mistaken, is the culvert to the river.”
“My compliments to Sergeant Heinz, and you can tell him he did indeed find all the fuses in the cellar,” Carl told the messenger. “He’s to hold until the heavy weapons are in place, then proceed with task bravo.” The messenger ran off. “Unfortunately he was in no position to check the pump-house for charges,” Carl continued, gruffly. “Which is a problem. Because we’re bottled up in here under those guns, we have no water, our doppelganger location is besieged, and his grace is inconvenienced.” He didn’t say
Olga dry-swallowed, trying to work some juice into her mouth.
“Have you radioed Eorl Riordan to warn him off the American trap?”
“Yes. But he has his own problems. He won’t be able to relieve us in less than two days, and if the royal army is out there, that’ll be too late.”
“But he has a flying machine.” Olga shook her head. Then she smiled.
Books by Charles Stross