'That's right.'

Wolfe stirred. 'I want that paper. Now wait. I offer no challenge to your right to expect your money back. I concede that right. But I don't like your methods of collection. You may have a right to them too, but I do not like them. Miss Osgood aroused my admiration this afternoon, which is rare for a woman, and I want to relieve the pressure on her. I propose that you hand the paper to Mr. Goodwin; it will be safe in his custody. Within 10 days at the outside I shall either pay you the $10,000, or have it paid, or return the paper to you. I make that pledge without reservation.' Wolfe aimed a thumb at me. 'Give it to him.'

The blackguard shook his head, slowly and positively. 'I said a reasonable suggestion.'

'You won't do it?'


'The security is superlative. I rarely offer pledges, because I would redeem one, tritely, with my life.'

'I couldn't use your life. The security you offer may be good, but the paper signed by Osgood is better, and it be- longs to me. Why the deuce should I give it up?'

I looked at Wolfe inquiringly. 'I'd be glad to under- take-'

'No, thanks, Archie. We'll pass it, at least for the present. – I hope, Mr. Bronson, that your antagonism will find-'

'I'm not antagonistic,' Bronson interrupted. 'Don't get me wrong. I said I'm not a fool, and I would be a fool to an- tagonize you. I know very well I'm vulnerable, and I know what you can do. If I make an enemy of you I might as well leave New York. I've only been there two months, but if you wanted to take the trouble to trace me back I don't deny you could do it. You wouldn't find that a cell is waiting for me anywhere, but you could collect enough to make it damned hard going… too hard. I've had a bad break on this Clyde Osgood thing, but I can try again and expect better luck, and God knows I don't want you hounding me, and you wouldn't go to the expense and trouble just for the fun of it. Believe me, I'm not antagonistic. You have no right to get sore about my not surrendering that paper, because it's mine, but otherwise I'm for you. If I can help any I will.'

'No finesse, Mr. Bronson?'


'Good. Then tell me first, where were you bom?'

Bronson shook his head. 'I said help you, not satisfy your curiosity.'

'You've admitted I can trace you back if I care to take the trouble,'

'Then take the trouble.'

'Very well, I'll be more direct. Have you ever handled cattle?'

Bronson stared, then let out a short laugh and said, 'My God, must I take it back about your not being a fool? Do you mean to say you're trying to fit me in that thing?'

'Have you ever handled cattle?'

'I've never had the slightest association with cattle. I know where milk and beef come from only because I read it some- where.'

'Where is the club you were carrying last night when you accompanied Clyde Osgood to Pratt's place?'


'Yes. A rough club, a length of sapling.'

'Why… I don't think… Oh yes. Sure, I remember. It was leaning up against a shed as we went by, and I just-'

'Where is it?'

'You mean now? After all-'

'Where did you leave it?'

'Why… I don't… Oh! Sure. When we got to the fence, where the trees ended, Clyde went on and I came back. He took the club with him.'

'What for?'

Bronson shrugged. He had himself collected again. 'Just to have it, I suppose. I notice you carry a heavy walking stick. What for?'

'Not to knock myself unconscious with. Did Clyde ask for the club? Did you offer it to him?'

'I don't know. It was quite casual, one way or the other, Why, was he knocked on the head? I thought he was killed with a pick, according to your-'

'You're supposed to be helping, sir, not chattering. I need the truth about that club.'

'You've had it.'

'Nonsense. You were obviously disconcerted, and you stalled.' Wolfe wiggled a finger at him. 'If you don't want my antagonism, beware. This is the most favorable chance you'll have to tell the truth, here privately with me in comparative amity. Isn't it a fact that you yourself carried the club to Mr. Pratt's place?'

'No. I didn't go there.'

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