“Halloween Town”, F&SF, Oct/Nov 2009
“Dream Burgers at the Mouth of Hell”, ed. by Nick Gevers, Feb. 2010 [forthcoming]
“The Flock”, The Beastly Bride and Other Tales of the Animal People, ed. Ellen Datlow, April, 2010 [forthcoming]
“The Skinny Girl”, Naked City: New Tales of Urban Fantasy, ed. Ellen Datlow, Winter, 2011 [forthcoming]
“The Company He Keeps” [forthcoming]
“Slice of Life” [forthcoming]
“Extras” [forthcoming]
“Cantata of Death, Weakmind & Generation,” Lillabulero Press (Chapel Hill, NC)
“Challenger as Viewed from the Westerbrook Bar,” IASFM, Oct. 1986
“White Trains,” Night Cry, Spring 1987
“Pictures Made of Stones,” Omni, Sept. 1987
“How I Spent My Summer Vacation: A Student Perspective on Clarion,” IASFM, Feb. 1985
“Waiting for the Barbarians,” Journal Wired Winter 1989
“Remedial Reading for the Generation of Swine,” Journal Wired, Spring 1990
“Stark Raving: George Bush and the Pineapple of Doom,” Journal Wired, Summer/Fall 1990
“Read This,” The New York Review of Science Fiction, February 1991
“Introduction,” Orbit Science Fiction Yearbook Two, ed. David Garnett, Orbit, 1989
“Incident in the Peten,” Chronicles of the Mutant Rain Forest, Horror’s Head Press, 1992
“Avram Davidson 1923-1993,” Nebula Awards 29, ed. Pamela Sargent, Harcourt Brace, 1995
“An Appreciation of Avram Davidson,” Eidolon, Fall 1996
“God Is in the Details,” Paragons, ed. Robin Wilson, St. Martin’s Press, 1996
“Introduction,” Going Home Again by Howard Waldrop, Eidolon Publications, 1997
“The Year in Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Symposium,” Nebula Awards 32, ed. Jack Dann, Harvest, 1998
“Afterword,” The Avram Davidson Treasury, ed. Grania Davis, Tor, 1998
“This Space for Advertising,” Event Horizon, 10/14/98
“The Millennium Cucaracha,” Event Horizon, 1/14/99
“The Littleton Follies,” Event Horizon, 5/18/99
“Weapons of Mass Seduction” [essay collection/film reviews], Wheatland Press, ed. Deborah Layne, Jay Lake, 2005
“With Christmas in Honduras”