And with the words echoing softly in her head Lara fell asleep, and slept until the sun was well up the following morning. She opened her eyes to see the dappled sunlight coming in through the leaves outside of her window. She felt both well rested, and strangely calm. She had never spoken so familiarly or at such length with the guardian flame in the crystal before last night, but then her life until just a few weeks ago had been quiet and predictable. She had never considered that she was growing up, and that her life would have had to change in some way. She had assumed that despite her father’s poverty someone would have her to wife, and she would go on as she always had, but serving a husband instead of her father. She sighed, and rolled over to gaze out the small window at the green leaves blowing in the summer breeze, the patches of blue sky beyond them. Then resigned, she arose, and pulled a clean gown on over her chemise.
Going into the dayroom she discovered her tray from last night was gone, and in its place was another with a thick slice of brown bread, a wedge of hard yellow cheese, a hard boiled egg and a peach. There was also a carafe of clear spring water to drink. She ate, and then opening the window of the chamber, leaned out to see what she could see in the light of day. The air was warm, and the scent of the Forest was fresh and entirely different from the smells of the City. But she could see naught but leaves. Turning, she looked about the room for something to do. She was bored, and the thought of spending the entire day penned up here was not a pleasant one. Exploring the room she discovered a trunk full of Enda’s clothing, much of it in need of mending. Didn’t his bride-to-be keep his clothing in good repair? She slammed the trunk lid shut. In desperation she took some of the water from the carafe, and her bathing cloth, and cleaned the two little windows in the two rooms.
In midmorning the door opened, and Belda slipped inside, finger to her lips in warning. She beckoned Lara into the bedchamber. “We can talk here,” she said in a low voice. “I came for the tray, so I don’t have a great deal of time. How did you come to remain here? Surely you were meant for a better place in life, Lara.”
“For some reason I neither know or understand the Head Forester and his brother would have me. They paid Rolf Fairplay thirty thousand pieces of gold for me. The trader did all he could to discourage them, even saying I was meant for one of the Coastal Kings. But they were adamant, and would not be denied. But I do not know why they would pay such a sum, Belda.”
The woman shook her head. “Truda says they mean to sacrifice you to one of their Forest gods because you are a high-born virgin.”
“Truda is a fool. I am a mercenary’s daughter, although my father is now a Crusader Knight. I have been poor my entire life. And tonight my virginity will indeed be sacrificed, but to no god-rather it will be sacrificed to the lust of both Enda and Durga. One does not spend that kind of wealth for a religious sacrifice, but let Truda think what she will,” Lara said with a small smile.
“Durga has used her for pleasure already. She thinks that makes her special, and has tried to lord it over us, but Durga’s wife, the lady Sita, slapped her for her presumption,” Belda said. “Now I must go. I was to ask if you needed anything.”
“Two things, if I might be indulged. A real bath so I may wash my dirty hair, and a needle and some thread to do some mending,” Lara told Belda. “I am not used to being idle, and I am bored.”
“I’ll tell the lady Sita. They are not bad, these Forest folk. I’ll be back if I can,” Belda promised, and picking up the tray, left Lara alone again.
To Lara’s surprise, however, Belda returned shortly, bringing with her a small basket containing needles and thread. “The lady Sita sends you this with her compliments. She says she must ask her husband and lord Enda if you may bathe, for you would have to be escorted to the bathhouse.”
“Do they all live in the trees?” Lara asked Belda.
“Nay, only the few lords among them. There is a village below, but you could not see it from the caravan. The trees are like the great walls of a town, or the City.” Then she hurried from the room again.
Lara went to the trunk, and pulling out the most damaged of Enda’s garments, set to work repairing them. The day did not seem so dull now as she sat by a window for light, plying her needle industriously. By late afternoon she had finished the worst of his clothing, and was making minor repairs on the rest of them. She did not hear the door to the chamber open and close, and jumped at the sound of his voice.
“What are you doing? Are those my clothes?” Enda asked her in a hard voice. “Where did you obtain your sewing supplies?”
Lara looked up, calmer now. “You could not expect me to remain here all day without something to do. I found your garments, and asked the woman they sent with my meal for needle and thread. She returned with this basket and the lady Sita’s compliments. Surely you are not displeased with me? I would have thought your betrothed wife would have done this, but perhaps you have not asked her.”
“Tira is the daughter of a great family like mine. She does not do slave’s work,” he answered Lara. Then he picked up one of his shirts, examining it carefully. “This is very good work. I cannot see the stitches,” he complimented her.
“Thank you,” Lara told him. “I am glad if I have pleased you, my lord.”
“There are other ways in which I would have you please me,” he said drawing her into the circle of his arms.
“And so you shall, my lord, I have not a doubt,” Lara said. “I am told I am a good student. I hope I shall prove worthy of your teaching.” She looked up at him but briefly, and then down again, her dark lashes set off by her fair skin, and in vivid contrast with her hair.
“I have not your skill with words, my fair slave girl, but I shall teach you better ways to entertain me. That little tongue of yours will soon discover other talents than speaking cleverly.” He tipped her face up to his. “I am told you would bathe.”
“Aye.” His deep brown eyes were very beautiful, and even mesmerizing.
“You look clean enough to me,” he said.
“I am used to bathing regularly,” she told him. “At least several times a week, my lord. And my hair is filled with the dust of my travels.”
“If I take you to the bathhouse I will remain to watch you,” he replied.
“It is your privilege, my lord,” she answered sweetly.
“Are you always so amenable and mild-tempered?” he wondered.
“Not always, my lord,” Lara said.
“Are you not in the least fearful of losing your virginity tonight?” he demanded.
“I am anxious, aye,” she responded quietly. “What virgin is not? But it is a natural thing, which must happen to