Vaguely she heard his long, guttural moan as he followed her over the edge, but mostly all she could do was hold on and ride it out.

After what might have been an hour or just a moment, Reilly lifted his head from the crook of her neck. “What the hell was that?”

“Our bodies saying good morning, I guess.” She slid off the counter. “Don’t look now but I think they like each other.”

He laughed. Laughed. “That’s an understatement.”

She went still and looked at him as he reached for his shirt. What was he saying? That it was more than like for him?


But as he pulled on his shirt and tossed her panties at her, he gave no indication of such a thing. Not a single sign.

“A bedroom,” he said softly, and kissed her again. “Next time, a damn bedroom.”

She just stared at him, confused. He smiled at her and she managed a smile back. As she went to leave his bathroom, he reached for her, cupping her face, giving her a soft, clinging kiss before letting her go, a kiss she’d never forget.

THE NEXT MORNING Tessa was dressing for work when the phone rang. It was Eddie.

“I’ve got a favor to ask,” he said. “I’ve got a client who needs a bookkeeper. It’s confidential stuff and he doesn’t trust anyone but me to send him the best and you’re my best, Tessa. You interested?”

“Oh,” she said. This caught her off guard. “But I still have today and tomorrow left at Reilly’s, and-”

“Yes, well, I know that’s been a terrible burden for you, working for my son. It was wrong of me to ask you to do it, so I figure this is a way to repay you. This new job will double your salary, plus it’ll give you the one thing you asked me for when you first signed with me.”

“What’s that?” She couldn’t think past one thought-she wasn’t going to be working with Reilly anymore.

It didn’t matter. It wasn’t like they couldn’t still see each other if they chose. And she chose.

But would he?

Would he want to continue what they’d begun? Given the heat they generated, given how he touched her, held her, she’d say yes, he’d definitely be interested in continuing their physical relationship.

But it would just be physical. If he felt more than that-which she suspected he did every bit as much as she did-he wouldn’t want to face it, much less admit it.

“You wanted to travel,” Eddie said. “You wanted adventure. I think this job’ll fit the bill, as it’s on a yacht in the Greek Islands.”

She sank back to her bed. “What?”

“It’s a three-month job and I just know you’re going to have the time of your life.”

Tessa went still. “Three months? In the Greek Islands?”

“My old friend is a world traveler. He’s currently cruising the Greek Islands with his financial business right on board with him. Isn’t it exciting?”

My God. Exciting didn’t begin to explain it. But-

“This will kill two birds with one stone,” Eddie said. “It’ll get Reilly back his favorite temp, Marge, and you’ll get what you wanted as well. Perfect, don’t you agree?”

“Perfect,” she agreed softly.

“CAROLYN.” TESSA SHOOK her sister, then plopped on her bed. “Wake up.”

Carolyn yawned. “Just take what you need from my closet. Quietly.

“I’ve got the choice between the Greek Islands for three months or staying and making a complete fool of myself over Reilly.”

Carolyn’s eyes flew open. “Come again?” she queried.

Tessa sighed. “Greek Islands, or Greek god in my bed.”

“Some choice. Tell me about the paying option.”

“Eddie’s got a job for me on a yacht. But…”

“But… Don’t tell me that but is Reilly.” Carolyn sat up, looked into Tessa’s face and sighed. “It’s Reilly.”

Tessa smiled, too. “Yeah,” she admitted.

“So, I have to pick between some exotic water disease or a man I’m sure isn’t good enough for you?”

That caused Tessa’s first good laugh. “Yes, but remember, it’s my decision.”

Her sister nodded, looking amused and asked, “Then why are you here asking me?”

“Um…” Good point.

“Well, I vote for neither, if you’re still asking.”

“You know what? I’m not.” Tessa hugged her sister hard. “But thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you for always being there for me.”

“Wait!” Carolyn called when Tessa headed to the door. “Which is it going to be?”

If only she knew. “I’ll let you know.”

“Tessa! Come back here. Mom and I were talking and we decided you should go to work for Dad! He promises you an annual two-week vacation, sick days and health insurance-”

Tessa gently shut the door. She’d handle this, on her own. She’d surprise everyone.

Even herself.

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