
It wasn't easy, but Ryan's being in the city all week helped them both. And there was the Channel. Ashley was beginning to get a little bored with her two fantasies. Still, she didn't want to delete them. She had spent a lot of time perfecting them. Instead she decided to add a new element to the one with Quinn. It was time to introduce the lady Cordelia's husband, Tribune Maximillian Alerio Patronius, into the picture. She smiled. Yes, it was time the tribune came home from campaign. Stretching out on her bed, she pressed the button that slid the wall back to reveal her television, and then she pushed A.

The villa was bustling with activity as the slaves prepared for their master's homecoming from northern Gaul. The lady of the house was stretched out as a slave massaged her body with a lily-scented cream. Quinn crept into the chamber and waited for her to recognize that he was there. Finally she cast a glance his way.

'My husband will be home shortly. You will confine yourself to your quarters until he has departed again. You know how he hates to see you and that lovely big cock of yours. Even though he gave you to me so I would behave while he is away, he does not wish to be reminded that you are foraging between my legs while he is gone. If he should catch so much as a glimpse of you, I will punish you severely, Quinn. I will send a slave girl to look after you. But you may not fuck her. Your cock is for me alone. Do you understand me?'

'Yes, mistress,' Quinn answered her, his eyes lowered respectfully.

'Then get you gone,' she told him, and turned back to the masseuse. 'The ball of your thumb is too rough, Iris. Be certain to have it sanded when you massage me again.'

'Yes, mistress,' the slave woman answered, grateful not to have been hit.

There was the sound of trumpets amid the thunder of horses' hooves from outside the villa, announcing the arrival of someone of importance.

'The master is home!' she heard the slaves crying out.

Ashley smiled. Yes, this would add a soupcon of novelty to her fantasy. She arose from the massage table as her women scurried about her. Her long hair was scented with oil of lilies to match the fragrance arising from her naked body. A slave dropped a woven necklace of delicate white freesia about her neck, and handed her a second necklace. Then without a word the slaves ran from the chamber, and a moment later the twin doors into that chamber were opened, and her husband strode in. He had already been divested of his armor and garments. The tribune Maximillian Alerio Patronius looked exactly like Ryan Finbar Mulcahy, and he was as naked as she was. Ashley stepped forward and dropped the floral necklace over his head.

'Welcome home, my lord,' she said in a husky voice. She hadn't thought he would look like Ryan, but then, she had been thinking about Ryan a great deal lately.

Reaching out, he swept her into his arms and kissed her deeply. 'I have missed you, lady. The women in Gaul stink of animal fat and sweat.'

'But you fucked them anyway.' She laughed up at him. 'Didn't you?'

'After I had them washed twice over, aye! Was your sex slave satisfactory?' he asked her. 'Did he keep you entertained enough that you retained your chastity, and did not bring any scandal on my house, my insatiable Cordelia?'

'He is perfect, my lord. Not only does he fuck reasonably well, although nowhere near as well as you do, he has great stamina and is able to take a good whipping.'

The tribune laughed. 'I am happy to learn my gift was a success, lady.'

'You are the perfect husband, Max,' Ashley told him. 'You are always thinking about me, and your gifts are delightful. I am the happiest woman in Rome. Now tell me,' she said as she pressed up again him, 'why are you home? I did not expect you for another few months.'

'Caesar recalled me. He wished to replace me with one of his sycophants,' the tribune replied. 'Actually, if the gossip is correct Caesar is fucking the man's wife, and the fool tried to keep her too close. It was a simple matter to send the husband off to northern Gaul so Caesar might have easy access to his favored mistress. I can but hope the fellow doesn't find himself dead.' He chuckled. 'But now, my dear wife, it is time for you to welcome me home properly. On your knees like a good wife, Cordelia, and suck my cock. If you do it nicely I will fuck you. If you displease me, then I shall fuck one of your pretty slave girls. We have the afternoon, but then we are expected at the palace tonight for a banquet, which will certainly turn into a delightful orgy.'

