tightness in his breeches.

'Ohh,' she said, and began to worry her lower lip with her small white teeth. 'I had not yet considered that part of our marriage.'


After the guests had departed, he led her out onto the terrace that overlooked the garden. He sat her down upon a marble bench, and took her hand in his. 'You told me you wanted children, Allegra.' His eyes scanned her face for the truth.

'Oh, I do,' she answered him quickly.

'Then we must consummate our marriage, my dear. It is the only way we shall obtain children,' the duke explained, hoping such frankness would not shock or frighten her.

'I am not a fool, Quinton!' Allegra said sharply. 'I know how children are conceived. I would be a complete puddinghead if I didn't. Every girl knows, even if she feigns ignorance.'

'But you said…,' he began.

'I said I had not yet considered that part of our marriage, and I haven't, but I know it must exist between us eventually,' Allegra replied. 'Do not rush me, sir. I have never even been kissed.'

'That is something I can put aright now,' he told her. Then he touched her lips with his fingertips even as Allegra's eyes grew wide. Her lips had a texture like rose petals. The duke tilted Allegra's face up to his and kissed her gently, his mouth pressing lightly against hers. Shyly she kissed him back, and the sweetness emanating from her lips overwhelmed him, shocked him, sent his senses reeling.

'That was very nice,' Allegra told him. 'Are you a good kisser, my lord? You see I shall never know another man's lips, so I am naturally curious as to what your lovers have thought.'

He was torn by twin urges. The first was laughter. The second was shock at her candidness. 'None of the ladies I have kissed, Allegra, has ever voiced displeasure,' he replied.

She sighed. 'They probably wouldn't unless you were absolutely awful at it. Women tend to be like that I have observed. We prefer peace.'

He felt irritated. 'I am quite certain,' he said, 'that I am an excellent kisser, Allegra. I cannot imagine why you should even ask such a question.'

'Oh, dear, I have ruffled your feathers, haven't I, my lord? I am sorry.' But the smile upon her pretty lips contradicted her apology.

'Shall I obtain a list of satisfied ladies for you to query?' he demanded, refusing to let the matter rest. It was her first kiss, or so she claimed. She should have been thrilled down to her toes instead of demanding references attesting to his skills as a lover.

Allegra heard the annoyance in his voice, and now it was she who found herself irritated. 'I am curious, Quinton,' she told him. 'I have been taught that curiosity isn't a mortal sin, but rather to be cultivated. As I told you, I have never before been kissed by a gentleman. I am sorry if my interest offended you. If you mean to wed me then you will have to get used to it, I fear.'

'I shall also have to get used to your bluntness,' he replied, his tone still distinctly annoyed.

Allegra burst out laughing. 'Gracious, sir, we are having our first quarrel, and we are not even wed. I will wager that Sirena and Ocky have not quarreled yet.'

'They are in love. Cow-eyed, and moonstruck,' he answered her, a faint hint of scorn in his voice.

'And we are not in love,' Allegra said. She wasn't certain now how she felt about that fact. Then she shook herself inwardly. Love led only to betrayal and unhappiness. Better a couple suit.

'You do not hold a grudge, do you?' the duke said to her, his humor beginning to return.

'Not often,' she responded with a small smile.

'Ahh, here you are, my dears.' Her aunt came out into the wide terraced balcony. 'Your papa was looking for you, Allegra, but I see that you are fine. I shall tell him.' She smiled and hurried off again.

'Would you like to see the sunrise?' the duke asked.

'In London? Such a thing isn't possible,' Allegra replied.

'We can take my coach and drive outside the city. There is time,' he said. 'Perhaps Ocky and Sirena would like to come with us.'

'If you can manage to live with their constant billing and cooing,' Allegra told him, 'I suppose I can, too.'

He laughed. 'Is that your subtle way of saying you want to be alone with me, Allegra?'

'We are to be married in a few months' time, Quinton. I want to know you better,' she said. 'If you would really like my cousin and her affianced to come, however, I will send a servant for them.'

'No,' he said softly, and drew her into the circle of his arms. 'I want to get to know you better, too, Allegra.' He looked down into her small face, a half smile upon his lips.

Her heart hammered suddenly. Damn, he was a handsome man! Those silvery gray eyes were mesmerizing. 'Your eyelashes are surely longer than mine,' she said breathily.

He smiled openly now. 'Are they?'

'Yes!' she said. Then her eyes fastened upon the mouth that had earlier given her her first kiss. It was a big mouth, and yet it had an air of delicacy about it.

'I think, Allegra,' the duke said, 'that you need to be kissed once more before we go off to see the sunrise.' Then he kissed her again, this time his arms wrapping themselves tightly about her, his mouth pressing harder against her lips.

A shiver raced down her spine. For the briefest moment she felt weak and helpless, then the feeling passed as quickly as it had come. When he drew away she smiled up at him, but this time she uttered not a word. She had learned after their first kiss that gentlemen didn't like to be questioned about their technique. As far as she was concerned his skills pleased her, and wasn't that enough? It was going to have to be, she reasoned to herself.

The duke called for his carriage while Allegra sought out her father to tell him where they were going.

'It was a wonderful ball, Papa,' she said, finding him in his library with her aunt. 'Thank you so very much.' She kissed his cheek.

'And to think you are to be a duchess!' her aunt enthused excitedly. 'What a naughty pair you two were keeping such news from me these past few weeks.' She wagged a finger at them playfully.

'I wanted Sirena to have her due,' Allegra replied. 'You know quite well, Aunt Olympia, that had my betrothal been announced when Sirena's was, no one would have paid the least attention to my cousin at all. Part of having a successful season is having the people who thought little, or not at all of you, be astounded by your wonderful success in the husband hunt!' She laughed. 'I doubt many thought that the modestly dowered baby sister of the Marquis of Rowley could bag an earl's heir, but Sirena did with her sweetness and her charm. I wanted her to enjoy her triumph, not have to bask in the shadow of mine.'

Olympia Abbott's hand flew to her mouth to stifle her cry. Then the hand fell away and she said, 'That you love my daughter so dearly, even as if she were your own sister, makes me so happy.' Several tears slid down her cheeks with her pleasure.

'Now, now, my dear,' Lord Morgan said, and leaning over he wiped the lady's tears from her cheek tenderly. 'Of course Allegra loves Sirena like a sister, and have you not been a mother

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