home, but Perry convinced her that Abram would see her safely through the streets. She didn't know how long she would be visiting Hunter, and the streets were too wild tonight for Molly to wait by the hospital door.

Molly disappeared into the evening shadows as Perry walked alone from the front door to the main desk. Tonight the desk was cluttered with bottles and empty glasses from the morning's celebration. The same young orderly who'd been on duty last night stood politely as she neared. She noted he'd been drinking his share, and more. His smile was lopsided, and he kept trying to straighten it with a hand that refused to cooperate.

He halt bowed as he spoke. 'May I help you, m'lady?'

Perry refused to offer even a small smile to the lad. 'I wish to see Captain Hunter Kirkland.'

''Yes, miss.' The orderly hurried to usher her down the hall. 'You'll have to excuse the mess. We've been celebrating the war's end, you know.'

Perry said nothing, hoping to discourage conversation. She didn't want to talk to this half-drunk young man. He might be polite now, but she remembered his cruel words to Molly all too clearly. As she turned the corner she saw Abram leaving a room. He held his hat in one hand and several envelopes in the other.

'Thank you, orderly, I'll be fine from here.' Perry dismissed him before moving closer to Abram. The huge black man stood still, studying Perry as she approached.

'Good evening, Abram,' she whispered, watching his face for the reaction to her new clothes.

'Good evening, Miss Perry.' Abram spoke as he kept an eye on the orderly, slowly moving out of earshot. The huge black man calmly slid the envelopes he carried into his breast pocket and patted them softly as if ensuring their safety.

With the orderly gone, a smile widened to cover Abram's face. 'You're a beauty, Miss Perry, a real beauty,' he said as he watched her turn before him. There was almost a fatherly pride in his statement. 'I never would have dreamed you'd clean up so nice.'

'I've met the nicest woman, Abram. She gave me all this,' Perry answered, thinking he was referring to the clothes, 'just so I could come to the hospital tonight.'

'I wanted to bring you this tonight,' Abram whispered as he pulled a pouch from his pants pocket. 'There's enough money to get you by a few days until we can decide what to do.'

'Oh, no! I can't accept money from you.'

'Consider it a loan from Hunter. Just till you're back home.' Abram wouldn't take no for an answer. He knew she would need some money, and he wasn't about to see her beg on the streets until he could keep his promise to her brother and get her safely home. 'If Hunter were able, he'd say the same thing.'

Concern filled her, washing her cheeks pale against her dark eyes. 'How is Hunter?'

'He's been awake most of the day, talking with some top brass. I just left him sleeping,' Abram answered.

A sigh of disappointment escaped from Perry. 'May I look in on him for a moment?'

'Of course, Miss Perry. As soon as you slip this in your pocket.' He held the money out to her once more and smiled as she did as he'd instructed. 'Hunter's been given a drug to help him sleep, but you're welcome to visit.' Abram opened the door and stepped aside, allowing her to enter. 'I'll see that you're not disturbed. Take as long as you like.' He slowly closed the door, leaving her and Hunter alone.

Timidly Perry moved to Hunter's bed. A single candle threw its yellow glow around the room. She watched Hunter's chest rise and fall in sleep. His hair half covered his sleeping eyes. She reached up and softly brushed it away so she could study his face one last time.

How could any man be so handsome? she thought. She may have saved his life, yet he added something new to hers. She'd never met a man who so fascinated her, whose slightest touch could make her blood run hot. She remembered the rainy night they'd spent in the plantation and how his words had made love to her. He'd given her one thing she'd never had: someone to dream about. Her body ached even now from the need to touch him.

Perry let her fingers drift down Hunter's cheek and touch his lips. Leaning over silently, she touched her lips to his lightly and the excitement thrilled her. She moved her palm to cup the side of his face, allowing her fingertips to brush his hair. He'd never know how much he'd added to her life. How in a moment of nightmares he'd given her the strength to go on, the hope to believe, the will to dream of another time besides war, another emotion besides hate.

Hunter moaned and his eyes opened slightly. Sleepy gray pools looked up at her as his lips thinned into a smile. He whispered, 'Good night, my angel.' Then he drifted back into sleep, as if her kiss were a nightly occurrence.

Perry's eyes widened in surprise. She remained only an inch from Hunter as she thought, He still doesn't think I'm real. He thinks he's dreaming. The idea intrigued her. She bent down again, touching her lips to his. Again she felt the warmth of his mouth, and a fire ran through her. She felt she was opening a door ever so slightly. If this were only a peek inside, think what must lie within. She allowed her lips to move slowly across his strong jawline. This night she must remember, for she might never see so clearly again.

Smiling, Perry lifted her head to look once again at Hunter's face. She couldn't say good-bye to him, for he would always be in her thoughts and dreams.

'Someday,' she whispered in his ear. 'Someday I'll lie next to you again. I know it in my heart.'

Hunter gave no answer and Perry grew braver. 'I'll visit you every day until I prove that I'm a real woman and not a dream.' She slid her fingers along his bare shoulder, loving the feel of his tanned skin. 'Someday you'll touch me with more than just your words.'

As she leaned to brush her cheek against his, a knock sounded at the door. She reached the knob as the orderly met her. She avoided his eyes, not wanting him to interfere with her thoughts. 'Where's Abram?' she whispered before he could speak, wondering why Abram had left his guard post.

'He got called away by some captain who stormed in like the devil were on his tail. They went off to yell at each other in the front office.'

A tiny quiver of panic touched Perry's heart and she glanced around, half expecting to see Captain Wade Williams storming toward her with a hangman's noose swinging from his belt.

The orderly misread her frown and smiled a silly grin. 'Now don't worry, miss. We'll have him ready to move to your house first thing tomorrow morning. When the doctor told me Captain Kirkland's fiancee was going to take him to her parents' home to recover, I never thought you'd come tonight.'

Looking at the orderly for the first time, she stated, 'Sir, I'm not Captain Kirkland's fiancee.' Her words seemed to slap the orderly sober. His eyebrows raised in surprise and interest.

A commotion at the front desk saved Perry from any questions. A young woman and a man were arguing loudly in the center of the hallway. Their shouts echoed up and down the quiet halls likes cries through a canyon. As the orderly approached, the woman raised delicate gloved fingers toward him.

'Sir,' she said, addressing the orderly, 'would you be so kind as to show me Captain Kirkland's room.' Sugar dripped from her words, a sharp contrast to what Perry had heard only moments before when she was arguing with her companion. The young woman was very beautiful, blond curls encircling her face. She was richly dressed and carried herself as one accustomed to luxury. Perry was reminded of a china doll she once had. All beauty and no warmth.

'You can't do this!' the man beside her yelled. 'I won't have it, do you hear me? Not tonight.'

The young lady turned on him. 'I'm going to see Hunter. You have no right to tell me what you will and won't have. Tonight or any other night.'

The man made an exasperated sigh. 'All right, Jennifer, go see him. I'll wait for you in the carriage.'

Jennifer smiled at him. 'You always do, Richard.' Though her voice was sweet, her words were venomous.

Perry slipped past the desk and the young couple. She was sure they could hear her heart breaking or see the tears bubbling from her eyes. Yet the two seemed wrapped in their own private war as Perry ran unnoticed the few feet to the entrance hall.

She didn't notice a young captain step from an office where he'd been talking to Abram. The captain raised a scarred eyebrow and followed her out of the hospital.

Chapter 9

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