'They happen because we're soft. We're honorable.'

'Did they say what they were?'

'No. I gathered they were pretty important.'

'They must be.'

'Velda, there's a lot of things that are important that we give away for free. Do you know what they were doing one night? They had a pile of technical journals and flying mags you can pick up on any newsstand. They were photographing the stuff onto microfilm for shipment back. A good intelligence man can pick out a lot of data from photos. They take a bit here and a bit there until the picture is complete and bingo, they have something we're trying to keep under the hat.'

'But documents, Mike. That's government stuff! That's something the FBI should know about.'

'I know, I know. Maybe they do. Maybe they know they're missing and suspect where they've gone. Maybe they don't know because the documents were photostats. They're gone and that's what counts. I'm in a muddle because they found me out and now I can't do any more snooping. They'll be looking for me with a vengeance now. They tried to kill me last night and . . .'


'Oh, you didn't hear about that. You should read the papers. There's six lines about it on page four. They didn't even print my picture. Yeah, they know me now and it's every man for himself. The next time I'll start the shooting and I won't miss.'

Velda had her hand over her mouth, her teeth clamped on a fingernail. 'God, you get into some of the most horrible scrapes! I do wish you'd be careful.' Her eyes got a little wet and she got mad at herself. 'You won't tell anybody anything and you won't ask for help when you need it most. Mike . . . please . . . there are times when you have to let somebody else in on things.'

I could feel my lip curling. 'Sure, Velda, sure. I'll tell everybody that I go around killing people just like that. It's easy to say, but I'm the guy who's supposed to be a menace to society. Hell, I'll take it my way and the public can lump it.'

She wiped away a tear that was feeling its way down her cheek. 'He shouldn't have done that to you, Mike.'


'The judge.'

I swore violently and my voice was hoarse.

'Are you . . . going to keep looking?'

I nodded my head. 'Indirectly, yes. I'm still on a case for Lee Deamer.'

Velda's head snapped up. 'Mike . . . that's it!'


'The documents! Charlie Moffit was the courier they spoke about! He was carrying those documents the night Oscar attacked and killed him! Oscar must have taken them from him.'

'Damn!' The word exploded out of me. Of course, of course! the pocket that was ripped out of his coat! I shot Velda a grin that had 'thanks' written on it. 'It comes clear, kid, real clear. Oscar came to town to bleed Lee and he wouldn't bleed. So he goes out and kills a guy hoping to be identified as Lee, knowing damn well Lee would have an alibi and it would just make sensational reading for the public. He figured that would bring Lee to heel when he asked for money again. The gimmick came when he killed the guy. The papers must have stuck out of his pocket and Oscar grabbed them. When he realized what they were he saw the ideal way to bring Lee around. That's what he hinted at to Lee over the phone. If Lee brought in the cops and anything happened to him, the presence of those papers was to be attributed to Lee.'

Velda was white, dead-white and her breathing came too fast. 'It's rotten, Mike. Good heavens, if it ever gets out . . .'

'Yeah, Lee is finished even if he can prove himself innocent.'

'Oh, no!'

'Beautiful. No matter what happens the Commies win. If they get the documents they probably have something juicy for cruddy Uncle Joe. If they don't and somebody else finds them, their worst enemy is yanked off their necks.'

'Mike . . . it can't happen!'

'Now do I go it alone, Velda? Now do I take it by myself?'

'Yes. You . . . and me. The bastards. The dirty, filthy red bastards!' They should see her now, I was thinking. Gladow, the general, the boys in the Kremlin should see her now and they'd know what they were getting into. They'd see the face of beauty that had a kill-lust in every beautiful line and they'd stick inside their cold, walled-in city and shake in their shoes!

'When do we start, Mike?'

'Tonight. Be here at nine sharp. We'll see if we can find what Oscar did with those papers.' She sat back in the chair and stared at the wall.

I picked up the phone and dialed Pat's number. He came on with, 'Homicide, Captain Chambers speaking.'

'Mike, pal. Any new corpses today?'

'Not yet. You didn't shoot straight enough. When are you coming in to explain about last night? I went to bat for you and I want a report and not a lot of subterfuge.'

'I'm practically on my way now. I'll drop by your office and pick you up for lunch.'

'Okay. Make it snappy.'

I said I would and cradled the receiver. Velda was waiting for orders. 'Stay here,' I told her. 'I have to see Pat and I'll call you when I'm finished. In case I don't call or come back, be here at nine.'

'That's all?'

'That's all,' I repeated. I tried to look stern like a boss should, but she grinned and spoiled it. I had to kiss her good-by before she'd let me go. 'There's no telling if I'll see you alive again,' she laughed. Then she slapped her hand over her mouth and her eyes went wide. 'What am I saying?'

'I still have a couple of lives left, kid. I'll save one for you, so don't worry.' I grinned again and went out the door.

Downstairs I got tired of waiting for a cab so I walked the half mile to the lot. A car in the city could be a pain in the butt sometimes. But what the hell, it was a nice day for a change and the air felt fairly fresh if a bus or something didn't go by.

I picked up my keys when I handed over the ticket and found my heap. I was in second and heading toward the gate when I saw that the boy had cleaned off my windows, and jammed on my brakes to flip him a quarter. That two-bits saved my skin. The truck that had been idling up the street had jumped ahead to intercept me broadside, saw I was stopping and tried to get me by swerving onto the driveway and off again.

Metal being ripped out by the roots set up a shriek and the car leaped ahead before there was a nasty snap that disengaged it from the body of the truck. I let out a string of curses because the jolt had wedged me up against the wheel and I couldn't get my rod out. By the time I was back in the seat the truck was lost in the traffic.

The attendant yanked the door open, his face ashen. 'Gawd, mister, you hurt?'

'No, not this time.'

'Them crazy fools! Gawd, they coulda killed ya!' His teeth started to chatter violently.

'They sure coulda.' I got out of the car and walked around the front. One side of the bumper had been ripped clear off the frame and stuck out like an oversize L.

'Boy, that was close, awright. I seen 'em come up the street but I never give 'em a thought. Them crazy fools musta been fooling around the cab and hit the gas. They never stopped. You want I should call a cop?'

I kicked the bumper and it all but fell loose. 'Forget it. They got away by now. Think you can get this bumper off?'

'Sure, I got some tools. Only two bolts holding it on anyway.'

'Okay, take it off and pick one up for this model at a garage somewhere. I'll fix you up for your trouble.'

He said, 'Yessir, mister. Sure,' and ran after his tools. I sat on the fender and smoked a cigarette until he finished then passed him two bucks and told him not to forget a new bumper. He said he wouldn't forget.

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