Buzz smiled and went up to the empty half of the bar.
“You said a double portrait was stolen from your lodge. A double portrait of whom?”
“Of Buzz and me,” Roddy Deepdale said. “It’s still a terrible loss. I hated telling Don about it, but he was very civilized. He said that it would probably turn up one day, and he sent us a little drawing to compensate. Christopher said something very wicked and funny, but I’d better not repeat it.”
Sarah, surrounded by her parents and Ralph and Katinka Redwing at the bar, winked at Tom and raised her glass.
“That Spence girl is really
A stir of movement took place at the bar, and Kate Redwing said, “The heir apparent.”
Katinka Redwing swept toward the top of the stairs as Buddy came up beside the young man with oily hair. A tall, lanky young person with limp blond hair and a large nose trailed up behind them. Buddy wore a baggy polo shirt and large Bermuda shorts and boat shoes without socks; Kip Carson wore floppy jeans, sandals, and a cheesecloth Indian shirt. Buddy looked glazed and red, as if he had just come out of an oven.
“I think we could go to our table now, Marcello,” said his mother.
“Who’s the toad in the necktie?” Buddy asked. Baked eyes in the baked-apple face glared at Tom. “One of Roddy’s playmates?”
The party at the bar broke up. Katinka Redwing bent whispering toward her son as they followed Marcello toward a long table near the terrace. Roddy and Buzz carried their drinks toward a table for two behind the Langenheims. The senior Spences attached themselves to either side of Ralph Redwing, and Sarah rolled her eyes and fell in with Tom and Kate.
“Buddy enjoys being bad,” the old woman said quietly as they followed the procession to the table. “But I must say, I’ve always rather liked toads myself. Useful little things. I’ve even sort of grown to resemble one, though a
Marcello distributed handwritten menus the size of theater placards, and Kip passed two or three small objects to Buddy, and Buddy inserted them into his mouth. Both the host, and then Kip Carson, declared their willingness to live year-round in Eagle Lake. Mrs. Spence could be observed to grasp Ralph Redwing’s knee, and Sarah slid her leg next to Tom’s. Katinka Redwing stared into some private arctic space and alluded to the anticipation on Mill Walk of “Ralph’s book.” Buddy told a dirty joke, largely to Sarah, and an incomprehensible one about an elephant and a homosexual to the room at large. Everybody—everybody except Kip Carson, who ate nothing but drank six large glasses of water—ate hugely, drank hugely, and most talked without stopping or listening. Tom noticed that Sarah had been wrong about Buddy Redwing and Kate had been right: Buddy enjoyed being bad, he was acting up, but part of his awfulness was that he had no real talent for that kind of badness. He was too ordinary for it. In ten years, he would be talking with romantic nostalgia about how wild he used to be; in twenty, he would be an overweight tycoon who cheated at golf and thought that he had a divine right to steal whatever he could get his hands on.
“I’m glad you didn’t take off your tie,” Kate Redwing said to him.
“My mother told me to wear this tie,” said Tom, smiling.
“She would have been thinking of the old Eagle Lake, when things were much more formal. She probably still has memories of eating at the club with her father. I can remember seeing her here, the summer I was engaged. How is she now?”
Tom hesitated for a moment, then said, “She could be better.”
“Is your father a very sensitive man?”
Tom found himself unable to answer that question, and she patted his hand to tell him that she understood his silence. “Never mind. I’m sure that you make up for a lot. She must be very proud of you.”
“I hope she can be,” Tom said.
“I used to worry about your mother. She was a dear little thing, but absolutely forlorn. So very pretty, but so
Up at the other end of the table, Ralph Redwing was explaining that he saw Eagle Lake as a world apart from his family’s businesses, and that was why he had turned down many opportunities to invest in the area. He would not sully the place with money—he was content with their lake, their friends, their little piece of the woods.
“In spite of what we could do with this area,” he said. This was a speech that required an audience, and all faces were turned to him, even those of Buddy and Kip. “We could turn this whole part of Wisconsin right around —we could wake it up—we could start putting money into people’s pockets …”
“I daresay,” Kate whispered to Tom.
“… and there’s another factor, which is the attitude of some of the locals. Some of these people resented anything new—anything successful. They made life pretty tough on us for a couple of years. We got back in a couple of ways, but it meant that we don’t try to help them any, you can believe that.”
“How did you try to get back?” Tom asked innocently.
“Yes, since you mention it,” said Kate. “I’ve always wanted to know how to get back at someone.”
“Remember, we’re talking about a different time now,” Redwing said. “We made our own perfect place up here, that we and our people enjoy, and they can beg us for help and advice, but we don’t put a penny into the town of Eagle Lake. You see these fine young men who work here at the club? These are the finest waiters in the world, and my father hired their fathers from the best restaurants in Chicago in the twenties, they live right here in damn fine rooms they deserve, and they’re loyal people.”
A respectful silence followed all of this. Mrs. Spence said that she admired his … well, she admired everything, but something in particular, but she just couldn’t find the word, but they all knew what she meant. Mrs. Redwing said she was sure they did, dear, and everybody went back to the same sort of conversations they had been having earlier.
“Do you come here a lot?” Tom asked Kate Redwing.
She grinned. “I’m just a peripheral Redwing from Atlanta, and I don’t get up here more than once every two or three years. When my husband was alive, we used to come every summer. We had our own lodge in the compound, but when Jonathan died, they started putting me in a room in the main house.”
“I want to talk to you about your first summer here,” Tom said. “About my mother and my grandfather, and, if you don’t mind, what happened to Jeanine Thielman.”
“Oh, my goodness,” she said. “You are a remarkable fellow.” She turned to give him a long look full of intelligence and good humor. “Yes, you are. Do you happen to know a gentleman from your island named”—here she lowered her voice—“von Heilitz?”
Tom nodded.
“Well, he was remarkable too.” She continued to look at him. “I think it would be better to have this conversation elsewhere—certainly
The meal ended a short time later. Ralph Redwing waved away Tom’s thanks. Buddy waddled around the table toward Sarah, who whispered “Ten minutes” to Tom, and pushed herself away from the table. Tom said good-bye to Kate Redwing, who gave him a pert nod, to the Spences, who seemed not to hear him, and to Mrs. Redwing, who showed all her teeth and said, “Why, you’re welcome!”
Sarah did not appear after ten minutes, nor after twenty. Tom read a page of Agatha Christie, then reread it