Jovian noted. 'We must see that they hold Gabras responsible. They may riot against him. Perhaps even burn his palace down. Ahh, the possibilities are simply endless. Casia, my dear, I do not think I would go to the games tomorrow.'

'I would have only gone to see the Saxon,' Casia said with a small smile. Then turning to Cailin, she hugged her. 'I will miss your honesty. Go with the gods, dear friend. When the winter winds curse this city, I will think of you back home in your beloved Britain. I still think it a savage place, and you a madwoman to go!' She sniffed audibly.

'And I will miss your irreverent ways,' Cailin said softly. 'We will not be back to Britain by winter, though. Perhaps in the springtime. Farewell, dear Casia. May the gods favor you always.' She turned to Aspar, who stood silently.

Taking his hand, she raised it to her lips and kissed it. 'If you regret one moment, I shall never forgive you, Flavius Aspar. Our love is real, and it is true; but the fates have governed that we go in separate directions. I will never forget you, my dear lord.'

'The memory of you will have to suffice me,' he replied quietly. 'I will never forget you, Cailin Drusus. You taught me how to love, and for that I am not certain that I can forgive you. Perhaps it is better not to know how to love than to ache with the loss of it. God go with you, my precious love,' he finished, and he tenderly kissed her lips, bringing tears to her eyes.

'Damn you, Aspar,' she whispered.

'I was born beneath the sign of the Scorpion, my love. I sting when I am hurt. Now get aboard before I decide I cannot be noble.'

The ship sailed out of the walled Phosphorion Harbor, around the point of the city, past the imperial palace. The day was bright, and the water sparkled as they passed the Marble Tower that marked the end of the city's walls. Their vessel skimmed the waves, the fresh breeze sending it onward.

Wulf Ironfist put a hard arm about Cailin and drew her close to him. 'I hope that neither of us regrets the bargain between us.'

'I do not think so,' she told him, and as their ship swept past Villa Mare, she whispered a silent, final good-bye to Flavius Aspar. He would survive, and so would she. She was becoming good at survival, she thought, and then she turned her face to the ship's bow. The wind caught at her long auburn curls and blew them about as she looked west. For the first time in months she knew who she was. She was Cailin Drusus, a Briton, descendant of a Roman tribune and a host of Celtic ancestors, and she was going home. Home to Britain!


A.D. 457

Chapter 15

It took forty days to sail from Byzantium to the city of Massilia in Gaul. The trading vessel exited through the Hellespont and crossed the Mare Thracium past mighty Mount Athos, and on into the Aegean Sea, wending its way along the Greek coast past Delos and the Cyclades. As they reached Meth-one, the captain came to Cailin and Wulf and said, 'Master Jovian wanted you to have this choice. I can either sail north along the Greek coast, and then cross over to Italia at the narrowest point separating the two, or we can sail straight across the Ionian Sea to Sicilia in half the time. The weather is good, and will continue to hold, but we would be out of sight of land for several days. Storms are known to arise suddenly, and you are not sailors; but even should a storm come up, I will get you safely to Massilia.' He smiled, explaining, 'I get a percentage of the cargo profits.'

'Sail straight for Sicilia,' Wulf said, making the decision for them. 'We are anxious to reach Britain before spring.'

For almost seven days they did not see land, but finally the toe of Italia's boot and Sicilia with its rugged mountains rose up on their horizon to their right and left. The ship negotiated the Straits of Messina in the Tyrrhenian Sea. They stopped several times to refill their water barrels, but the ship's captain preferred to anchor along deserted stretches of coast to avoid paying port taxes when all he needed was water.

'The customs men are all thieves. They always claim to have found contraband upon your vessel, particularly if you are just passing through. Then they confiscate the cargo. It's just plain stealing!' he finished indignantly.

They cruised along Italia's coast past Tempsa, Neapolis, Ostia, Pisae, and Genna. At last they had almost reached their destination, and Cailin was vastly relieved. She wanted a bath, and there were certain to be public baths in Massilia.

On their first day aboard she had gone through the clothing that Casia had packed for her, and to her surprise found two small bags of coins. One held twenty gold solidi, and the other was crammed with copper folles. She showed Wulf, and he nodded silently.

'There is a loose board beneath my pallet,' she told him softly. 'I will hide our hoard beneath it, but there must always be someone in the cabin so that we are not robbed. This, and my jewelry, is all we have to make our way with once we arrive at Massilia, and when we reach home we may need what remains to start again. I trust the captain, but the two mates are another thing. I do not like the way they eye Nellwyn.'

'Nellwyn is a foolish little rabbit,' he replied. 'If she is not careful, she will be eaten by dogs. She is your slave. Speak to her. It is not my place to do so.'

'Why are you so irritable?' she asked him. 'You are like an old cat with a stiff paw. Are you not happy we have been reunited?'

'I cannot believe our good fortune,' he said honestly. 'I thought you dead, and then found you alive. You chose to return to Britain with me over marrying a wealthy and powerful man. But we have not been alone since we found each other, and we are not likely to be for months! You are beautiful, Cailin, my wife, and I desire you!'

'You will have to learn patience,' she said serenely, then giggled mischievously, 'and so will I, Wulf Ironfist!'

When they finally docked at Massilia, the captain was thoughtful enough to tell them that parties of merchants traveled up the Roman roads of Gaul toward the coast facing Britain on a regular basis. Wulf would find the respectable travelers at an inn called the Golden Arrow. 'You don't want to try to go it alone, sir. Too many bandits, and you've got the women to consider. A big, strong fellow like you will be welcome in any party. If the women are willing to help with the chores, so much the better.'

Wulf thanked the captain for his advice, and their bags of coins and Cailin's jewels safely hidden, the trio departed the ship. Both Cailin and Nellwyn were plainly garbed, and their hoods were pulled well up over their heads. They kept their eyes modestly lowered, following Wulf Ironfist as they made their way through the bustling port's streets to the inn where Wulf inquired about caravans departing for the northern coast of Gaul.

'There are several leaving in a day or two, sir,' the innkeeper replied. 'How far are you going? Will it just be yourself?'

'We need to get to Gesoriacum,' Wulf told him, 'and my wife and her servant will be going with me. We have come from Byzantium.'

'And are going to Britain, I'll wager,' the innkeeper said.

Wulf nodded. 'I'm a big fellow, as you can see,' he told the innkeeper, 'and I have served my time in the legions. I'm a good swordsman, and my wife and servant can cook. We'll be no liabil-ity.'

'Can you pay?' the innkeeper asked. They didn't look like beggers, but still, one could never tell in these

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