issued forth from this particular slave market was piteous. But none of the crowds paid a great deal of attention. Such were the fortunes of war.

The children were the next to be sold. The prettier ones, both boys and girls, went quickly in the fast and furious bidding. Next came the young men, beauty and strength being the most obvious assets. Many young men were purchased by their relatives from other parts of the city. They were desperate to retain the young male members of their families who were responsible for breeding the next generation and keeping alive the family name. There were tragedies here too. Twin brothers were auctioned separately, and the family could only afford to retrieve one. The remaining brother was sold to an Arab trader who hoped to make a fortune on the blond boy further south. The identical brothers were torn apart to the sound of awful sobs.

The sisters and female cousins of these young men were less fortunate. Most of the young girls caught by the Turkish soldiers had been raped. Placed last on the slave block as part of the legitimate booty, their youth and their beauty brought good prices from everyone except their families, who were not eager to regain their dishonored daughters. Many a sobbing girl was led away before the stony faces of her own parents.

The sultan, of course, was offered the pick of the captives. But Ali Yahya chose the artisans and craftsmen because Murad intended building a new palace.

The site he had chosen was a large island in the Maritsa River. On one side of the island the view was toward the city, on the other toward the distant, forested mountains. The island was well-treed with a large hill upon the crest of which the palace was to be located. The design was similar to the Alhambra’s, and indeed its architect was a young Moor. There would be courts and fountains, and the entire palace would be surrounded by a carefully cultivated, terraced parkland of gardens, meadow, and woodland. There would be dockage facilities on either side of the island.

The work began immediately, for Murad hoped to have it finished in time for the birth of Adora’s child. Giant blocks of marble were quarried and brought from the Marmara islands. Other pieces were taken from nearby Roman ruins to be cleaned, polished, and recut. Great logs of oak and beech were hauled from the mountains, and several shiploads of cedar from the Mideast arrived at the mouth of the Tunja to be reloaded onto barges and taken upriver to Adrianople.

The finest craftsmen, both free and slave, were brought to work on the palace. There were simple carpenters as well as master builders and carvers. There were plumbers to lay the copper piping for the baths, kitchens, and fountains; painters and gilders; men to lay roof tiles; men to set the wall and floor tiles. In the cities of Bursa and Adrianople the weavers spent long hours at their looms turning out silks, satins, gauzes, and wools. These fabrics were then turned over to the master weavers and seamstresses to be turned into tapestries, rugs, draperies, and other hangings.

Murad drove his architect, who in turn drove his craftsmen and workers as hard as he could. But he dared not tell the sultan that the palace would not be finished in time for the child’s birth. It was finally Theadora who solved the dilemma by suggesting to the architect that he concentrate his men’s efforts into completing her part of the palace first.

Hers was one of six courts. It was to be called The Court of the Beloved.

The Court of the Sun faced southwest and was tiled in red, yellow, gold, and orange. All the flowers in this court were gaily colored. The Court of the Stars and the Moon was done in blue- and cream-colored tiles. Here were planted heavily fragrant nightblooming flowers such as sweet nicotiana, lilies, and moonflower vines. About the deep-blue tiled fountain were set twelve silver plaques, each one representing a sign of the zodiac. There would also be the Court of the Olive Trees, the Court of the Blue Dolphins, and the Court of the Jeweled Fountains.

Adora’s private court faced south and west. It contained her own kitchen and dining room, a complete bath, a nursery for her expected child, her own spacious bedroom, a small library, three reception rooms, and sleeping quarters for her slaves. The open courtyard was large and boasted several small reflecting pools and a beautiful fountain, the water spouting forth from a golden lily. There were dwarfed flowering trees-cherry, apple, almond, and peach. In the spring there would be pink and white blossoms, blue and white hyacinths, yellow, gold and white narcissus, and all varieties of Persian tulips. In the summer the garden would bloom with multicolored roses, windflowers, and lilies-Adora’s favorite. In the autumn the apple trees would offer their fruits to the inhabitants of the Court of the Beloved exclusively.

