
Win slowed as they moved into the narrow space and began to descend into a natural hallway that joined the low lands with the higher ground. It was too rocky for a wagon to move through, but a man on horseback, or cattle, would have no problem.

Halfway down a female voice echoed off the walls. ‘‘That’s far enough, McQuillen.’’

Wyatt stopped and Win moved into the blackness a few feet behind him.

‘‘Aren’t you even going to say hello to your first love?’’ The woman took a step closer. She was dressed in a red riding suit with white lace at the collar and cuffs, reflecting the moonlight.

The gambler remained silent, his hat down hiding his face.

Fighting down the reaction to her voice, Win moved closer. Mary Anna! Of course, she was the woman Rae warned Kora about. Her family were ranchers in the south, and she’d been here visiting since before the trouble started.

‘‘You could have made it so easy. Marry me and I’d have had you on a honeymoon while my father moved the cattle. But I guess I waited too long expecting you to crawl. You panicked and married another.’’

Wyatt remained stone as she thought she was talking to Win before her.

Mary Anna took a step closer. ‘‘I told Papa from the first I’d take care of the problem called McQuillen. He promised me Wyatt’s share of the profits. My loser of a brother’s been no help at all. He doesn’t deserve any part of what will be Papa’s greatest year if he can just get the cattle to market. Wyatt rode with us in black dusters, but he’d always shoot high. But not me. I almost killed that shadow of yours, Cheyenne, and I would have killed you if Wyatt hadn’t demanded we take cover.’’

Win fought down his rage as he took a step closer and pulled his knife. He was alone in the passage with two of the siblings someone had told him were deadly. Sweet, beautiful Mary Anna sounded as if she was capable of anything, and Wyatt might turn on him, or run at any moment.

But the brother remained motionless with his head down.

‘‘The time has come for me to keep my word to my father. Your little wife is about to become a widow once more.’’ Mary Anna lifted a small derringer from her pocket.

‘‘No!’’ Winter shouted. He rushed forward, trying to push Wyatt aside. The knife in his hand clanged among the rocks as he dived toward the man wearing his coat.

The gun fired just as she caught a glimpse of Win coming from the shadows. Wyatt lifted his face to his sister as he crumbled.

‘‘Wyatt!’’ Mary Anna screamed when Win knocked the gun from her hand.

He blocked her path, but Wyatt’s groan of pain drew his attention. Mary Anna backed away yelling to no one that it wasn’t her fault.

Win lifted the gambler’s arm over his shoulder to help him to his feet. They both stared at the silhouette of Mary Anna running down the path. The shot had spooked the cattle, and they were moving about restlessly below. Her sudden descent sent tiny rocks showering and started the cattle nearby trying to move away. But hundreds of head pinned them in. The herd seemed to churn below her, stomping up dirt and making low sounds.

Mary Anna suddenly lost her footing and screamed as she fell among them. Several men on horseback moved toward her, but they were too far away. Her body was trampled before her scream could die in the air.

Win turned and moved up the passage half carrying Wyatt-at his side. There was nothing he could do to save Mary Anna, but Wyatt was still alive.

When he walked back into camp carrying Wyatt, everyone gathered round to help. They placed him in the wagon bed near the firelight. Win explained what had happened while Kora took a look at the wound on Wyatt’s side.

‘‘I’m all right,’’ Wyatt said as he fought back the pain. ‘‘The bullet just grazed me. She never could shoot a handgun worth a darn.’’

Kora bandaged the wound as best she could. ‘‘You need to see a doctor.’’

Wyatt nodded as he sat up. ‘‘First, I have to tell my father what happened. Mary Anna was always more the son he wanted than me.’’ He glanced at Win. ‘‘Get me my horse, would you?’’

‘‘Take mine.’’ Win understood the gambler’s need to find his father. ‘‘Thanks for saving my life.’’

‘‘No.’’ Wyatt smiled. ‘‘It’s time to tell the truth. If you hadn’t jumped in when you did, she might not have missed. You saved mine.’’ He pulled off Win’s coat. ‘‘And if you don’t mind, I’ll take my own horse. I wouldn’t want to be mistaken for you twice tonight.’’

Wyatt stood slowly. ‘‘I may not be back, but I’ll see my father’s anger isn’t turned toward you.’’

‘‘You’re welcome anytime.’’

The gambler glanced at Jamie.

‘‘As a friend,’’ she answered his unasked question. ‘‘You’re always welcome as a friend.’’

Wyatt touched his fingers to his hat and gingerly climbed atop his horse. He moved into the night without another word.

Kora slid beneath Win’s arm. ‘‘Is it over?’’

‘‘If our luck holds, we’ll know by morning.’’ He held her tight.

The camp settled down for the night. Men still rode in changing shifts, but no one heard a word from below. Kora and Jamie climbed into the bed of the wagon and tried to sleep on either side of Dan’s chair, but both were too excited.

Just after dawn Winter drew everyone’s attention with a sudden resounding shot. They all scrambled to see what he’d shot at.

‘‘That’s far enough!’’ Win shouted as he raised his rifle and pointed toward the passage. ‘‘Another foot and the bullet won’t just dance in the dirt at your feet.’’

A man in his fifties slowly raised his hands. ‘‘All right. I’m not going to try anything. I’m not armed.’’

Win didn’t lower his rifle. Kora pulled the Winchester from the wagon and joined her husband. Cheyenne did the same, taking only a moment to shove Jamie down out of sight as he passed her.

She glared at him, but didn’t stand back up.

‘‘What do you want?’’ Win asked the man below.

‘‘Name’s Randell Monroe. I’ve come to say I’ve had enough. I quit. You win. I never planned on pushing so hard. Wyatt told me you saved his life last night. Thanks for that. I don’t know if I could survive losing two children in one night.’’

‘‘Mary Anna’s dead then?’’ Win asked, even though he knew she would be.

The old man nodded. ‘‘She never could stand not getting her way. And I always spoiled her, so the blame of what she tried to do is more mine than hers. Wyatt tried to stop me from herding the cattle, but all I saw was how much money I’d lose if I didn’t try.’’

Win didn’t say a word, but he found himself admiring the man in the passage for his honesty.

Randell removed his hat and pushed his silver hair back.

‘‘We’re already turning the herd for home. I’ll bury my daughter and suffer my losses, but I’ll not try to cross your land.’’

Win lowered his rifle. Randell Monroe looked like a proud man. He wasn’t sure if he felt more sorry for him for losing Mary Anna or for having lost control of what was right.

‘‘We’ll burn the grassland behind you,’’ Win said as he stood.

‘‘I figured you would,’’ Randell said, then turned slowly around. ‘‘Give us a day’s start. We should reach the river by then.’’

‘‘No more,’’ Win answered, knowing they’d have to drive the cattle hard to stay ahead of a brush fire. The grazing would be burned for miles across the rocky land no one claimed, but in a month with a few good rains, the growth would come back.

Winter watched the man walk back down the pass, his head high. He looked older than he had when he’d climbed the ledge.

‘‘Will he have enough years left to start over?’’ Kora whispered.

‘‘Maybe he’ll turn the ranch over to Wyatt,’’ Win answered.

‘‘How many men do you want to leave on guard?’’ Cheyenne asked.

‘‘It doesn’t matter. I have a feeling Randell Monroe will stop any trouble from reaching us.’’

‘‘So do I,’’ Kora added.

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