Seth leaned against the wall while Delaney tried to arouse McGuire with his voice. Then he started to reach down.
Elizabeth stopped the movement. “Don’t touch him!”
To Seth’s surprise, Delaney withdrew his hand. Retreated.
Elizabeth sat down next to her father. Felt his forehead, then held his hand. She looked up at Delaney de?antly. “He was bleeding badly. If it were not for Mr. Sinclair…”
Delaney frowned. “Dillon Sinclair was behind the shootings,” he insisted again. “Make no mistake, the Sinclairs want you gone.”
“I would want me gone as well, were I in their place,” Elizabeth sparred. “Yet he has twice saved me in as many days. Perhaps I’ve been trusting the wrong people.”
Delaney stood straight and faced Elizabeth and away from Seth. “Don’t be misled, Elizabeth. I’ve been a friend to your father. Without me-”
“Without you, the McGuires would probably have a great deal more cattle than they have now,” Seth broke in. “Tell me, what kind of price did you give them for the herd my father had ready for market?”
Delaney spun around, the gun back in his hand, but Seth was just as fast. His was there a fraction of a second faster. “I wouldn’t advise it,” he said softly.
“Threatening an of?cer is an offense,” Delaney said with satisfaction. “You’re under arrest.”
Elizabeth stood. “I didn’t see anything,” she said. Her eyes met Delaney’s. “I want you to go. Now.”
Delaney stared at her as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You’re upset, Elizabeth. You don’t know what you’re saying. This man is dangerous. I can’t leave you here alone with him.”
“You heard the lady,” Seth said. His ?nger was on the trigger. He had sworn not to kill again after the war, but he was willing to make an exception with the man responsible for murdering his father and outlawing his brother. How many others had he killed?
“I’ll get you, Sinclair,” Delaney said. “Just like I’ll get your brother and his friends.”
“I won’t tell you again,” Seth said. “Get the hell out of here before my ?nger twitches on the trigger.”
Seth saw his eyes darken, his mouth clench in repressed fury.
He also realized his brother was right. Delaney was a dangerous man.
Delaney looked at Elizabeth, then back at him, at the gun pointed at him. “Get out of town, Sinclair. Next time I see you, you won’t be able to hide behind a woman’s skirt.”
“I hardly think I’m doing that, Delaney. And believe me I won’t be as unsuspecting as my father. I watch my back.”
“You’re a dead man.”
“A threat. In front of Miss McGuire at that. I would be more cautious, Delaney.”
The major looked like a coiled rattler poised to strike. His body radiated tension and fury. Both Seth’s gun and Elizabeth’s presence made that impossible.
Seth smiled at him. His Colt didn’t waver in his hand. He was inviting a rash action, hoping for it.
Delaney didn’t oblige. Instead he uttered a barely audible oath, whirled around, and left.
Elizabeth stood. “He
“Worried about me?”
Her gaze met his. The answer was there, soft and trusting in her eyes. It didn’t have to be spoken.
“I thought you two were courting,” he said softly.
“He’s calling only because I’ve rebuffed his advances. He’s not a man to be thwarted.”
Seth suddenly regretted what he had just done. He had wanted to bait the man, to see what he was made of. He had also wanted to prod him into making a mistake. But in doing so, he might have put the McGuires-and his sister- in the line of ?re. “He’s been thwarted now by a woman he wants in favor of a man he now hates,” he said. “That’s dangerous too.”
She shivered slightly, and he realized that she knew exactly what she had done.
He reached out and took her hand, closing his big one around it.
He leaned down, touched her lips, and then she seemed to ?oat into his arms. The attraction that had ?ickered between them from the very beginning ?ared, its ?ames licking at every nerve in his body. He reveled in the softness of her body, the slight fragrance from her hair. God, it had been a long time. Such a damned long time since he had touched anyone with gentleness.
His lips explored hers, and he had to force himself not to crush them against hers. Instead, he brushed her cheeks with kisses, feasting on the touch and feel of her, allowing her to get used to him.
There was a wistful vulnerability about her that diminished all his defenses. He wanted her. He wanted to take off her clothes and feel her body under him. Most of all, he wanted to wake up to that wondrous smile she had…
They both turned at the same time.
His sister stood there, an uncertain look on her face, the puppy contentedly sleeping in her arms. “I…I wanted to see Poppy,” she said uncertainly.
Seth took a step backward. God, he hurt inside. Desire was a clawing thing inside him.
Elizabeth looked as dazed as he felt.
Nonetheless, she knelt and gave Marilee the sweetest smile he thought he’d ever seen. “He’s going to be ?ne, love,” she said softly. “Just ?ne.”
“I promise,” she said.
He watched them together and felt a tightening in his heart. Love stretched between them.
He was excluded.
How could he take his sister away from Elizabeth or, for that matter, Elizabeth from Marilee?
He could marry her, but why would she want a penniless rebel who’d lost his soul during four long bloody years in the hell of war? How could he even entertain the idea when he had nothing to offer but himself?
And he had just made himself a target for the federal authorities.
Chapter Ten
STILL DAZED BY the kiss interrupted by Marilee, Elizabeth hugged the child. As Elizabeth fought to bring sense back to her life, she looked into Seth’s blue eyes. It was a mistake. She found herself swirling in the currents there. Desire. Need. Reluctance.
She was warmed through to her toes. Every nerve ending tingled. She’d never known what the word
An ache lodged in the core of her, a craving, a longing that was new to her. It was as if the world had caught ?re and she’d been swept into its center.
She had never felt desired before. Had never considered herself desirable. He might desire her, but he didn’t want her. Or at best he didn’t want to want her. He
The sounds of a buggy rolling to a stop jerked her out of the daze.
She forced her legs to carry her to the window.
That snapped her out of the daze. How could she have stood here, kissing a man, while her father lay ill, possibly dying?
Because she had just realized how precious life was?
She looked toward her father. He was still. Thank God. When he woke he would be in immense pain.