'Why 'fucking'?'
'Oh, you know, Don. You should know. Cops.'
'Have they been hassling you?'
'Nothing to speak of. Drink up.'
'Nah. They fucking hadn't better try.'
'What did you tell the cops about that night?'
'What all I knew, why shouldn't I? That Steve and the Blount kid danced, and horsed around, and left about an hour before closing. Shit, Steve could of done a lot better than that kid, a fucking lot better. And now look what happened! It's just a tragedy, that's what it is, a fucking terrible, terrible tra-guh-dee.'
His eyes were wet, and he tugged out the hankie and wiped his face. Then, more bourbon. He said, 'Don, you're not drinking.'
I sipped. 'Do you ever wish you'd stayed with the state, Mike? You had a nice neat, clean life down there.'
He snorted messily. 'Hah, that's all you know! At the department it was everything but murder.
Hell, no! I'm doing what I wanna do, Don. And no way- no way — am I gonna lose it, right? You wouldn't. No way, baby.'
I said, 'Business looks good.'
'Yeah. S'good.' He gazed down morosely at his drink.
'I want to talk to your bartender after closing.'
'S'up to them. Floyd'll be locking up. I'm cuttin' out at four.'
'Heavy date?'
'H-yeah. Real heavy.'
'The cute number in the witty jersey?'
'Nah,' Truckman said. 'Not him. He's for later.' He shut his eyes and laughed bleakly at some private joke.
'Well, I suppose you could do worse.' 'Oh, I do-ooo do worse.' He gulped down the rest of his drink. 'I sho nuff do. Hey. Don. How 'bout a drink?'
I guessed Truckman knew more about Steve Kleckner's recent life than he'd told me, but he was in no condition to be reasoned with, or pressured, or led. After Truckman's office the stench of smoke, poppers, and hot sweat outside it was a field of golden daffodils. I found Timmy at the bar talking-shouting- to a sandy-haired man of about thirty in a plaid flannel shirt.
Timmy leaned up to my ear and yelled, 'I've got one!'
'One what?'
'One friend of Billy Blount's. Don, this is Mark Deslonde. Mark, Don Strachey.'
He had soft brown eyes, a fuzzy full beard, neatly trimmed, and a tilt to his head that was angled counter to the slant of his broad smile. I didn't know whether he practiced this in front of a mirror, but it was devastating, and if Timmy hadn't been there it would have had its effect on me.
Not that it didn't, a little.
I said, 'Can we go somewhere?'
He smiled again and said okay and slid off his stool, and as we turned toward the door, Timmy cupped his hand over my ear and said into it, 'You can do me a favor one of these days.'
I said, 'See you around-Tommy, wasn't it? I've really enjoyed myself and I hope we run into each other again sometime.' I kissed him on the forehead. He laughed lightly.
Deslonde and I went out and sat in the Rabbit. The air was frosty, and a cold, luminescent half-moon hung over the motel up the road and across Western from Trucky's parking lot.
'You're friend is nice,' Deslonde said, still grinning. 'Is he your lover?'
'Sort of,' I said. What the hell was I doing? 'Well, yes. He is. We don't live together.'
'That's smart. It makes discretion possible. I lived with my ex-lover for three and a half years. It was great for the first two. Until one of us started fooling around once in a while, and because we were living together, this was noticed. Nothing heavy, right? Just the occasional recreational indiscretion. But
Nate was Jewish enough, or insecure enough, to believe in monogamy, and that was the beginning of the end.'
I said, 'Do you have regrets?'
'Timmy says you're a friend of Billy Blount's.'
'Yes, I know Billy. Your lover-whom you don't live with- says you're a detective. But not a cop, right?'
'Right. Private.'
'Then you'd have a license.'
I stretched out and dug my wallet out of my hip pocket. He studied the laminated card, and I put it back.
Deslonde said, 'Smoke?'
'Love it.'
He took a joint from his shirt pocket and lit it. We passed it back and forth while we talked.
'I'm working for Billy's parents,' I said, determined to concentrate on something other than Deslonde's face. 'They want to help him.'
'I'm sure they do,' Deslonde said evenly. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic.
'How do you know Billy?'
'My old roommate and Billy were involved for a couple of months, before Dennis freaked out and took off for Maine. Billy and I kept running into each other in the bathroom in the morning, and one day I gave him a lift out to Colonie. I work at Sears.'
'Automotive supplies.'
Strachey, you ass. 'Right,' I said. 'Billy works at the, ah, Music Barn.'
'I live right up the street from Billy on Madison, and he started riding out to Colonie with me regularly. Sometimes we went out together, or with other people, out here or to the Bung Cellar.
We got to be pretty good friends after a while. Billy's really one of the more stimulating people I know and quite enjoyable to be around. In fact, I've become very fond of Billy over the past few years. There's nothing sexual in the relationship; it just didn't work out that way. Billy and I talked about that once. We both found each other attractive, but sometimes the chemistry just isn't there, right? And then other times it is.' He looked at me and grinned.
'Yeah,' I said. 'Funny how that works.' I could feel the damn thing stirring. I said, 'Where do you think Billy might be?'
'I have no idea.'
'Do you think he's innocent?'
'Yes. Of course he is.'
'How can you be that certain?'
'Because I know that Billy hasn't got a violent bone in his body.'
'Uh-huh.' I shifted, tried unsuccessfully to cross my legs. 'I've gotten the impression that Billy is rather an angry young man. How does he let it out?'
Deslonde laughed. 'Yeah, Billy is not one of the more relaxed people I know. What he does with all that indignation is he runs off at the mouth a lot. He can bend your ear for days on end about the world's four billion homophobes. I'm a realist myself-I told him maybe he ought to shop around for another planet.'
'Maybe he's the realist. We seem to be stuck on this one.'
He rolled down the window and flipped the roach onto Trucky's gravel drive. He exhaled and said, 'For some of us the realistic thing is to find a way to eat and pay the rent. Try coming out as a radical faggot when you spend thirty-eight hours a week at Sears Automotive Center. I don't mean to sound melodramatic, but I thought you'd understand that. Or are you independently wealthy?'
He looked at me with his beautiful skewed smile again, but this time there was a hardness in his eyes. I