care. I was going to kill her.'

He stroked her cheek. 'These threats of unexpected visitors make me uncomfortable. Let me tell you what I want to do tonight. Everything is going to work out fine. Daddy has a new plan.'95

At a little past six, Marian returned to say that dinner would be ready in a few minutes. She had applied a pale pink lipstick and a faint eyeliner and put on a necklace of thin gold links which drooped over her clavicles like a pet snake. 'I hope you're hungry again,' she said to Dart, who was bored and grumpy because he had not been offered a second drink.

'I'm always hungry. I tend to be on the thirsty side, too.'

'Could that be a hint? Margaret opened a bottle of wine, and I think you'll enjoy her selection.'

'Only one?' Dart held out his glass. 'Why don't you do your best to guarantee high spirits by arranging at least one more bottte to go with our feast?'

Her smile slightly strained, Marian took the glass and stepped behind Nora. 'Find anything useful?'

Nora had seen two more entries of payments from Lincoln Chancel, one for thirty thousand dollars, the other for twenty thousand. Each had been followed by outlays to dressmakers, milliners, fabric shops, and the ubiquitous Selden. After spending most of the first fifty thousand on the estate, Georgina had devoted the second to herself.

'I'm getting there,' she said.

'You could come back here after dinner, if you like.'

This suggestion dovetailed with Dart's new plans for the night, and Nora forced herself to say, 'Thank you, I might want to do that.'

'I'd better tend to your thirsty husband or he won't be in a good mood.'

'Damn right,' Dart said. 'Speaking of moods, how's Lady Margaret's? Has she bounced back?'

'Margaret doesn't bounce,' Marian said. 'But I'd say there's still hope for a civilized evening.'

'Boring. Let's get down and dirty.'

'I'd better hurry up with that drink.'

The chandelier had not been turned on, and all the light in the room came from sconces on the walls and candles in tall silver holders. Five places had been set with ornate blue-and-gold china. Reflected candle flames shone in the silver covers of the chafing dishes and the dark windows. Invisible rain hissed onto the lawn. Margaret Nolan and Lily Melville turned to Dart and Nora, one with an expression of neutral welcome, the other with an expectant smile. Lily danced up with her hands folded before her.

'Isn't this storm terrible? Aren't you happy this didn't happen when we were on our tour?'

'Rain was invented by the devil's minions.'

'Big storms always scare me, especially the ones with thunder and lightning. I'm always sure something awful is going to happen.'

'Nothing awful is going to happen tonight.' Margaret came toward them. 'Except for the usual power failure, and we're well equipped to deal with that. We're going to have a lovely evening, aren't we, Mr Desmond?'

'Are we ever.'

She turned to Nora. 'Marian says that you've been roaming through our old ledgers in aid of a project related to Hugo Driver. I hope you'll share your thoughts with us.'

Margaret was willing to overlook Dart's provocations for the sake of the business to be brought in by Hugo Driver conferences. Nora wondered what she could say to her about the importance of Shorelands to Driver's novel.

'What became of Marian? We expected her to come in with you.'

'Arranging a libation,' Dart said.

Margaret raised her eyebrows. 'We have a good Chateau-neuf for the first course, and something I think is rather special, a 1970 Chateau Talbot, for the second. What did you ask Marian to bring you?'

'A double,' Dart said. 'To make up for the one she forgot.'

'You are a poet of the old school, Mr Desmond. Mrs Desmond? A glass of this nice white?'

'Mineral water, please,' said Nora.

She went to the bottles as Marian hurried in with the refilled glass. 'Margaret, I hope you won't mind,' she said, handing off the drink, 'but Norman felt that one bottle of the Talbot might not be enough, so I looked around and opened a bottle of Beaujolais. It's down on the kitchen counter.'

Margaret Nolan considered this statement, which included the unspoken information that the second bottle was perhaps a tenth the price of the first, and cast a measuring glance at Dart. He put on an expression of seraphic innocence and swallowed half his vodka. 'Very intelligent, Marian. Whatever our guest does not drink, we can save for vinegar. Please, help yourself.'

Marian poured herself a glass of white wine. 'I called Tony and asked him to bring up rain clothes for Norman and leave them inside the front door. The telephone lines might go down, and the poor man has to get back to Pepper Pot. I can loan Norma some things of my own.'

'Another intelligent decision,' said Margaret Nolan. 'Since you are on a first-name basis with our guests, all of us should be. Is that agreeable?'

'Completely, Maggie.' Dart raised his glass to his mouth and gulped the rest of the vodka.

With elaborate ceremoniousness, Margaret indicated their seats: Norman to the right of the head of the table, Nora across from him, Marian next to Norman, Lily beside Nora. 'Please go the sideboard and help yourselves to the first course. Once we are seated, I will describe our meal, as well as some aspects of this wonderful room not covered during the normal tours. Lily, will you start us off?'

Lily skipped to the sideboard, where she lifted the cover from an oval platter next to a basket of baguettes. On either side of a mound of pale cheese strips lay broiled peppers, sliced and peeled, red to the left, green to the right, flanked with black olives and topped with anchovies. Quarters of hard-boiled eggs had been arranged at either end of the platter. An odor of garlic and oil rose from the peppers. Lily took a salad plate from the stack next to the platter and held it up before Dart. 'This is Georgina's own china. Wedgwood.'

''Florentine,'' Dart said. 'One of my personal faves.'

'Norman, you know everything!'

'Even beasts can learn,' Dart said.

Lily gave herself minute portions of both kinds of peppers, a few olives, and a single section of hard-boiled egg. Dart took half the red peppers, none of the green, most of the olives, half of the eggs and cheese, and all but three of the anchovy slices. Atop it all he placed a six-inch section ripped from the French bread. The others followed, choosing from what was left.

Dart sat down, winked at Lily, and filled his wineglass with white wine from the bucket.

Margaret took her seat and gave his plate a lengthy examination. 'This is what Miss Weatherall called her 'Mediterranean Platter.' Monty Chandler grew the peppers, along with a great many other things, in a separate garden north of Main House.'

While she spoke, Dart had been shoveling peppers into his mouth, demolishing the hard-boiled eggs, loading strips of cheese onto chunks of bread and chomping them down. As she finished, he bit into the bread and tilted in wine to moisten it all. His lips smacked. 'Weird cheese.'

'Syrian.' Margaret gravely watched him eat. 'We get it from a gourmet market, but Miss Weatherall ordered it from an importer in New York. Nothing was too good for her guests.'

Dart waggled the bottle at her. 'Yes, please.' He gave her half a glass and then filled Marian's.

A blast of wind like a giant's hand struck the house. Lily crushed her napkin in her hands. 'Lily, you've lived through thousands of our storms,' Margaret said. 'It can't be as bad as it sounds, anyhow, because the power's still on,.'

At that moment the wall sconces died. The reflections of the candle flames wavered in the black windows, and again the wind battered the windows.

'Spoke too soon,' Margaret said. 'No matter. Lily, stop quivering. You know the lights will come on soon.'

'I know.' Lily thrust her hands between her thighs and stared at her lap.


Lily managed to get an olive to her mouth.

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