be shown today and sat with her eyes closed or filled with tears through the one on meat production.

“Stop!” orders Kristin. “I don’t want to hear any more about that. It’s really gross.”

Finished with her cookie and her movie review, Ash sniffs at the plant she bought her mother for her birthday. “It reminds me of something.” She frowns, wrinkling her nose. A balloon that looks like the Earth seen from space waves above her head. “But I can’t think what.”

Kristin, too, is looking thoughtful. “You know, this burger isn’t so bad.” She sounds surprised. “I know it’s supposed to be really good because no animals were tortured and it saved the planet a ton of water and cow farts and everything, but it actually tastes OK. I mean, with the mayo and ketchup and pickles and everything, you wouldn’t really know it wasn’t real if no one told you.”

“Oh, um duh…” Sicilee rolls her eyes, but she is laughing. “Sweet Mary, what have I been trying to tell you guys?”

“OK, OK.” Loretta, too, is laughing. “I’m not going to, like, start eating tofu, but some of this Green stuff’s not so bad. It’s not all bean sprouts and Jesus sandals.” She pats the shopping bag (hemp, not plastic) on her lap. “I got some pretty awesome things today. That velvet top with the crushed flowers? It’s, like, perfect for Rupert’s party next week.”

“Merciful Mother!” shrieks Sicilee. “I haven’t even started thinking about what I’m wearing to that!”

“Well, you’d better.” Kristin smirks. “You want to look nice for Abe, don’t you?”

“Oh, please… It’s not a big deal,” says Sicilee, but she raises her cup to her mouth and swings her hair so the others can’t see the expression on her face. “It’s just a friendly date.”

Abe called her the night after the sit-in. Apparently watching her being led away by the police had made him see her differently. He said she was a lot feistier than he’d given her credit for and asked her out.

“Oh, my, my…” mutters Loretta. “What’s that old saying? Two’s company and twenty’s a crowd?”

Cody Lightfoot and a small herd of smiling girls from the year below are ambling across the courtyard together.

Sicilee watches them pass like someone watching a movie she’s seen before but doesn’t really remember. To think she tried so hard to impress Cody Lightfoot! She must’ve been out of her mind. It’s as if she’d been under some kind of spell.

“Hey, you know what this smells like?” Ash’s nose is still in the plant. “It smells like that plug-in air freshener my mom uses.” She gives another happy sniff. “I think she’s really going to like this.”

Chapter Forty-Five

Waneeda can’t remember that she ever had the teensiest crush on Cody Lightfoot

Waneeda and Joy Marie sit together in the shade of the T-shirt stall, which they are running while Clemens oversees the showing of environmental documentaries in the auditorium.

Waneeda makes a drain-like sound as she sucks up the last of her iced tea through the straw. “Look at him, grinning and shaking hands,” says Waneeda. “You’d think this whole thing was his idea the way he’s strutting around.”

The “him” Waneeda’s referring to is none other than Dr Firestone, and it is fair to say that, as he moves through the crowd in his summer suit and an eye-catching tie that features a picture of a gnarled oak very like the trees he was so eager to chop down, Dr Firestone is definitely enjoying the success of the day.

“At least he didn’t make us cancel the fair,” says Joy Marie.

Joy Marie is being far too generous. Dr Firestone had no choice but to let the Earth Day celebrations go on as planned. He’d already been presented in the press as less than honest, out-of-touch and unreasonable. After all the publicity and the governor muscling in like that, to cancel the fair would have been to add “vindictive” to the list of his faults.

“And now there’s no way he can shut us down. Especially not after today.” Joy Marie leans forward on her elbows. “I mean, can you believe how many people have shown up? I figured that all our parents would come and people like that, but it looks like most of the town’s here.”

“That’s thanks to Clemens, too,” says Waneeda. If Clemens hadn’t climbed into that tree – and if he hadn’t given such an eloquent interview about trees and their memories to the local paper (reprinted in every major newspaper on the Eastern Seaboard, including The New York Times) – there is little doubt that there would be far fewer people at the Earth Day celebration and that most of them would be relatives of club members, friends of relatives of club members and Mr Huddlesfield’s bowling team.

“I think that’s a little unfair…” Joy Marie gives her a sideways glance. “Cody had something to do with it, too, Waneeda. He was the one who got it all started, you know.”

Waneeda harrumphs. “You mean that he got everybody else to get it started.”

“I think he did a little more than that,” argues Joy Marie. “He won over Dr Firestone … and he got the electric company to sponsor Earth Day and—”

“Anything Cody did, he did because it made him look good,” cuts in Waneeda. “Cody Lightfoot’s like fireworks. All show and no substance.”

Joy Marie doesn’t quite manage to stifle a spasm of laughter.

Waneeda glares. “What’s so funny?”

“You are. You used to be a member of the Cody Lightfoot fan club. Remember?”

“No,” says Waneeda. “No, I don’t. I remember saying that I thought he was attractive, but you’d have to be blind and in Toledo not to notice that.”

“Really?” Joy Marie sips at her own iced tea. “I could’ve sworn you joined the club because of Cody.”

“I joined because you were pressuring me. That’s why I joined.” Waneeda straightens the stack of T-shirts in front of her. “And anyway, as soon as I got to know Clemens…” She shrugs. “Well, you know…”

“Well, you’ll be happy to hear that Cody’s not shedding any tears because you’ve found somebody else,” says Joy Marie.

Waneeda turns in the direction Joy Marie is looking. Cody Lightfoot is standing at the solar heating stall, surrounded by a giggle of girls.

For the life of her, Waneeda can’t remember what she ever saw in him.

Chapter Forty-Six

All systems normal

Maya’s friends – all of whom have been having a great time at the Earth Day celebration – have stopped by to see her. With Alice’s help, Maya’s been running the children’s workshop. Making art out of junk. To inspire them, she set up a stall with the whirligigs and mobiles she made out of things she rescued from the recycling centre. The result is a cross between an invention by the cartoonist Rube Goldberg, who specialized in drawing complicated machines to perform simple tasks, and Aladdin’s cave.

“Man, this is so cool…” Brion whistles. “You’re selling these things, right? My dad would love one for the backyard.”

“I always knew you were talented, Maya,” says Mallory, “but I never knew you were this talented.”

Maya smiles shyly. “It’s more inspiration than talent. Once I started, I just couldn’t seem to stop.”

“But when did you make all this stuff?” asks Shayla. “It must have taken hours and hours.”

Maya doesn’t say that she made it in those dark days after her Be Kind to Our Planet Night, when she kept pretty much to herself for a while. Maya, like Sicilee, is happy to have her friends back. Especially since it was they who came to her and not the other way around. A certain way of dressing might make you cool. A certain kind of music might make you cool. Reading certain books might make you cool as well. But nothing does the job as well as having a photo of you being led away by a policeman published in the daily paper with the headline: Clifton Springs Students Climb up for the First Amendment. There’s no making fun of her

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