Ashley fell to her knees and lifted the long peg of flesh. She gazed at it carefully, as if deciding just what she was going to do. Then, holding it gently by its head, she licked it first up one side, and then back down the other. 'Ummm,' she murmured. 'You taste of leather, Max.' She took his penis into her mouth and began to suck on him. The long fingers of his big hand dug into her scalp, and he kneaded her head as she sucked at first with deep, strong pulls of her mouth. She stopped suddenly, and her tongue began to encircle the sensitive head of his organ. Then she nipped at it delicately with her teeth.

He growled. 'Easy, my goddess,' he warned her.

She began to suck him again. He grew thick and hard in her warm mouth, and he lengthened so that the tip of his penis was pushing just down her throat. She moaned, thinking how she loved the taste of him. Her hands slipped around him to fondle his tight buttocks. Her fingers dug into his flesh. She raised her eyes slightly to him, silently asking what he would have of her. Wordlessly he gave the command, and Ashley sucked harder and harder upon his cock until she felt him quiver, and then his sperm burst forth. She almost choked as she swallowed it down, so copious was the flow, but she continued to draw every last drop from him until he bade her cease.

'Jupiter and Mars, Cordelia, no one can suck me off like you can!' the tribune praised his wife. 'Do you suck the slave?'

'My lord!' She was indignant. 'That you could even ask me such a thing.'

'You're a beautiful liar,' he told her, laughing as he pulled her up into his arms. 'You have an appetite for sex, which is why I bought the fellow for you. I'm glad he isn't boring you.' He led her over to her large bed. 'Now,' he said as they lay down together, 'you have been a very good girl, and should be rewarded appropriately. I have a taste for your juicy cunt, Cordelia. Open yourself to me,' the tribune said, and he positioned her to suit his purposes. Then his head slid between her shapely legs.

He slowly licked the tender flesh of her plump thighs. His teeth grazed her delicate skin, nipping just enough to pinch. She squealed softly. His tongue ran up and down her slit several times. Then, pulling one of her nether lips apart, he licked at the inside of it, then probed beyond to find her clitoris. He slowly licked at the sensitive little organ, playing with it, teasing it with the velvet tip of his tongue. His mouth closed over it, and he sucked hard on it.

Ashley cried out as a small clitoral orgasm overcame her. 'Ohh, Max!' she cried to him. 'No one does that to me as well as you do.' Her hand stroked his dark hair. 'I know you need a moment to recover, but I beg you to put your fingers in me. I am burning with my desire, and it will but whet my appetites further,' she told him.

He raised himself up and kissed her firmly. She could taste herself on his lips. Then he pushed two fingers into her vagina. Hard. 'It isn't as good as I will be,' he said. The fingers frigged her slowly at first, and then with increasing rapidity, but she found she could not come, and she whimpered with her frustration. He laughed. 'I know, my goddess. Only a thick, long cock will do for you, and you shall have it.' He swung quickly over her. 'Now!' And with a single fierce thrust he filled her vagina.

Ashley screamed with delight, and wrapped her legs about her husband. 'Fuck me, Max!' she begged him. 'Fuck me hard, and make me come!'

He obliged her, and they finally collapsed as they came together. And when he had caught his breath he said, 'No more for now, my goddess. Tonight when we return from the palace we will enjoy each other. But for now we must prepare to be the emperor's guests.'

She called for their slaves, and she and Max were bathed and dressed. Max was attired in a purple silk toga lined in gold, to indicate his military victories. On his feet were slipped a pair of calceus , fine leather sandals painted gold and studded with amethysts. His dark hair had been cut once he had come from his bath. It was short, with several tiny stiff curls on his forehead and at the nape of his neck. His only jewelry was a gold signet ring he used for sealing correspondence.

The tribune's wife was garbed in a sheer violet silk tunic shot through with gold threads. Her body glowed

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