'It was not the sleeping I feared,' she answered. 'I've slept with a man before.'

Hunter's eyebrow arched, questioning.

Perry hastened to continue. 'Many months ago in a barn loft. You were far different then.' She touched his once wounded shoulder.

Hunter watched her closely. 'Pull my shirt aside if you doubt my identity.'

The game excited Perry, and her cheeks warmed under his gaze as she unbuttoned his shirt. With trembling fingers she pulled the shirt wide and brushed his warm flesh. Though he made no attempt to help or resist, his breath grew short as her hands moved shyly over the soft hair of his chest.

She removed the shirt from his shoulder and lightly traced the scar. His muscles rippled beneath her touch. The feel of him was like liquor to her already hazy mind. As her fingers moved, she felt the explosive atmosphere that always surrounded him, only this time she was the one playing with the match. She was the one setting him afire, and his warmth was burning through her fingers into her very core.

'It appears you are the same man I've slept beside,' Perry teased as she timidly moved her hand back across his chest. 'The wound has completely healed.'

Hunter closed his eyes and absorbed her light touch like a man taking in the warm sun after a cold winter. Finally he whispered, 'And how do I know you are the same woman who slept with me in the barn?'

His hand traveled from her shoulder to her waist, pulling her nearer. 'She molded so perfectly against me, giving me her body's heat.'

'Like this?' Perry leaned against him, laughing at his sudden loss of breath. As she moved slightly, allowing her soft curves to torture him, she added, 'Do you believe I am the one?' Her fingers slid over his scarred shoulder. 'Or need I move aside and let some other audition?'

The movement of her breasts against his chest as she breathed drove him mad as he answered, 'You're the one.'

She watched his eyelids slowly open and was shocked by the passion reflected there. No matter how long she lived, she'd never forget the first time she'd looked into those fathomless depths.

He studied her face, seeking an answer. 'Lady, you're a puzzlement to me that makes my life both a heaven and a hell.' He nuzzled his face in her hair and savored the fragrance of her tossed curls. 'Could we not be honest with each other for a few minutes?''

'Completely honest?' she asked, knowing she was playing with fire just by being this close to him. Yet the flame fascinated her.

'Yes,' Hunter whispered as he kissed her forehead and allowed his hand to slide just past her waist. 'Completely honest.'

'Who goes first?' Perry studied him. This could prove to be a very interesting game.

'I ask the first question, but you must speak the truth, totally. Swear.' Hunter insisted.

'I swear.' Already questions filled her mind. 'I have nothing to hide.'

Hunter's tone grew serious. 'Did Wade rape you?'

Perry was shocked by his question. She never thought he would mention Wade. Would it matter to him if Wade had? 'No,' she whispered. 'He pulled me across the yard while hitting me several times. It happened so fast, I don't remember how many times.' Perry's whole body shivered. 'He slammed me against the stairs. Each time I cried, he laughed, as if hitting me were great sport.' Her words echoed the pain of remembering. 'He was so angry that I would try to leave, I think he would have killed me if he'd caught me a second time.'

Hunter's arms tightened around her, pulling her close. 'It's all right, darling. I didn't want to bring back painful memories to you, but I had to know.'

She cuddled closer to Hunter's warm chest, trying to block out her fear of Wade, but the nightmare couldn't harm her now, not while she was in Hunter's embrace.

They lay in silence for a while. Finally Hunter moved his hand slowly over her shoulder and down her arm to her hand. He lifted her fingers to his lips.

Perry looked up. 'Now it's my turn to ask the next question.'

Hunter nodded as he continued kissing her fingers.

'Why weren't you upset over losing Jennifer?' The question had been in her mind for days. How could he give up his fiancee so lightly? 'Didn't you love her?'

Hunter smiled. 'One doesn't love someone like Jennifer.'

'But you were two days away from your wedding.'

'I'd known for days I wouldn't marry her. Richard just solved the problem of why.'

'But-' Perry began, only to be stopped by his fingers gently touching her lips. He traced her mouth with one finger, stopping a moment to pull slightly against her bottom lip. When her lips parted, she shivered against him and watched his mouth move in hunger for her. His finger pressed against her lips in the silent promise of the kiss that would soon follow.

'It's my turn now.' He didn't remove his finger from her lips. 'Only one question at a time.'

Hunter's question came softly in her ear as he blanketed her with his chest. 'Do you want me?' He moved, his entire body feeling her beneath him, then he settled once more to his side. He hesitated a moment, as though giving her a chance to flee. When she didn't move away, he boldly pulled her against him.

Before she could answer, his hand slid into her blouse and softly caressed her breast through her thin camisole. Her body arched to his touch and his exploring grew bolder.

'Don't!' she ordered as his mouth moved down her neck and shoulder.

'The truth,' he demanded huskily as his fingers pulled the undergarment away and his palm moved in circles over her breast.

Perry sighed, knowing she could stop him by moving away, for nothing held her to his bed but her own need. She wanted to be closer to him. Her silent answer came as she timidly moved her hands to his neck and pulled his face to her hungry lips. His mouth explored hers lightly at first, teasing her until she twisted her fingers into his blond curls, pulling him closer.

A long kiss stirred the passion within them and fulfilled a promise. It grew savage with need and tender with desire. His mouth demanded her lips as his fingers explored her body.

Finally he pulled an inch away, laughing as he moved under the covers, replacing his fingers with his lips against her full breasts.

Perry cried out with delight as his mouth gently tugged at her flesh. How could she lie to him when her body gave her away so totally? She sighed with pleasure as his hands moved over her, pulling at the blouse that separated his touch from her.

After what seemed an eternity of pleasure he returned once more to her lips. At first his kiss was slow and tender, then his warmth turned to fire. He delighted in her breathlessness. 'Answer me, lovely angel!' he ordered in a passion-filled voice. 'Do you want me?'

She stared into the handsome face above her, then pushed him slightly away. 'Yes, but…' She turned her face away, knowing she was denying herself the heaven of his lovemaking.

'But what!' Hunter shouted, suddenly angry that she would pull away from what they both needed, both desired. 'The truth, woman, no more games.'

Tears trickled down the corners of her eyes and fell untended into her hair. 'But not without your love.' Her words echoed with pain and anger. 'I'm not the kind of woman who can give myself without love, and I'll not accept less.'

'Lord, you want my body and my soul.' Hunter lay back on his pillow, her words as cooling to him as a spring stream.

Perry's anger flared. She couldn't understand him. How could he show such tenderness yet never speak of it? 'It's my turn,' she said, sitting up in bed and pulling her knees to her chin. 'Do you… do you care for me?'

Hunter folded his arms behind his head and stared at the ceiling. 'This was a silly game. We get along much better when we're not talking.'

Perry waited for his answer.

'I've never played any childish games of love. I always thought it brought more destruction and pain than joy,'

Hunter said, avoiding the question. 'I remember my father after my mother died. They were very much in love. The pain of her death left him only a hollow shell.' He couldn't look at her. 'His suffering left no room for life within

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