“There’s no money for anything. The church does what it can. But there are so many refugees. It’s very difficult.”
I thought at first she was asking me for money, for a donation for the children. And then I realized she was saying something else, that the war had disrupted her quiet life in a convent devoted to prayer and contemplation. Instead she was struggling to feed and dress and care for children in a dilapidated house in a town that was within hearing of the guns that had changed all their lives. I had to wonder if her faith had been tested almost beyond her ability to cope.
I nodded and made my way back through the warren of rooms that couldn’t be kept warm or made more comfortable. And growing children needed more than just porridge. But there were shortages in England as well. What was happening in Germany? Were they suffering too?
I drove on to the house the nun had described.
It too was old and tired, and the smoke coming from its chimneys was thin and discouraging. I lifted the weather-etched iron anchor and let it drop against the iron plate.
This time the nun who came to the door was frail, her face lined, but her eyes were a vivid blue that was in sharp contrast to the soft, sagging skin of age. “Sister,” she said, “how may we help you?”
“I’m looking for a child,” I said, giving her the same account that I had used before.
She smiled. “That would be Sophie. Yes, come in. I’m Sister Marie Joseph.”
The carpet was threadbare, the furniture in desperate need of polish, the walls in dire need of paint, patches of the ornate ceiling stained by water from a roof that most probably should have been replaced even before the war.
“Tell me how you knew about Sophie?” she asked, offering me a chair. I could understand that she was reluctant to let me, a stranger, see Sophie, and what I was about to say would determine whether or not I would be allowed beyond this parlor.
I tried to explain that someone in England had begged me to find her.
She nodded. “Her mother told me that the father was English.”
“And she is dead?”
“Oh, yes, of a raging fever a week after childbirth. We had taken her in, she had nowhere else to go. She had gone to market the day that a shell landed squarely on the kitchen of her house. She came to us, then, already in her fifth month of pregnancy. A lovely young woman, I must tell you. She was an enormous help to us for as long as her health was good. But we lacked the food she needed. Not enough milk or meat, but still, she would have lived but for the fever.”
“May I see the child?” I asked. “I have come a long way.”
“She’s asleep, but yes, you may look in on her. You will carry the lamp for me, please.”
She climbed the stairs with an effort, holding on to the banister and almost pulling herself up the narrow steps.
In a bedroom on the first floor were two cribs, and in one of them, wrapped in a blue blanket with a ragged fringe was a little girl with golden hair that shimmered in the dark like a halo as the lamplight struck it. She lay asleep with her thumb in her mouth, the edge of a night dress just visible at her throat.
I moved quietly into the room to see her better. In the next crib was another little girl, perhaps a year or so older, but small framed for her age.
The elderly nun said softly, “Is she the child?”
I couldn’t see her eyes or her smile, I couldn’t see her face fully.
But I had no doubt that this was the little girl George Hughes had seen.
“Has she always been in your care?” I asked softly.
The elderly nun said, “Our house was larger and we had more children. But of necessity we have had to separate, some to the Loire, near Angers, and others to Caen. Wherever we could be taken in. The children too have been separated. This house was given to us by a family that was moving to Marseilles, away from the war altogether. They feared another German breakthrough. And we’ve been fearful ourselves. But there is nowhere to go.”
And the family had been clever, leaving these nuns in charge of their home. It wouldn’t be vandalized or, worse, filled with refugees desperate for a roof over their heads.
I crossed the room and put a hand on the child’s silky hair.
And realized that she was feverish.
I said something to the nun, and she nodded. “It’s been a trial for all of us. She sleeps now, because we have given her a drop of something to help her. But we can find no cause for this fever. The doctor has been called to her. He says she is teething.”
But teething was not the problem, I was sure of it. “How long has it been going on?”
“It rose the night before this last.”
I reached into the bed and unfolded the blanket that had been a barrier against the cold in this room. Then I lifted the little nightdress that was too large by half.
What I saw made me draw back quickly.
“She has chicken pox. It has finally erupted. I must wash my hands at once, for I work with wounded men. But I will tell you how to treat her. And you must remove this other child quickly. She and the others may have been exposed already. But if you keep Sophie quarantined, you may escape a general outbreak.”
“But when I bathed her last evening, there were no spots,” she said, leaning over the crib to examine Sophie’s back.
“No, possibly not. But warm water would have hastened the eruption. Please cover her again. I dare not touch her.”
The nun gently drew the nightdress together again and then tucked the blanket around the child.
Between us we moved the other crib into another room where one of the nuns slept. And then I was shown to a kitchen where I could wash my hands with a scrap of carbolic soap and dried them on a towel that had seen better days.
“Soap is hard to come by,” the nun said, apologizing.
“I understand,” I said, wishing I had a cake to give her.
The problem was, if Sophie was ill, leaving here with her was out of the question. Even if I could persuade Sister Marie Joseph to allow me to take her. For that matter, where could I take her? A dressing station was no place for a child. And I had no more leave coming to me for the foreseeable future. Was Lydia even of the same mind about wanting her? I could try to find Roger Ellis, but was that wise? I hadn’t been able to read his intentions toward this child. Still, she must be his. She couldn’t look so much like Juliana if she weren’t.
After that one letter from Lydia reporting the inquest, there had been no others. I didn’t know whether they had failed to reach me or she hadn’t written.
I said to Sister Marie Joseph after I’d washed my hands and accepted the offer of a little coffee from their precious store, “I know this child’s family. I wish to ask them what they would have me do, now that Sophie has been found. Will you keep her here, until I’ve learned what is expected of me?”
“I would like to see this child-indeed all the children-safe. But we have been charged with her care, and I cannot simply hand her over to you or anyone else, without some proof that you have the authority to take her.”
“I understand,” I said. “You must be assured that this is not a frivolous request.”
“I permitted you to see her, because you are a nursing sister,” she went on. “A woman I could trust with the knowledge that she is here. And to reassure her English father that she has not been abandoned. But beyond that, there is nothing I can do until it is decided that she belongs in your charge. There is an
“That’s very fair,” I said. I hadn’t considered a French husband.
She rose in a swirl of black wool, and I knew she was pleased with my answer. Crossing to the small desk behind where I was sitting, she found paper and pen and wrote out the name and the direction of the French