Adora told Murad that the entire palace would not be finished in time for their child’s birth. But before he could complain she explained that the baby would still be birthed in the palace, for her own court was to be finished first. The child she carried would be the first Ottoman to be born in Europe.

Adora soothed Murad gently. “You are not,” she told him, “putting up a tent, my lord. Palaces take time to build if they are built to endure. When you and I have long since disappeared from men’s memories, I would have those walking the earth then point to your palace and say, ‘and that is the Island Serai, built by Sultan Murad, son of Orkhan Ghazi. It was the first royal residence built by the Ottomans in Europe, and in it was born the first European Ottoman sultan.’ If your palace is well built, my lord, it will endure forever, a monument to you. But if you force the workmen to build quickly, your palace will not endure longer than your own life span.”

He smiled lovingly at her. “Being full with my seed has not dulled your clever Greek powers of reasoning.”

“I had not heard that carrying a child in the womb shut off the brain, my lord.” Damn! Would he never learn?

He laughed. “Your pretty tongue is as always, my dove, over-saucy.”

She laughed back. “Would you truly have me be as those vapid creatures who populate your bed these nights?” She lowered her eyes and slipped awkwardly to her knees. “Yeth, my lord,” she lisped in a brutally stunning imitation of one of his favorites, “whatever my lord sath. Each word from hith mouth ith a dewdrop of withdom, my lord.”

Murad pulled Adora up and made a wry face. “How can I fault Ali Yahya?” he asked. “Every girl in my harem is exquisite. One is lovelier than the other. But, Allah! They are as stupid as a flock of sheep!”

She teased him without mercy. “But surely that is what you want, my lord. You are always faulting me for my intelligence, saying it is not suitable to a beautiful woman. Now you fault these lovely girls because they lack brains. You are a fickle man, my lord. There is no pleasing you.”

“If you were not so fat with my son, impudent slave, I should beat you,” he growled. But his eyes were merry and his hand on her rounded belly was gentle. Then his voice roughened, and he said, “You are misshapen with the child. Your nose is too long, your mouth too small. Your hair is lank. And yet, you are the most beautiful, exciting woman I have ever seen! What sorcery is this that you practice on me, Theadora of Byzantium?”

Her violet eyes glittered, and he was not sure she wasn’t holding back tears. This touched him, for she was such a proud little creature. “I practice no sorcery, my lord,” she said softly, “unless there is something magical in my love for you.”

“Little witch,” he said low, catching her hand and kissing the palm.

Her marvelous violet eyes caught his, and for the briefest, eeriest second he believed she could read his thoughts. But then she took his hand and placed it on her belly. “The child moves, my love. Can you feel him?”

Beneath his fingers he felt first what seemed a gentle fluttering, but then suddenly the center of his palm was kicked hard. He started, staring down at his hand in wonder, almost as if he expected to see a footprint. She laughed happily.

“He is surely your headstrong son,” she said.

He tenderly drew her into his arms and stroked her swollen breasts.


He looked sharply at her, and she blushingly confessed, “It makes me hunger for you, my lord, and you know that it is now forbidden me.”

“I hunger for you too, Adora,” he answered gravely. “Be patient, my dove, and soon we will share a bed again.” And he held her close until, safe in the warmth of his arms, she fell asleep. Only then did he lower her carefully to the pillows. Rising, he pulled the coverlet over her.

He stood for a moment gazing down at her. Then he walked slowly from the room and sought the spyhole that looked down into the common room of the harem. It was early, and his maidens were still up and chattering. They were, he mused, a nice collection. He must remember to compliment Ali Yahya’s good taste. His eye fell on two girls in particular. One was a lovely, fair-skinned, little blonde from northern Greece with large sky blue eyes. Her pretty, round breasts had saucy pink nipples. The other was a tall, dark-skinned beauty from beyond the Sahara Desert.

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