“This is my brother, Lothair,” Kaliq said. “He has been admiring you all evening, Lara, my love. I realize you had not considered such a thing, but I would like to share you with him for a short while.”

“I long to sheath myself in your lovely body,” Prince Lothair murmured in Lara’s ear. His two hands were suddenly clasping her breasts as Kaliq knelt and, pushing Lara’s thighs apart, lowered his dark head to lick at the soft insides of her thighs. The hands on her breasts were gentle, stroking and caressing her until she was weak with enjoyment. She felt Kaliq opening her up, spreading her nether lips, his tongue beginning to lick at the sensitive flesh hidden within. She whimpered, and moved restlessly beneath his touch as Lothair’s big hands moved over her body tenderly setting it afire.

“Is she ready yet, brother?” Lothair said.

“Not yet,” Kaliq replied. “Remember this is all new to her. She needs time to be truly free of her inhibitions.” His tongue sought the sensitive little nub of flesh that was the core of her womanhood. He played with it, slowly touching, licking, coaxing her to release her fears, and Lara did.

It was simply too delicious. She had never considered two men pleasuring her at the same time, but after her initial astonishment she had come to realize she was enjoying their attentions. Enda and Durga had wanted only to satisfy themselves and get a child on her. These two princes wanted nothing more than to give her enjoyment. She sighed gustily, and then moaned as his tongue pushed itself into her sheath. “Oh! Oh!” she cried, and then the wicked tongue moved itself back to that sensitive bit of flesh, teasing it until her juices began to flow. “Oh, please!” Lara begged them. “Please!” She had never before felt such white-hot desire as was now coursing through her veins.

Kaliq raised his dark head from between her milky thighs. “She is ready,” he said.

Prince Lothair lay Lara back upon the dining couch. He mounted her, his dark eyes burning with undisguised lust. He pushed slowly, filling her with his manroot. Kaliq had seated himself behind Lara, and now held her in a tender embrace as his brother worked the girl to a fever pitch that left Lara gasping for breath, and so pleasured that she screamed with her complete satisfaction. Lothair smiled down at her, giving her a passionate kiss that left Lara’s head whirling dizzily as he withdrew from her. He kissed her hands, still smiling, and then left them.

“I want more,” Lara begged, and Kaliq complied, covering her body with his, entering her, moving upon her while she clung to him, her nails raking down his long back. Harder and harder he thrust. Her legs wrapped about his torso. Deeper and deeper he pressed his manroot into her burning flesh until she was sobbing with a desire that threatened to overwhelm her. And then as suddenly as the storm began, it crested and subsided, leaving Lara weak, her beautiful face tearstained, her body at last satisfied. Turning her head she saw that the other princes and their women were now as fully engaged as they had but recently been. Lothair lay near them on his back, a dark- haired girl with strong thighs riding him vigorously, her eyes closed with her bliss.

“Now,” Kaliq said softly, “you are beginning to learn and understand passion, and there is much more, my love. Much, much more.”

“But can I survive it?” she teased him.

“You are half faerie, Lara, and none have a greater capacity for passion than those with faerie blood,” he told her.

“I am exhausted,” she said to him.

“Then sleep, my love,” he told her.


“Everyone will,” he told her. “And come the morning we will all go to the baths and refresh each other.” He held the cup of wine to her lips. “Drink, and you will rest.”

“What is in the cup?” she demanded of him.

“Sleep,” he said with a smile, and she drank, finding he had spoken the truth.

When she awoke the golden light of day was filling the skies outside of the banqueting hall, and the others about her were beginning to stir. Kaliq was already awake, and rising, he led them all to the baths as he had said. Everyone was naked, and Lara thought how beautiful the bodies around her were. They washed each other in the floor basins, each prince with his partner. Then they entered the bathing pool, lounging and chattering about the fine feast of the previous evening, and Kaliq’s hospitality.

“I hope,” Lothair said to Lara, “that your enjoyment was as complete as mine. I can see you are young, and have little experience, but your faerie blood rose to the occasion. Thank you for sharing yourself with me, Lara.”

She smiled at him and kissed his cheek, not knowing what else to say. As each couple departed the bathing pool and left the bath, they found servants with their garments awaiting them.

“I must see my guests off,” Kaliq told her. “Go back to your apartments, and I will join you for the morning meal. Ah, here is Noss to escort you.”

“Was it a wonderful feast?” Noss asked as they walked along together.

“I have never attended one like it,” Lara admitted.

“What is it like?” Noss wanted to know.

“What is what like?”

“Not being a virgin,” Noss said.

“How old are you?” Lara demanded.

“Twelve, almost thirteen.”

“There is time enough for you to know such things, but now is not that time, Noss,” Lara told her. “I will tell you when the time is right, I promise.”

True to his word, Kaliq joined Lara for the first meal of the day.

When they had finished eating, Noss cleared the remnants away, and left them together. With a smile, Kaliq disrobed again, inviting Lara to do the same. They lay together naked on her bed, caressing each other and kissing. Neither of them, it seemed, could get enough of the other. He drank from her lips like a bee gathering honey. Her fingers brushed over his lean, hard body, exploring it in a leisurely fashion.

“I have never before,” she said softly, “enjoyed learning a man’s body.”

He smiled at her. “I am flattered then to be the recipient of your curiosity.”

“You tease me,” she cried. “Do not! You know not what I suffered at the hands of the Foresters. To be used as a vessel by them, to feel desire but at the same time revulsion for them both was horrific.”

“Ah, Lara,” he reassured her, “if I tease you it is because I care for you. Put away all thoughts of the Foresters, and let me love you. Know that you are safe in my care. I will let nothing happen to you, my beautiful one.” He kissed her gently. “Come now and let us take pleasure in one another, for we are both ready.” He lifted her up, and sheathed himself in her lovely body, groaning as he felt the walls of her passage enclosing him with heated desire.

“Ahh,” she sighed, taking him into herself as deeply as he could go. “Shall the mare ride the stallion?” she taunted.

“If it pleases her,” he said, smiling into her green eyes.

“Nay,” she surprised him by answering. “This time I would be mastered by you, my lord Kaliq. Make me forget! Make me feel safe in your arms!”

Rolling them over so she now lay beneath him, he began to thrust himself within her excited body. Slowly, slowly at first, making her whimper, making her want more. Then his tempo began to increase, and his manroot flashed swiftly back and forth, back and forth until Lara was sobbing with her pleasure, crying out with the satisfaction he could give her. She clung to him, her body weak and replete with the gratification he had so sweetly given her. Lara opened her eyes. “I wanted you to have pleasure, too,” she said.

“I did,” he assured her. “The look on your face alone almost brought me to a crisis before my time, but my will is strong. We finished together, I swear it,” he promised, smiling down into her face. “But now, my love, the day is well begun, and there is much to do. Come, and we will bathe again in your own little bath.” He arose from the bed, drawing her up with him, and together they did as he suggested. Then he left her, saying, “Today you begin your education, for that is the other part of my task with you. Master Bashkar will come shortly to begin your lessons.”

“What have I to learn that you cannot teach me?” she asked him.

“You must learn about Hetar and its history. Not gossip and old wives’ tales, but the truth. What do you know of the Outlands, for instance?”

“That it is a wild place of uncivilized men,” she answered him.

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