'Sure,' Kossmeyer continued, earnestly. 'That's the way it was – couldn't have been any other way. Hell, a signature that good, it takes practice; you had to have had it right back from the beginning. And It was perfectly natural that you would have it. You were your dad's junior, and only child to boot. That always makes a kid something special. The father identifies with him more closely – sort of tries to form him into his own pattern. It's a protective gesture, I suppose. By making his son part of him, he… Excuse me. Yeah?'

'It was that way,' Dusty nodded, slowly. 'It – he – was even more that way with me, I imagine, than if I'd been his own son. Yes… that's right. I was adopted. It was so long ago that I can hardly remember it, and I doubt that Dad knows that I know. So-'

'Sure, I'd never mention it. He and the wife couldn't have any kids of their own?'

'I guess not. Probably she could have; she was a lot younger than he was, and I think she… well, that she was physically okay.'

'Mmm. A very beautiful woman, wasn't she? I seem to have heard that she was.'


'I've been wondering: have you any idea why she married a guy so much older?'

'They met while he was lecturing at college. She was trying to work her way through, and he helped her a lot, I guess, and she felt like she couldn't…'

Dusty caught himself, with a start. How had they gotten to talking about her? How, and why, had he been led so far from the original subject?

He said shortly, 'What's all that got to do with it?'

'What?' The attorney's eyebrows shot up. 'Why, nothing that I know of. Just being curious. A set-up like that always makes me kind of wonder. It's none of my business, of course, so don't take it the wrong way, but-'


'I wonder if she didn't marry him because she loved him. Do you suppose that could have been it?'

'Well,' Dusty nodded, hesitantly, 'I suppose she did. Naturally.'

'She just didn't give a damn about surface appearance, don't you imagine? She knew a right guy when she saw him, and she latched onto him.'

He stared at Dusty, gravely: a man discussing an interesting but impersonal problem. His bright bird's eye moved thoughtfully over the other's face. And narrowed imperceptibly.

'Now, getting back to this signature deal. You didn't forge your dad's name. It just came natural to you, and you didn't have to forge it. That's about the case, isn't it?'

'Well' – Dusty examined the insidiously objectionable statement, and was unable to object to it- 'well, yes.'

'And you just kind of accidentally left off the junior part. Without thinking of the consequences. Your dad was a public figure; everyone was certain to associate that signature with him. But that never occurred to you… did it?'

'No, it didn't!' Dusty snapped. 'I – look, I didn't even know what the petition was about. A woman on a street corner asked me to sign, so I signed. Like a lot of people did probably, just to be obliging.'

'But you must have looked at it?'

'Certainly, I looked at it, but it didn't mean anything to me. You know how they phrase some of those things. You have to study them carefully to get at the meaning.'

'Yeah,' Kossmeyer nodded. 'They get pretty cute sometimes. How was this one phrased?'

'Committee to Defend the Constitution – that was the heading.

Then it said, 'Recognizing the vital importance of an unhampered exchange of ideas, I, the undersigned, hereby – ''

His voice died on a strangled note.

Kossmeyer grinned at him wolfishly. 'So you didn't know what it was all about, huh? It didn't mean a thing to you?'

'I – no! No, it didn't. I read it afterwards, after the paper came out with the story.'

'Yeah? And what about that junior deal? Why didn't you tack it onto your name?'

'Because there was room for it! If I'd known how important it was going to be, of course I'd have-'

'You had room for all the rest. First name, middle name, last – the whole damned handle, all written out big and bold so that even a blind man couldn't miss it..'. Don't try to horse-shit me, buster. You ain't even_half-way smart enough.'

'But you don't understand…' And he wanted him to. He wasn't afraid of Kossmeyer, but he did want him to understand. 'I know it probably doesn't make much sense, but-'

It makes' plenty of sense.' The attorney leaned forward grimly. 'You've lived in this town all your life – you know how people think here, how they'd react to a thing like this Free Speech business. You grew up in a school- teacher's family, and you know what a teacher's problems are. How they can't even look crosseyed without some know-nothing bastard taking a pot-shot at 'em. You knew all that and you knew something else. You knew the old man was sick and that a blow like this one could easily kill him. And that's what you wanted, wasn't it? You wanted him dead!'

Duty's mouth opened. It snapped shut again, and, quite calmly, he lighted a cigarette. He exhaled the smoke, staring back at Kossmeyer insolently.

'That's ridiculous. But as long as you seem to be so sure…'

'You know why. For the same reason I didn't come out to the house to see you. He's a swell guy, the kind this country needs a hell of a lot more of, and I didn't want to make things any harder for him. If he knew what kind of pureed, rotten son-of-a-bitch he'd given his name to-'

'That's about enough,' Dusty snapped. 'I'm leaving.'

'You'd better not,' Kossmeyer assured him. 'You do and you'll be the sorriest son-of-a-bitch in sixteen states.'

'What' – Dusty sank back down into the booth-'what do you mean?'

'I can't do anything about what's happened. All I can do is kind of let the case the quietly. But dial's for the past, the present. The future, dial's something else, busier. You won't be so lucky next time. You pull another stunt on him, and, by God, I'll stick you for it. If there isn't a law I can do it under, I'll gel one passed!'

'You're crazy,' Dusty said, coldly. 'This whole thing's crazy. Why would I do anything to hurt him?'

'I've got a pretty good idea about that, too. A damned good idea. And I'm going to keep on digging until I can prove it. So don't try anything, get me? If you do' – Kossmeyer drew a finger across his throat-'zip! Curtains. It'll be the last goddamned thing you ever try.'

He slid out of the booth, tossed a coin on the table and walked away. Dusty finished his cigarette, studying himself in the mirrored panels of the wall.

Nothing had changed. He was still as sure, inside and out, as when he had entered the restaurant. Kossmeyer had temporarily cracked his calm facade, but now the crevices were smoothly resealed.

The attorney had only been guessing, trying to frighten him. He realized that he could no longer gel any money from Dusty – via his father – and the fact had enraged him. But there was nothing he could do.

He couldn't reveal the truth (rather, Dusty corrected himself, the seeming truth) about the petition. He couldn't possibly know what had motivated him, Dusty, to sign the petition. The motive – what might have been the motive – was gone. It had been buried, figuratively and literally, with her.

Confident and calm, he left the restaurant and drove home. As was frequently the case, Doctor Lane was just leaving the house when he arrived. The doctor had long since recovered from the exacted politeness of their one interview. Now, he was himself again, the self, at least, that he normally displayed to Dusty: irritable, brusque, virtually insulting.

How was Mr. Rhodes getting along? Well, he was getting along as well as could be expected, which was not, in Doctor Lane's opinion, very damned well.

'I've told you before, Rhodes,' he said testily. 'This is as much a morale problem as a physical one. Your father needs to feel wanted, that he's still of some importance. And no man can feel that way when he's forced to live and look like a tramp.'

'He's not forced to,' Dusty retorted. 'I give him plenty of money to keep up his appearance. Anything he wants, within reason, I-'

'You do, eh? Within reason, eh?' The doctor gave him a cynical stare. 'Well, you'd better start giving him a

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