239. Rudyard Kipling, “If…”

240. North, War Stories III, 124.

241. Robert Appel, “A Soldier’s Last Days of Combat on the Anzio Beachhead,” Central Illinois World War II Stories, atlas.illinois.edu.

242. Ibid.

243. “War Letters,” American Experience, www.pbs.org. and “World War II Letters Home,” The Free Library, www.thefreelibrary.com.

244. North, War Stories III, 128.

245. Steve Fry, “WWII Mystery Solved; Brother Finally Home,” Topeka Capital- Journal, June 21, 2007.

246. Sperry , Prayers for Private Devotions in War-Time, 3.

247. Vaughn Gordy, “Shaken but Grateful,” Central Illinois World War II Stories, atlas.illinois.edu.

248. Ibid.

249. Ibid.

250. C. Horace Maycock, “The Darkest Hour,” WW2 People’s War, www.bbc.co.uk.

251. Central Illinois World War II Stories, “The War for Me,” by Albert Thomas, atlas.illinois.edu.

252. Skelly, The Military Chaplaincy of the U.S. Army, 12, quoting Rev. Parker Thompson, Wallace Hale Eulogy, March 11, 2007. Used by permission.

253. Wallace Hale, from the foreword to Battle Rattle, www.milhist.net.

254. Copyright 1939 by Irving Berlin, www.scoutsongs.com. Berlin dedicated royalties to the God Bless America fund for the Boy and Girl Scouts of the USA.

255. Ibid.

256. Charles M. Province, The Unknown Patton, CMP Productions (Electronic Version, 1998, “The Slapping Incident,” www.pattonhq.com.

257. Miller, The Story of World War II, 216.

258. Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Prayer Book, p. 23.

259. 1 Chronicles 19:13 (KJV)

260. Ibid.

261. Inscription over the entrance to Summerall Chapel, The Citadel.

262. Astor, The Mighty Eighth, 20–21.

263. “Question Mark,” Journal of the Air Force Association, March 2003, www.afa.org.

264. Astor, The Mighty Eighth, 415.

265. “Misery and Teamwork Over Misburg, 26 November 1944,” by Frank Federici and Lt. Col. Vincent Mazza, ret., www.445thbomb-group.com.

266. O’Neill, Half a Wing, Three Engines and a Prayer, 57.

267. Ibid., 69.

268. Astor, The Mighty Eighth, 322–323.

269. O’Neill, Half a Wing, Three Engines and a Prayer, 70. Statement of Bud Klint.

270. Ibid., 101.

271. E. T. McMullen, “Aspects of Air Power in WWII, Including Bert Ramsey, E. L. McMullen, and Others,” memorial and dedication service for Lt. Bert H. Ramsey Jr., Nov. 25, 1945, author of poem unknown, http://personal.georgiasouthern.edu.

272. Ibid.

273. Astor, The Mighty Eighth, 361–62.

274. O’Neill, Half a Wing, Three Engines and a Prayer, 59–60.

275. Ibid.

276. North, War Stories III, 147.

277. Ibid., 148–49.

278. Starting Point Study Bible, “Commit,” 1564.

279. Astor, The Mighty Eighth, 73.

280. Ibid., 103.

281. Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Prayer Book, 95.

282. Astor, The Mighty Eighth, 398.

283. John Frisbee, “Into the Mouth of Hell,” Journal of the Air Force Association, September 1988, www.afa.org.

284. North, War Stories III, 157.

285. S. Clayton Moore quoting McGovern in “The Outspoken American,” Airport Journals, May 2006.

286. Ibid.

287. George McGovern, “The Reason Why,” The Nation, April 21, 2003, www.thenation.com.

288. Edward A. Brandt, My Life as I Care to Remember It. Used by permission.

289. Ruben G. Bork, My Last Combat Mission, Quentin C. Anderson, http://pages.prodigy.net/rebeljack/Bork.html.

290. Art Kramer’s WWII Stories,“The Pilot Who Wouldn’t Fly,” www.coastcomp.com/artkramer.

291. “Hitting the Deck at Karlruhe, Germany,” by Frank W. Federici, www.445thbomb-group.com.

292. Ibid.

293. Lewis, The Mammoth Book of Eyewitness World War II, 325–26.

294. Astor, The Mighty Eighth, 93–94.

295. Australians in the Pacific War, Pilot Officer Peter Gibbes, 6.

296. Ibid.

297. The “chaplain” of this story is Francis Spellman, the Archbishop of New York. He was elevated to the College of Cardinals in 1946. This story and the quotes are from his 1944 classic, The Risen Soldier.

298. Ibid.

299. Ibid.

300. Ibid.

301. Astor, The Mighty Eighth, 247.

302. Ibid., 502–3.

303. Ibid., 321–22.

304. Ibid.

305. Miller, The Story of World War II, 261.

306. Ibid.

307. www.nps.gov.

308. “ Liberty Ships: An Overview, ” www.fiu.edu.

309. From sermons by Bill Hayes ( http://revbill.wordpess.com) and Norman Lao (http://jlrcm2008.wordpress.com).

310. Central Illinois World War II Stories, “On the Homefront,” by Capri East, atlas.illinois.edu.

311. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters, 32.

312. North, War Stories III, 194–97.

313. Ibid.

314. Greene, Once Upon a Town, 33.

315. Tobin, Ernie Pyle’s War, 100.

316. Ibid.

317. Carroll, Grace under Fire, 58–59.

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