“You had a client.” Deliciously flustered, she shoved some paperwork at him and changed the conversation.


“She cancelled because the wind scared her.”

He glanced out the wall of windows. “It’s hardly blowing.”

“Yeah, well, she cancelled. Probably was worried the wind would disturb her hair. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go test that plane I worked on last night, the owner will be here soon.”

When she brushed past him, he took her elbow, smiling when she whipped around, practically growling in his face.

What was it about him that put her so on edge? The same thing that made him want to keep touching her? He’d learned a lot about her in this very fascinating conversation. “Who’s riding shotgun?”

“No one.”

“I will.”

“I don’t need-”

“I will,” he repeated. He had no idea what the hell he was doing, he now had the morning free. He could go into his office, shut the door, open the windows, kick up his feet and take a nice snooze.

Instead he wanted to be up in the air. With Kylie. He figured it had nothing to do with those big, expressive jade eyes and everything to do with how she’d tasted. It had been nearly six months since their one and only kiss and he couldn’t quite get the memory out of his head.

Maybe she’d give him another taste, and then they could each go on their own merry way.

Yeah. That’s what he wanted. To go on his merry way. Alone.

KYLIE PILOTED. Wade watched. It was a first for him, sitting passenger side with a woman in charge. And she was in charge. She flew the same way she did everything else, with utter intensity, a serious expression, sure and firm hands, her dark glasses hiding her every thought.

The sky loomed large in front of them, brilliant blue with lazily floating puffy white clouds. Incredible. Being up in the air, as always, exhilarated him as nothing ever had.

“So.” Wade leaned back to enjoy himself. “Do you make love with the same abandon when you fly?”

Her hands jerked, and so did the plane. Craning her neck, she stared at him. “What?”

“I bet you do.”

For another long heartbeat she was silent, then she shook her head and turned forward again. “You’re insane. That explains everything.”

“We had such a connection that night. Do you remember?”


“Christmas Eve.”

“New Year’s Eve,” she corrected, then rolled her eyes when he laughed.

“You do remember, and you’ve ignored it ever since.”

An interesting blush crept up her face. “I don’t remember anything.”

He shook his head. “Coy, Kylie? After you’ve practically crawled up my body?”

“I most definitely did not crawl up your body.”

“Don’t tell me I need to remind you who kissed who.”

She hissed out a breath. “Okay, so I kissed you. I was wondering what it would be like, that’s all.”


“And nothing. Wondering gone.”

“Are you telling me that kiss quenched your thirst?”

She shifted in her seat and broke eye contact.

“See?” he said. “You want more, too.”

“Giving in to simple urges isn’t always the answer,” she said primly.

“Baby,” he said on a laugh. “There’s nothing simple about my urge for you.”

“Stop it.”

“I can’t. I’m still curious. You’re so tough on the outside.”

“I’m tough all the way through.”

“Nah.” He grinned when she glared at him again. “Know what I think?”

“If I say yes will you shut up?”

“I think that your toughness is a shield. That you’re really soft and sweet, with a heart of gold.”

That made a laugh tumble from her lips. “Right. And you know me so well.”

“Otherwise why would you let Daisy destroy the office on a daily basis? Or let Lou near your books?”

“Because I’m clearly mentally incompetent. Watch out, it could be contagious.”

His mouth quirked. “You care about your family very much.”

“They’re family,” she said simply.

“Some would just let them make their own way.”

“Their own way?” She shook her head. “My mom and grandma would get lost on their way there.”

“Exactly. I’ve been watching you for a year now. Even more so in the past six months.”

“Should I be concerned you’re stalking me?”

“Look, just admit it. You’re really one big softie who collects people to take care of so you don’t have to take care of yourself.”

She stared at him, then laughed. “I do not collect the needy.”

“See? I didn’t say needy. You did.”

She sighed. “How about we just don’t talk period.”

“Sure, soon as you tell me why you’d rather bury yourself in work and raise your mother and grandmother than live your own life.”

“Shut up. I have to check out the plane, and that requires listening. To the plane, not you.”

“The plane is perfect.”

“How do you know?”

“Because you worked on it.”

Startled, she blinked her huge green eyes at him.

Oh yeah, he had her attention now. “You might run the airport,” he said, “but you’re the best mechanic out there. You’re also not a bad pilot. So…now that we have all business out of the way, and you don’t want to discuss kissing or making love, how about-”

She turned back to her flying. “I don’t want to sell you the airport.”

“I wasn’t going to bring that up, but now that you have…you’re out of money.”

Her jaw went tight. “Not quite.”

“I’m not greedy, sell me half. We’ll be partners.”

“I’m not that desperate.”

He shrugged and leaned back. “Fine. We’ll talk about something else.” Glancing behind them at the roomy cabin, which was luxurious and empty, he smiled. “Ever heard of the mile-high club?”

Having just taken an unfortunate sip of soda, she choked.

“Guess you have,” he said innocently, while his insides churned and tightened at the adorably flustered expression on her face and unwilling speculation in her eyes that his question caused. “Want to join it together?”

“Does ‘not in your lifetime’ mean anything to you?”

He laughed. “So you’re not ready for that.”


“Maybe next time then. Just think of how good it’d be, you and me, more of those mind-blowing kisses, added with-”


He could see the pulse at her throat beating like a desperate little chick. She was trying so hard not to let him see he was getting to her, and for some reason, that softened him.

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