bench before the fire.
As they sat down he said, 'My father was murdered, Wynne. It was his brother's hand that struck him down, no accident. My uncle was seen perpetrating the foul deed. The witness was my grandmother, but my grandmother was only a woman. She could do nothing, and so she told several trusted servants and swore them to secrecy. Then she spent the rest of her life protecting me from Cynbel.
'I had the knowledge to destroy when I was seven, but my father had taught me that life is sacred to the Mother and the Father. I had gone with him into his pharmacea from the time I could toddle. When he died I taught myself from his secret books which were hidden from my uncle, who would have taken them for himself, even though they would have done him no good. He always believed if he could find those books he could change the fate his own father had ordained for him and for those of his descendants who followed him.'
Madoc sighed. 'My uncle was such a warped soul, Wynne. He married my mother in order to have Raven's Rock, but he could not. After Brys was born, his madness-for it was madness-grew even worse. He was determined his son should have what was mine. He taught Brys early how to hate. The envy and jealousy that oozed out of him was absorbed into Brys's very pores. Of course, with my grandmother and the servants watching over me, my uncle had no chance of harming me. He turned my brother against me for nought, but once the deed was done, there was no changing it. Brys attempted his rape of Nesta because he knew how very much I loved our sister. In his warped mind her violation was to be a mortal blow at me.'
'But once again he failed,' Wynne said softly, 'and in failing, found himself exiled from Raven's Rock, which but increased his bitterness and his anger toward you.'
Madoc nodded sadly. 'After that there was no real hope of a reconciliation between us, although I did try for our mother's sake that once when Brys's father died.'
'Has he married?' Wynne asked, curious.
Madoc laughed harshly. 'Nay! He has found what he believes to be the perfect avenue of revenge. The Church. Brys took orders several years ago, and then when the old bishop of Cai died two years ago, my brother shamelessly bought his office. He is one of the youngest bishops in the Church. He attempts to destroy me by claiming my powers come from the devil. There are some fools in King Gruffydd's court who fear my influence and would like to believe it so.'
'Then your marriage to me cannot fail but be an advantage, as I am related to the king,' Wynne said thoughtfully.
“ 'Tis not why I betrothed myself to you, dearling,' he replied.
'I know that,' she answered him. 'I have no fear of your motive, Madoc. I trust you, but enough of your brother! I want to become a shape-changer as you are.'
He chuckled and said, 'Why, I believe that you love me for my knowledge of magical arts, Wynne. I am not sure I should not be offended.'
'I am not certain why I love you, Madoc,' and the words out of her mouth, Wynne looked even more astounded than the man by her side did. 'Ohhhh!' she said, her green eyes wide with her own surprise.
'I seem to have said so, haven't I.' Wynne bit her lower lip in vexation and then continued carefully, 'I suppose I
For the first time in his life Madoc of Powys found himself at a loss for words. He knew he should say something, but he feared if he did, whatever it was he said would drive her away again. Wynne quickly solved the problem for him.
'Now that we have agreed on that, my lord, tell me when you will begin to teach me how I may learn to change my shape as you do.'
Somehow he managed to find his voice. 'It is a simple matter, Wynne, but it can be dangerous. The world in which you and I live is no longer the world of our Celtic ancestors. I am called a sorcerer by many, though my reputation exceeds my actual deeds. Yet the knowledge I possess was once greatly respected and appreciated by our people. There is no evil to it except in the hands of evil men, but that has ever been so. Now, however, that knowledge I possess is said to spring from the devil. So I must conceal what I know for the most part from those around us, lest I be considered the devil's disciple. Still, my reputation persists because of the history of the princes of Powys-Wenwynwyn. A history forever being reinvented and embroidered upon by my brother, Brys, for the delectation of the ignorant, the foolish, and the superstitious.'
'The knowledge you have must be passed on, my dear lord,' Wynne told him quietly. 'It is a part of who we are. Not just yesterday, but today and tomorrow.'
'Perhaps today, but I am not certain about the morrow, dearling. Nonetheless, I will endeavor to teach you what I know. However, before I teach you the secret of changing one's shape, you must learn other things. You had a small pharmacea at Gwernach. I have one here within the castle. Tomorrow we will adjourn there together. I will see how far you have gotten with your potions, and then I will teach you what you must know. We will have to work very hard, Wynne, and I warn you I am not an easy taskmaster.'
'Nor I one to be satisfied with poor work, Madoc,' she told him.
He smiled at her pride and, taking her hand, drew her to her feet. 'It is late, dearling. Past time that we sought our beds.' Then he kissed her mouth lightly.
In the morning, when Wynne had arisen and washed herself, Megan came to her with a tray upon which was a freshly baked cottage loaf, a bowl of hot barley cereal, a slice of ham, a crock of sweet butter, a honeycomb, and a goblet of sweet, watered wine. 'When you are ready, my lady, I am instructed to take you to the prince.'
As excited as she was, Wynne ate slowly, and she ate everything upon the tray. She did not know how long they would remain in Madoc's pharmacea this day, or when she would have the opportunity to eat again. When she had finished, Megan brought her a basin of scented water that she might wash her hands and face again. Then she held out a garment of grass-green to her mistress.
'What is this?' Wynne asked, for the gown was quite foreign to her.
'The master asks that you wear it to please him,' Megan responded.
Wynne put it on and found the garment to be a floor-length gown of silk with a simple round neckline that followed the shape of her body. It had fitted sleeves to the wrists. Over it she added a grass-green brocade robe with three-quarter-length sleeves that ended just below her elbow. The robe lay open from neck to hem. A three- inch band of gold embroidery done in a swirl of Celtic design descended from the top of the garment to its bottom, around its neckline edges, hem, and sleeve cuffs.
'If you will sit, my lady,' Megan said, 'I will do your hair.'
Wynne sat upon a stool while Megan carefully removed the sleep snarls from her long black hair, brushed the ankle-length tresses until they shone, and then braided her mistress's thick hair into the single braid that Wynne favored. When she had finished, she placed a plain, narrow circlet of Irish red-gold about Wynne's forehead and, kneeling, slipped soft felt slippers upon Wynne's feet.
'You are ready, my lady. If you will follow me, I will take you to Prince Madoc.' Megan arose and moved with fluid grace across the room and through the door.
Wynne followed her maidservant as they moved swiftly through the castle, down the corridor lit by flickering torches, and up a flight of stone steps into a tower. At the top of the staircase was a door, and Megan stopped before it.
'Knock once and enter, my lady,' she said.
'You come no farther?' queried Wynne.
'Nay, my lady. No one in the castle but the prince is allowed into this room. It is a special place, sacred to the old ways of our people. For someone such as I to violate that chamber's sanctity would be a great sacrilege. You, however, are one of the special ones like the prince. We all know it, else he would not have chosen you for his