I swallowed scrapple and bacon. Circling around again, I said. You could just ask, why did I not go to the Flamingo, and if I did go why did I come home early.
Bien. I ask.
Good. I answer. First, I went. Second, I came home early because we left early. Third, why did we leave early. The baby had a temperature and my companion was worried about it. A worrying woman should not be dancing. Does that cover it?
Yes. He came and got my plate, and in a moment returned it with a slice of hot scrapple. He is worried too, Archie. He thinks there is danger that you may marry that woman.
I know he does. That suits me fine. In a month or so I can hit him for a raise. I took a bite of homemade scrapple with a touch of oregano.
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